Defending life, family, and freedom across the world

CitizenGO consists of 18,546,286 active citizens stopping radical lobbies from imposing their agenda on society


Defending life, family, and freedom across the world

Stop Walgreens and CVS from selling the Abortion Pill

*Victory! Walgreens and CVS cannot sell abortion pills in 20 states, including Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, and West Virginia.!* 

We still have far to go. 

The next time you walk into a pharmacy for medication or cough drops, you might see something horrific right next to them. 

The FDA has approved retail pharmacies to sell Mifepristone, the Abortion Pill. Now, Walgreens and CVS are ready to profit from the murder of unborn children as they have just announced their plans to start selling abortion pills in their stores and to participate in chemical abortions nationwide. Walgreens and CVS have 18,478 stores in the U.S., and this law would threaten to turn each of them into the largest abortion provider in the United States.

Abortion-inducing drugs take the lives of unborn children and are far more dangerous to pregnant women than surgical abortions. Studies show these drugs include a 53% greater risk of a negative health outcome for women!

This devastates women's health and makes access to kill unborn babies easier than ever. We still have time to stop this; Walgreens and CVS haven't finalized their contract. 

Pharmacies should be selling medications and remedies to help people live and flourish, but now they are selling lethal pills meant to kill children, akin to Planned Parenthood. 

Ever since Roe v. Wade was overturned, the powers that benefit from abortion had to find new ways to profit and advance their horrid agenda. 

The abortion pill has already killed millions, but it doesn't have to kill more. 

Will you fight for the unborn?

Updated Report: 

Walgreens says it will not sell the Abortion Pill in these States: 

State Farm pushing Gender Ideology on 5-year-olds!

State Farm, an insurance company that insures millions of Americans, has chosen to betray basic laws of decency, and morality to pander to the LGBTQ agenda. In a shocking move,

State Farm has been intentionally trying to target kindergartners for discussions around transgender issues, and sexual identity issues, which are completely inappropriate. 

They have done all of this without notifying or letting parents know, which seems to be the standard for these hyper woke companies. State Farm, which should be focused on ensuring Americans and looking out for their well-being and safety, has completely abandoned its trusting customers and decided to push evil and harmful ideas to children. 

This is predatory behavior. State Farm has proven that they cannot be trusted with your money and patronage. With the money that Americans send in, they are using it to try and make children gay, and send kids LGBTQ books. 

Kids and students should be learning about math, science, history, and music, not gay, lesbian, or transgender issues. They should learn how to be better citizens, not transformed into social activists. 

This is aggressive and predatory behavior. They are specifically targeting five-year-olds to try and convince them that they are transgender. 

The LGBTQ mob and State farm have decided to try and recruit new transgender activists, by trying to turn innocent and trusting five-year-olds into confused, LGBTQ drones. 

We need everyone under State Farm, and those who aren't, to stand up to this insanity at its infancy. If we let this get out of hand, then the resources and power that State Farm has will cause tremendous harm. 

If State Farm realizes that its customers are completely opposed to this clear breach of trust and decency, then it will change its position. 

We must be swift and strong in our message to them. They must immediately halt all attempts to push LGBTQ theory and instead recall all transgender and LGBTQ books they have distributed to children. 

Kids are at a greater risk than ever, because of woke and evil companies just like this. If it is left unopposed then we are leaving our children without protection, and offering them up to evil itself. 

Sign this petition to send State Farm a strong message, that they must immediately ban all transgender and LGBTQ indoctrination. 



Let us stand for freedom of speech in Europe

Freedom of speech in Europe is in great danger!

On 9 December 2021, the European Commission proposed to extend the list of EU crimes to hate speech and hate crimes.

If this proposal is accepted, your pro-life and pro-family voice will be shut down in all of the EU, including in the U.S. Sorry, but I must warn you about the upcoming danger: your right to free speech will be violated by the public and private entities.

It's a tactic by the radical left to censor any dissent to their agenda worldwide. By changing the definition of what free speech means, they’ll strike a blow on our freedom to defend our opinions and beliefs… We are on the brink of being unplugged!

The debates are still going on, but the vote is inexorably coming. The next meeting of the Justice and Home Affairs Council will be in Luxembourg on 9 - 10 June 2022. We plan to persuade some delegates of the EU Member States to vote against the new hate speech laws and make them derail… But I need your help NOW!

If the freedom of expression is suppressed, the system of government turns into totalitarian tyranny.

We are increasingly seeing how hate speech laws can be misused for persecuting people of different opinions. Biden administration in the US has announced its intent to establish a Disinformation Governance Board (DGB) to label information it does not like as disinformation. The Finnish pro-gender prosecutor persecuted the Christian politician Päivi Räsänen for her biblical views on marriage, family, and sexuality.

Hate speech laws and practices are seen most commonly on college and high school campuses, for the specific purpose of indoctrinating younger kids who don't have the strongest resilience to evil ideologies. 

We must stop it until it is too late!

The new hate speech laws proposed by the Commission to be added to Article 83(1) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU) are very loosely worded and might be arbitrarily misused by some powerful groups e.g. pro-abortion and pro-gender politicians, judges, and activists.

Another problem is that we have no clear definition of what hate speech and hate crimes are. 

The radical left wants to have free hands to shut you down and censor the pro-life and pro-family voices! If they get away with this in the EU, they’ll feel entitled to impose the same censorship on the rest of the western countries, including the U.S.

We are mobilizing thousands of citizens around the world to prevent the radical left in the EU from converting you into a criminal… But we have to move fast to convince the delegates since the vote session is expected on 9-10 June.

The situation is difficult, but we have hope.

For the introduction of the new hate speech laws, the delegates of the Justice and Home Affairs Council in Luxembourg must unanimously vote.

It means that if we manage to persuade some delegates of the EU Member States to vote against the new hate speech laws, we can win and defend our freedom of speech.

However, if we fail, it might very easily and quickly happen that we will face judicial trials for our pro-life, pro-family, and pro-Christian opinions presented in public. Then, free Europe will be over.

I hope that this is not what you and I want. Let’s act NOW to avoid it.

Therefore, we need to speak up and defend freedom of speech until it is too late!

Please, sign our petition and stand for freedom of expression in Europe!

More information: 

Komisia navrhuje rozšíriť zoznam trestných činov EÚ tak, aby zahŕňal nenávistné prejavy a trestné činy z nenávisti

Rada pre spravodlivosť a vnútorné veci, 9. – 10. júna 2022

Rada pre spravodlivosť a vnútorné veci, 3. – 4. marca 2022

Extending EU crimes to hate speech and hate crime

We must protect free speech—Enough is enough!


Do not register Rock of Hope Organization

It is with great shock and disappointment that the people of Eswatini have learnt through local media that the registrar of companies intends to register Rock of Hope Organization.

Rock of Hope first falsely presented themselves as a health organization yet it is actually promoting the homosexual agenda. Now, once again they are trying to trick government by falsely presenting themselves as a company.

By promoting the homosexual agenda Rock of Hope is sowing seeds of confusion by endorsing the controversial notions of sexual orientation (preference) and gender identity in the country.

Research has found that to date there are more than thirty (30) different sexual preferences which include horrific acts such as paedophilia (preference of sex with children), bestiality (preference of sex with animals) and necrophilia (sex with dead bodies)

If Rock of Hope is registered it would be tantamount to saying that the people of Eswatini endorse such preferences. There is currently no end to the list of so-called gender identities so it is unknown whether you are talking about LGBT, LGBTI, LGBTQI, LGBTQIP etc .

Rock of Hope is promoting notions that are contrary to the norms, values and religious beliefs of Emaswati and we therefore call on the registrar for the good of our King and country and all Emaswati not to register Rock of Hope Organization as a company.

Highly concerned Emaswati

Support the bill to restrict dismemberment abortions in Florida

This bill has now passed the Florida House!


Each year in Florida, 2,800 babies are barbarically ripped apart within their mothers’ wombs through the practice of dismemberment abortion. The fact that this practice is legal in modern America should make our blood boil. A mother’s womb should be the safest place for her baby, but thousands of babies each year are killed through this barbarous practice.

Fortunately, there is now an effort in Florida through House Bill 1429 to restrict dismemberment abortion in the state. Please sign this petition now to the Florida legislature and urge them to pass House Bill 1429 into law in order to protect the 2,800 babies lost through dismemberment abortion each year in Florida.

Planned Parenthood defenders of dismemberment abortion describe it as using “surgical instruments…to remove material from the women.” But what is that “material” the doctor is removing? It is a living human baby that the doctor has just killed by tearing her limbs from her body, ripping her torso in half, and crushing her skull. That baby has the same human rights to not have her limbs, organs, skull, and brains torn apart as any other human person does!

Pro-abortion advocates—usually people who claim to support science—do everything they can to hide the scientific facts of dismemberment abortions from the mothers who fall victim to their plot. Even Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy—the favorite of many liberals for his gay marriage decisions—has recognized the undeniable fact of what happens during “D&E” procedures. “The fetus, in many cases, dies just as a human adult or child would: It bleeds to death as it is torn limb from limb.Stenberg v. Carhart, 530 U.S. 914, 958–59 (2000) (Kennedy, J., dissenting) (emphasis added).

Abortion is a violent, evil practice that murders a baby and destroys a mother.

Preterm, a notorious abortion center, has a website where women can share their abortion stories. Preterm says these stories are supposed to demonstrate that abortion is a normal and commonplace procedure that women experience.

However, after reading through these stories for just a few minutes it is clear that the women who have received abortions aren’t happy about it, in fact many are completely traumatized and devastated.

Listen to one woman’s story, posted just a couple of weeks ago.

“I got an abortion and ever since, I've just felt empty. It's only been 5 days... and I want to die. I regret it so much. But there's no going back. I put the pill in my mouth and held it there I thought for a second. Was I doing the right thing? And my brain, My stupid, stupid brain, Said yes.

“I should have listened to my heart. My heart was screaming at me ‘Don't swallow it.’ But my brain made me do it. I instantly regretted what I had just done. The drive home was agonizing. My boyfriend wanted me to do it. He convinced me that it was what we needed. I have so much anger towards him.”

These stories are a sobering reminder that, oftentimes, women who get abortions are the victims too. We need to be praying for these women and coming alongside them in their grief and loneliness.

That’s why it is so important that we continue to stand up and fight against abortion! Although our ultimate goal is to outlaw abortion in our lifetime, each restriction we can pass will save lives and ultimately chip away at this barbaric practice and save future pregnant mothers from a culture where this terrible decision is “a choice” they are told they can and should make.

Ask the Florida to pass House Bill 1429 now.

Further Resources:

Iowa, it’s time to ban abortion after the heartbeat is detected

Great News! This bill has just passed in the Senate!!


In modern America, we are blessed by an incredibly fast emergency response system. If an individual has a heart attack, 911 can be notified, and within just minutes paramedics are on the scene to rescue the person whose heart is failing them.

This is very good! It is a blessing from God that we are able to save so many people in emergencies through this system. Isn’t ironic however, that the same country that dispatches a team of medical professionals in just minutes to save a life is perfectly fine with snuffing out thousands of babies each year through abortion?

Obviously, we are double minded and this disregard for the most vulnerable among us, unborn babies, must be combatted. Fortunately, there is now an effort in Iowa through Senate Study Bill 3143 to outlaw abortion after the fetal heartbeat has been detected!  Senate Study Bill 3143 has just been approved by committee and will now be considered by the full legislature. Please sign this petition to the Iowa legislature stating your support for this important life-saving bill!

Support for this bill is strong in the legislature. Senator Amy Sinclair, R-Allerton is a strong supporter of this Senate Study Bill 3143. She herself became pregnant at 19, but upon hearing her son’s heartbeat realized that he was not merely a clump of cells, but a living human being growing inside her body.

“These are human beings. We have the responsibility to offer them the same liberty and the same rights that you and I have,” said Senator Sinclair.

Sen. Jason Schultz, R-Schleswig, stated that Iowa is moving in a pro-life direction. "This may be what our culture is ready for. Stopping a beating heart is never health care."

In Iowa, through abortion, 10 babies are killed every day. Imagine if just every month 10 school children were killed? We would demand action! We would demand that the state do something to protect these innocent little ones made in the image of God. Unborn babies are no less human than 5-year-olds. And yet, every day in the state of Iowa 10 babies are killed.

We must remember that every abortion ends a human life that is made in the image of God. There is sanctity in each and every human life, and we must fight on all fronts to protect unborn children. We know that every abortion results in a dead baby and a damaged mother. This is something we must stand against.  

Please sign this petition to the Iowa legislature stating your support Senate Study Bill 3143.

Further Resources:


Stop Walgreens and CVS from selling the Abortion Pill

*Victory! Walgreens and CVS cannot sell abortion pills in 20 states, including Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, and West Virginia.!* 

We still have far to go. 

The next time you walk into a pharmacy for medication or cough drops, you might see something horrific right next to them. 

The FDA has approved retail pharmacies to sell Mifepristone, the Abortion Pill. Now, Walgreens and CVS are ready to profit from the murder of unborn children as they have just announced their plans to start selling abortion pills in their stores and to participate in chemical abortions nationwide. Walgreens and CVS have 18,478 stores in the U.S., and this law would threaten to turn each of them into the largest abortion provider in the United States.

Abortion-inducing drugs take the lives of unborn children and are far more dangerous to pregnant women than surgical abortions. Studies show these drugs include a 53% greater risk of a negative health outcome for women!

This devastates women's health and makes access to kill unborn babies easier than ever. We still have time to stop this; Walgreens and CVS haven't finalized their contract. 

Pharmacies should be selling medications and remedies to help people live and flourish, but now they are selling lethal pills meant to kill children, akin to Planned Parenthood. 

Ever since Roe v. Wade was overturned, the powers that benefit from abortion had to find new ways to profit and advance their horrid agenda. 

The abortion pill has already killed millions, but it doesn't have to kill more. 

Will you fight for the unborn?

Updated Report: 

Walgreens says it will not sell the Abortion Pill in these States: 

State Farm pushing Gender Ideology on 5-year-olds!

State Farm, an insurance company that insures millions of Americans, has chosen to betray basic laws of decency, and morality to pander to the LGBTQ agenda. In a shocking move,

State Farm has been intentionally trying to target kindergartners for discussions around transgender issues, and sexual identity issues, which are completely inappropriate. 

They have done all of this without notifying or letting parents know, which seems to be the standard for these hyper woke companies. State Farm, which should be focused on ensuring Americans and looking out for their well-being and safety, has completely abandoned its trusting customers and decided to push evil and harmful ideas to children. 

This is predatory behavior. State Farm has proven that they cannot be trusted with your money and patronage. With the money that Americans send in, they are using it to try and make children gay, and send kids LGBTQ books. 

Kids and students should be learning about math, science, history, and music, not gay, lesbian, or transgender issues. They should learn how to be better citizens, not transformed into social activists. 

This is aggressive and predatory behavior. They are specifically targeting five-year-olds to try and convince them that they are transgender. 

The LGBTQ mob and State farm have decided to try and recruit new transgender activists, by trying to turn innocent and trusting five-year-olds into confused, LGBTQ drones. 

We need everyone under State Farm, and those who aren't, to stand up to this insanity at its infancy. If we let this get out of hand, then the resources and power that State Farm has will cause tremendous harm. 

If State Farm realizes that its customers are completely opposed to this clear breach of trust and decency, then it will change its position. 

We must be swift and strong in our message to them. They must immediately halt all attempts to push LGBTQ theory and instead recall all transgender and LGBTQ books they have distributed to children. 

Kids are at a greater risk than ever, because of woke and evil companies just like this. If it is left unopposed then we are leaving our children without protection, and offering them up to evil itself. 

Sign this petition to send State Farm a strong message, that they must immediately ban all transgender and LGBTQ indoctrination. 



Let us stand for freedom of speech in Europe

Freedom of speech in Europe is in great danger!

On 9 December 2021, the European Commission proposed to extend the list of EU crimes to hate speech and hate crimes.

If this proposal is accepted, your pro-life and pro-family voice will be shut down in all of the EU, including in the U.S. Sorry, but I must warn you about the upcoming danger: your right to free speech will be violated by the public and private entities.

It's a tactic by the radical left to censor any dissent to their agenda worldwide. By changing the definition of what free speech means, they’ll strike a blow on our freedom to defend our opinions and beliefs… We are on the brink of being unplugged!

The debates are still going on, but the vote is inexorably coming. The next meeting of the Justice and Home Affairs Council will be in Luxembourg on 9 - 10 June 2022. We plan to persuade some delegates of the EU Member States to vote against the new hate speech laws and make them derail… But I need your help NOW!

If the freedom of expression is suppressed, the system of government turns into totalitarian tyranny.

We are increasingly seeing how hate speech laws can be misused for persecuting people of different opinions. Biden administration in the US has announced its intent to establish a Disinformation Governance Board (DGB) to label information it does not like as disinformation. The Finnish pro-gender prosecutor persecuted the Christian politician Päivi Räsänen for her biblical views on marriage, family, and sexuality.

Hate speech laws and practices are seen most commonly on college and high school campuses, for the specific purpose of indoctrinating younger kids who don't have the strongest resilience to evil ideologies. 

We must stop it until it is too late!

The new hate speech laws proposed by the Commission to be added to Article 83(1) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU) are very loosely worded and might be arbitrarily misused by some powerful groups e.g. pro-abortion and pro-gender politicians, judges, and activists.

Another problem is that we have no clear definition of what hate speech and hate crimes are. 

The radical left wants to have free hands to shut you down and censor the pro-life and pro-family voices! If they get away with this in the EU, they’ll feel entitled to impose the same censorship on the rest of the western countries, including the U.S.

We are mobilizing thousands of citizens around the world to prevent the radical left in the EU from converting you into a criminal… But we have to move fast to convince the delegates since the vote session is expected on 9-10 June.

The situation is difficult, but we have hope.

For the introduction of the new hate speech laws, the delegates of the Justice and Home Affairs Council in Luxembourg must unanimously vote.

It means that if we manage to persuade some delegates of the EU Member States to vote against the new hate speech laws, we can win and defend our freedom of speech.

However, if we fail, it might very easily and quickly happen that we will face judicial trials for our pro-life, pro-family, and pro-Christian opinions presented in public. Then, free Europe will be over.

I hope that this is not what you and I want. Let’s act NOW to avoid it.

Therefore, we need to speak up and defend freedom of speech until it is too late!

Please, sign our petition and stand for freedom of expression in Europe!

More information: 

Komisia navrhuje rozšíriť zoznam trestných činov EÚ tak, aby zahŕňal nenávistné prejavy a trestné činy z nenávisti

Rada pre spravodlivosť a vnútorné veci, 9. – 10. júna 2022

Rada pre spravodlivosť a vnútorné veci, 3. – 4. marca 2022

Extending EU crimes to hate speech and hate crime

We must protect free speech—Enough is enough!


Do not register Rock of Hope Organization

It is with great shock and disappointment that the people of Eswatini have learnt through local media that the registrar of companies intends to register Rock of Hope Organization.

Rock of Hope first falsely presented themselves as a health organization yet it is actually promoting the homosexual agenda. Now, once again they are trying to trick government by falsely presenting themselves as a company.

By promoting the homosexual agenda Rock of Hope is sowing seeds of confusion by endorsing the controversial notions of sexual orientation (preference) and gender identity in the country.

Research has found that to date there are more than thirty (30) different sexual preferences which include horrific acts such as paedophilia (preference of sex with children), bestiality (preference of sex with animals) and necrophilia (sex with dead bodies)

If Rock of Hope is registered it would be tantamount to saying that the people of Eswatini endorse such preferences. There is currently no end to the list of so-called gender identities so it is unknown whether you are talking about LGBT, LGBTI, LGBTQI, LGBTQIP etc .

Rock of Hope is promoting notions that are contrary to the norms, values and religious beliefs of Emaswati and we therefore call on the registrar for the good of our King and country and all Emaswati not to register Rock of Hope Organization as a company.

Highly concerned Emaswati

Support the bill to restrict dismemberment abortions in Florida

This bill has now passed the Florida House!


Each year in Florida, 2,800 babies are barbarically ripped apart within their mothers’ wombs through the practice of dismemberment abortion. The fact that this practice is legal in modern America should make our blood boil. A mother’s womb should be the safest place for her baby, but thousands of babies each year are killed through this barbarous practice.

Fortunately, there is now an effort in Florida through House Bill 1429 to restrict dismemberment abortion in the state. Please sign this petition now to the Florida legislature and urge them to pass House Bill 1429 into law in order to protect the 2,800 babies lost through dismemberment abortion each year in Florida.

Planned Parenthood defenders of dismemberment abortion describe it as using “surgical instruments…to remove material from the women.” But what is that “material” the doctor is removing? It is a living human baby that the doctor has just killed by tearing her limbs from her body, ripping her torso in half, and crushing her skull. That baby has the same human rights to not have her limbs, organs, skull, and brains torn apart as any other human person does!

Pro-abortion advocates—usually people who claim to support science—do everything they can to hide the scientific facts of dismemberment abortions from the mothers who fall victim to their plot. Even Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy—the favorite of many liberals for his gay marriage decisions—has recognized the undeniable fact of what happens during “D&E” procedures. “The fetus, in many cases, dies just as a human adult or child would: It bleeds to death as it is torn limb from limb.Stenberg v. Carhart, 530 U.S. 914, 958–59 (2000) (Kennedy, J., dissenting) (emphasis added).

Abortion is a violent, evil practice that murders a baby and destroys a mother.

Preterm, a notorious abortion center, has a website where women can share their abortion stories. Preterm says these stories are supposed to demonstrate that abortion is a normal and commonplace procedure that women experience.

However, after reading through these stories for just a few minutes it is clear that the women who have received abortions aren’t happy about it, in fact many are completely traumatized and devastated.

Listen to one woman’s story, posted just a couple of weeks ago.

“I got an abortion and ever since, I've just felt empty. It's only been 5 days... and I want to die. I regret it so much. But there's no going back. I put the pill in my mouth and held it there I thought for a second. Was I doing the right thing? And my brain, My stupid, stupid brain, Said yes.

“I should have listened to my heart. My heart was screaming at me ‘Don't swallow it.’ But my brain made me do it. I instantly regretted what I had just done. The drive home was agonizing. My boyfriend wanted me to do it. He convinced me that it was what we needed. I have so much anger towards him.”

These stories are a sobering reminder that, oftentimes, women who get abortions are the victims too. We need to be praying for these women and coming alongside them in their grief and loneliness.

That’s why it is so important that we continue to stand up and fight against abortion! Although our ultimate goal is to outlaw abortion in our lifetime, each restriction we can pass will save lives and ultimately chip away at this barbaric practice and save future pregnant mothers from a culture where this terrible decision is “a choice” they are told they can and should make.

Ask the Florida to pass House Bill 1429 now.

Further Resources:

Iowa, it’s time to ban abortion after the heartbeat is detected

Great News! This bill has just passed in the Senate!!


In modern America, we are blessed by an incredibly fast emergency response system. If an individual has a heart attack, 911 can be notified, and within just minutes paramedics are on the scene to rescue the person whose heart is failing them.

This is very good! It is a blessing from God that we are able to save so many people in emergencies through this system. Isn’t ironic however, that the same country that dispatches a team of medical professionals in just minutes to save a life is perfectly fine with snuffing out thousands of babies each year through abortion?

Obviously, we are double minded and this disregard for the most vulnerable among us, unborn babies, must be combatted. Fortunately, there is now an effort in Iowa through Senate Study Bill 3143 to outlaw abortion after the fetal heartbeat has been detected!  Senate Study Bill 3143 has just been approved by committee and will now be considered by the full legislature. Please sign this petition to the Iowa legislature stating your support for this important life-saving bill!

Support for this bill is strong in the legislature. Senator Amy Sinclair, R-Allerton is a strong supporter of this Senate Study Bill 3143. She herself became pregnant at 19, but upon hearing her son’s heartbeat realized that he was not merely a clump of cells, but a living human being growing inside her body.

“These are human beings. We have the responsibility to offer them the same liberty and the same rights that you and I have,” said Senator Sinclair.

Sen. Jason Schultz, R-Schleswig, stated that Iowa is moving in a pro-life direction. "This may be what our culture is ready for. Stopping a beating heart is never health care."

In Iowa, through abortion, 10 babies are killed every day. Imagine if just every month 10 school children were killed? We would demand action! We would demand that the state do something to protect these innocent little ones made in the image of God. Unborn babies are no less human than 5-year-olds. And yet, every day in the state of Iowa 10 babies are killed.

We must remember that every abortion ends a human life that is made in the image of God. There is sanctity in each and every human life, and we must fight on all fronts to protect unborn children. We know that every abortion results in a dead baby and a damaged mother. This is something we must stand against.  

Please sign this petition to the Iowa legislature stating your support Senate Study Bill 3143.

Further Resources:

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