End Netflix's LGBT Targeting of Young Children

Together, we must protect our children!


End Netflix's LGBT Targeting of Young Children

End Netflix's LGBT Targeting of Young Children

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Netflix has boldly crossed a line with our children as their target.  It's time to take action and protect their innocence from being tarnished by harmful content.

Recently, Netflix released a controversial episode in its popular made-for-toddlers 'Cocomelon Lane' cartoon series, targeting young children with characters who are LGBT dads. They've also added an alarming episode midseason to 'Ada Twist, Scientist,' which showcases children planning a gay wedding. 

This is Netflix’s blatant attempt to indoctrinate millions of innocent toddlers with the LGBT agenda. This must be stopped.

Netflix purposefully used trusted children's programming in midseason episodes to target young children with LGBT content. Parents were blindsided by trusted children’s programming. Netflix has broken that trust.

We must act urgently to stop Netflix from targeting our children with this immoral content. By allowing these shows to remain on their platform, Netflix is actively trying to instill a toxic, "woke" ideology into the minds of our young children. 

Our petition calls for the removal of immoral, controversial content from Netflix's content designed for children, ensuring they're no longer available to young viewers. We need your help to show Netflix that we won't stand for this kind of content being marketed to young children.

The arguments are clear:

- Age-Appropriateness: These shows target very young children who are not ready to be exposed to complex themes like gender identity and sexuality.

- Cultural Sensitivity: We must respect and preserve our cultural values and traditions. These shows clash with traditional family values and societal norms.

- Parental Rights: Parents should have the right to decide what content is suitable for their children, with warning labels posted on all LGBT agenda-driven programming.

- Childhood Innocence: We must protect our children's innocence by shielding them from content that deals with complex issues they're not ready to understand.

- Potential Influence: We're concerned about this content's impact on young, impressionable minds, potentially shaping their beliefs that contradict traditional family values.

We have the power to make a difference, but only if we act now. Join a community of concerned parents and citizens who refuse to let Netflix hijack our young children’s innocence. 

The outcome of our petition will determine whether the LGBT content creators target our preschoolers, confusing them with conflicting messages from media giants like Netflix. We cannot let them win this targeted attack against our children. 

Together, we must protect our children!

More information:

- Netflix’s ‘CoComelon’ Spin-Off ‘CoCoMelon Lane’ Targets Children With Gender-Bending Gay Coupling Propaganda: https://thatparkplace.com/netflixs-cocomelon-spin-off-cocomelon-lane-tar...

- Netflix’s ‘Cocomelon Lane’ Garners Anti-‘Woke’ Backlash For Featuring Gay Couple: https://www.forbes.com/sites/conormurray/2023/12/21/netflixs-cocomelon-l...

- Obama-Produced Netflix Cartoon Shows Children Planning And Attending Gay Wedding: https://www.analyzingamerica.org/2024/01/736217/

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Remove LGBT content from Netflix children’s programming

We, the undersigned, believe that promoting LGBT content in movies and cartoons for children under the age of 18 is inappropriate and harmful.

Netflix children’s programming like the "Cocomelon Lane" series featuring two LGBT dads as characters and “Ada Twist, Scientist” exposing young children to a gay wedding are a blatant attempt to indoctrinate millions of young minds with the controversial LGBT agenda.

Because such content deals with complex themes of gender identity and sexuality, it is not age-appropriate. It clashes with most American families' traditional family values and societal norms.

Netflix purposefully used trusted children's programming in midseason episodes to target young children with LGBT content. Parents were blindsided by trusted children’s programming. Netflix has broken that trust.

We must protect childhood innocence and prevent premature exposure to complex issues they may not understand. The potential influence of these shows on impressionable minds may shape beliefs and values contrary to those taught by families and communities.

Considering legal and cultural discrepancies, we request transparency in Netflix's content selection and review processes. We urge you to clarify how content is chosen and why "Cocomelon Lane" and "Ada Twist, Scientist" include episodes that introduce the LGBT agenda aimed toward the youngest audiences.

We demand that children’s content produced and promoted by Netflix be free from the LGBT ideological-driven agenda. 


[Your Name]

Remove LGBT content from Netflix children’s programming

We, the undersigned, believe that promoting LGBT content in movies and cartoons for children under the age of 18 is inappropriate and harmful.

Netflix children’s programming like the "Cocomelon Lane" series featuring two LGBT dads as characters and “Ada Twist, Scientist” exposing young children to a gay wedding are a blatant attempt to indoctrinate millions of young minds with the controversial LGBT agenda.

Because such content deals with complex themes of gender identity and sexuality, it is not age-appropriate. It clashes with most American families' traditional family values and societal norms.

Netflix purposefully used trusted children's programming in midseason episodes to target young children with LGBT content. Parents were blindsided by trusted children’s programming. Netflix has broken that trust.

We must protect childhood innocence and prevent premature exposure to complex issues they may not understand. The potential influence of these shows on impressionable minds may shape beliefs and values contrary to those taught by families and communities.

Considering legal and cultural discrepancies, we request transparency in Netflix's content selection and review processes. We urge you to clarify how content is chosen and why "Cocomelon Lane" and "Ada Twist, Scientist" include episodes that introduce the LGBT agenda aimed toward the youngest audiences.

We demand that children’s content produced and promoted by Netflix be free from the LGBT ideological-driven agenda. 


[Your Name]