Defending life, family, and freedom across the world

CitizenGO consists of 18,546,286 active citizens stopping radical lobbies from imposing their agenda on society


Defending life, family, and freedom across the world

Stop Euthanasia For Young Adults Who Are NOT DYING

Hello Everyone!!

My son has had Type 1 Diabetes since he was 4yrs old….he is now 23. He recently lost eyesight in his left eye, and has partial eyesight in the right eye.

From having diabetes at a young age to losing his eyesight, he decided to apply for MAID (medically assisted in dying) and to our surprise, he got approved for it. Can you believe it!!! The doctor literally has given him the gun to kill himself.

The doctors name who is behind this is JOSHUA TEPPER (@drjoshuatepper) who is from Toronto and works out of St Mikes Hospital, a Catholic hospital, that has policies against MAiD and Euthanasia!!!

Joshua Tepper did the assessment and helped him throughout the whole process in fact he will be the doctor to administer the procedure.

MAiD HOUSE (c/o Tekla Hendrickson) is the place where he will go to get the procedure done. They are also advocates for MAiD regardless of the age (over 18) or circumstances.

Now just think of it…. A young boy who has lived with diabetes, a teenager who has been influenced with Constant marijuana smoking (which has obviously altered his young brain) and now just lost his eye sight has been given the go ahead to give up just like that!!! This doctor and small team of opinions are basing it on Diabetes and blindness and that he is suffering from pain.

However, his pain is managed through injections in his 1 left eye, and his diabetes is managed through insulin. There are plenty of treatments out there for all of this but my son is giving up on life not because of pain and suffering but because it affected him mentally and emotionally.

Giving up is in the now, but killing yourself is for eternal, and not a good reason for MAiD.

One would think that a smart doctor, especially one with young kids, may want to ask his patient these questions:

  • Why would you want to die when you still have your whole life ahead of you,
  • Can I help you with the right medication for depression,
  • Let’s try to find the right therapist for you,
  • You have taken drugs for a long time and you are not capable to make this decision right now,
  • You only lived with this eye sight issue for a few months you haven’t received proper assistance for this not to mention your right eye is ok,
  • Your A1C has been good for 1yr now, which tells me you can manage your diabetes,
  • Let’s reach your family so they can understand what’s going on and do what it takes to get proper help, ETC.

None of this happened! Just and application that lasted for 90 days and then his approval from JOSHUA TEPPER AND MAiD HOUSE! There was no attempt to connect with family members, no assistance to get proper help or medication for this young man, just an approval of to grant him with the “gun” to kill himself on SEPTEMBER 28th!

It has not been approved for the right reasons or with the appropriate safeguards followed. In fact, no proper help or intervention has been part of this. This should be a big worry for parents who have children that are suffering from mental illness or any diseases that are managed.

This action has long reaching consequences for all young adults and teens. It will affect them and their parents going through the journey of diabetes, knowing that when the going gets tough, that they can make a decision to have help in dying. This system that allows troubled young adults to make a life altering decision is wrong. That is why I am now making all parents aware of this problem, and the doctor who is making it possible, DOCTOR (JOSHUA TEPPER) AND HIS ASSOCIATION MAID HOUSE, run by TEKLA HENDRICKSON. THIS IS REAL AND I NEED TO TRY TO STOP THIS FROM BECOMING REALITY AND NOT ALLOWING IT BECOME A PRECEDENT CASE FOR FUTURE KIDS LIVING WITH A DIABETES OR ANY OTHER MANAGED DISEASE, OR MENTAL ILLNESS (which was recently approved and made available to individuals suffering with mental illness as of March 2023).

I need your help to make our voices heard. Please sign the attached Petition to stop these awful doctors from giving our children the ammunition they need to kill themselves.

TO ALL PARENTS - understand that as of next year, this will also affect any young adults (18+ yo) with a mental illness to go ahead and proceed with an application to end their life (MAID) even though no parent may think that they would be approved, but it's REAL and TRUE. I never believed (given his age and controlled medical condition) that he would have been approved for such a thing. This needs to be stopped before this situation becomes a reality.

- Margaret Marsilla

Let us stand for freedom of speech in Europe

Freedom of speech is in great danger!

On 9 December 2021, the European Commission proposed to extend the list of EU crimes to hate speech and hate crimes.

If this proposal is accepted, pro-life and pro-family voices will be shut down, triggering a domino effect in the western countries, including Canada. Sorry, but I must warn you about the upcoming danger: your right to free speech will be violated by public and private entities.

It's a tactic by the radical left to censor any dissent to their agenda worldwide. By changing the definition of what free speech means, they’ll strike a blow on our freedom to defend our opinions and beliefs… We are on the brink of being unplugged!

The debates are still going on, but the vote is inexorably coming. The next meeting of the Justice and Home Affairs Council will be in Luxembourg on 9 - 10 June 2022. We plan to persuade some delegates of the EU Member States to vote against the new hate speech laws and make them derail… But I need your help NOW!

If the freedom of expression is suppressed, the system of government turns into totalitarian tyranny.

We are increasingly seeing how hate speech laws can be misused for persecuting people of different opinions. Biden administration in the US has announced its intent to establish a Disinformation Governance Board (DGB) to label information it does not like as disinformation. The Finnish pro-gender prosecutor persecuted the Christian politician Päivi Räsänen for her biblical views on marriage, family, and sexuality.

We must stop it until it is too late!

The new hate speech laws proposed by the Commission to be added to Article 83(1) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU) are very loosely worded and might be arbitrarily misused by some powerful groups e.g. pro-abortion and pro-gender politicians, judges, and activists.

Another problem is that we have no clear definition of what hate speech and hate crimes are. 

The radical left wants to have free hands to shut you down and censor the pro-life and pro-family voices! If they get away with this in the EU, they’ll feel entitled to impose the same censorship in the rest of the western countries, including Canada.

We are mobilizing thousands of citizens around the world to prevent the radical left in the EU from converting you into a criminal… But we have to move fast to convince the delegates since the vote session is expected on 9-10 June.

The situation is difficult, but we have hope.

For the introduction of the new hate speech laws, the delegates of the Justice and Home Affairs Council in Luxembourg must unanimously vote.

It means that if we manage to persuade some delegates of the EU Member States to vote against the new hate speech laws, we can win and defend our freedom of speech.

However, if we fail, it might very easily and quickly happen that we will face judicial trials for our pro-life, pro-family, and pro-Christian opinions presented in public. Then, free Europe will be over.

I hope that this is not what you and I want. Let’s act NOW to avoid it.

Therefore, we need to speak up and defend freedom of speech until it is too late!

Please, sign our petition and stand for freedom of expression in Europe and around the world!


More information: 

Extending EU crimes to hate speech and hate crime

We must protect free speech—Enough is enough!



Roe vs. Wade is a 1973 lawsuit that famously led to the Supreme Court making a ruling on women's right to an abortion. They ruled that the constitution gives the right to women to kill their babies. This is one of the worst decisions in supreme court history.

The time is here. The moment has arrived. 

For the first time in history, we have a chance to override Roe vs. Wade and make abortion a state issue, which would save millions of children in the womb. 

The Supreme Court is currently deciding the verdict in a case called Dobbs vs. Jackson Women's Health Organization. This case calls into question whether or not states can restrict abortion after 15 weeks of pregnancy. 

We are lucky to have several conservative members of the Supreme Court, but it is not certain that they will strike down Roe vs. Wade. 

This is why it is absolutely critical that we act now to ensure that the court knows that we the people reject Roe V Wade and that it must be overturned. 

Now is your chance to sign this petition and make a historic mark on your nation by helping to strike down Roe Vs. Wade. 

And please, pray for the Supreme Court's judges to make the best decision.

We are on the cusp of witnessing one of the greatest victories for the pro-life movement. If there is no longer a national right to an abortion, then the number of unborn babies killed every year-a clear silenced genocide- will decline as more and more states adopt pro-life legislation.

Pro-Life support has never been higher, and it's time that we show the people responsible in our government that we reject the evil of abortion. 

But seriously. Didn't we learn ANYTHING in all these years?

Such an optimistic envision about the decision of the Supreme Court might jeopardize our historical opportunity. While we are demobilized, the pro-choice and leftist abortion advocates are in crisis mode taking steps to try and preserve abortion. Their media allies and tentacles from Open Democracy (George Soros) and the Planned Parenthood corporation are preparing a brutal reaction to save their killing babies billionaire business.

You can help stop them. I call upon you to do two things urgently:

Sign this petition which will be delivered directly to the justices of the Supreme Court, to convince them to end Roe V. Wade. 

Pray for the Supreme Court's judges to make the best decision.

Since Roe vs. Wade was decided in 1973, over 62 million innocent children have been slaughtered in the womb.

These are children that will never feel the warmth of the sun, the love of their family and friends, and a chance to live with liberty, and justice. 

The Declaration of Independence outlines our unalienable rights to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. 

Abortion strips the most innocent among us of the fundamental right to Life. Roe vs. Wade is opposed to the very nature and design of the U.S., and countries across the globe.

Abortion is the worst genocide in history, and it has been legalized for far too long. But it is time to end this once and for all. 

The justices of the supreme court need to know that the majority of the country is against Roe Vs. Wade. They need to know of your personal hatred of that law, and that you support Life. 

Here is the chance to let them know personally. 

The right to petition is one of the five rights outlined in our first amendment. It is so important that we take advantage of this right to give our voice to the people entrusted with our laws and nation. 

With your signature, you will be permanently placed on one of the most consequential and important petitions in the history of the United States. 

Sign here to save the innocent unborn, and end Roe vs. Wade forever. 

And pray for the Supreme Court's judges to make the best decision.



Revoke Trudeau's Emergency Powers

Justin Trudeau has invoked the Emergencies Act for the first time in Canadian history. When it was known as the War Measures Act, it was used in times of war and during terrorist attacks. Now, Trudeau is using it to snuff out a peaceful protest in our nation’s capital.

The Emergencies Act severely restricts civil liberties. It gives the government control over protests: you cannot participate or travel to public assemblies the government deems unlawful, nor can you host such a protest on your own private property.

It also orders banks, credit unions and other financial institutions to cease dealing with anyone involved in funding these protests.

The Emergencies Act is meant to be invoked to deal with events that “seriously threatens the ability of the Government of Canada to preserve the sovereignty, security and territorial integrity of Canada’ and when the situation ‘cannot be effectively dealt with under any other law of Canada’”. Justin Trudeau has not met this threshold. The protestors are peaceful, and more disruptive protests have been ended without invoking the Emergencies Act.

By invoking the Emergencies Act, Trudeau is not only using the Freedom Convoy (a peaceful protest which has been open to negotiating with police and with the government) to momentarily seize an unnecessary amount of emergency power, but he is also creating a terrifying precedent where it can be invoked again in the future to combat peaceful protests. People who even give small amounts of money to grassroots protests are now less safe because of Trudeau’s tyrannical decision.

The Premiers of Quebec, Alberta, and Saskatchewan have condemned Trudeau’s decision to invoke the Emergencies Act. Also, two civil rights groups, the Canadian Civil Liberties Association and the Canadian Constitutional Foundation, have spoken out against it and are bringing the Liberal government to court over it.

On Monday, the House of Commons will be voting on whether to take away Trudeau’s emergency powers. Already, a day of debating time has been lost because of Parliament being shut down on Friday.

Sign this petition to tell federal party leaders that you want all federal politicians to vote to revoke Trudeau’s emergency powers. Trudeau is abusing the Emergencies Act for his own benefit and if we don’t apply pressure now, the right to peaceful protest will be forever endangered in Canada.

More information:

Stop the Vaccine Mandates

Authoritarians across the globe think they can get away with crushing your individual liberty and forcing citizens (even young children) to stick a needle in their arm with the mandatory COVID-19 vaccine… again and again and again…. or face job loss and exile from society.

They threaten fines, refusal of services, restriction of travel, and loss of employment for anyone who refuses to comply.

These autocrats believe a pandemic gives them ultimate power to overrule individual liberty. And anyone who points out the dangers of mandatory vaccination policies is ridiculed, harassed, or shut down.

The threats coming from world leaders against their citizens who refuse to comply are astounding.

  • Austria threatens fines up to 3,600 euros for almost anyone over 18 who refuses to take the jab.

  • In France, the vaccination pass is compulsory (with 3 doses) to be able to carry out everyday actions, such as taking your child to the doctor. 

  • Germany bans unvaccinated people from public and private facilities the government deems “unnecessary.”

  • Quebec requires the COVID-19 vaccine to attend religious services.  

  • Ecuador even forces the vaccine on children as young as five!

And that is only the beginning.

Many countries are requiring health care workers to get vaccinated or lose their jobs at a time when we need MORE doctors and nurses – and then complain that the remaining health care staff are getting overrun.

That’s why it is so important to tell your leaders to stop the vaccine mandates now!


Stop Vaccine Passports for Churches in Quebec

Quebec Premier François Legault has mandated that anyone who wishes to go to church or any place of worship in Quebec must have two doses of the COVID-19 vaccine.

There is already a restriction in Quebec that churches must be below a 50% capacity, with a maximum of 250 people. But now Quebec’s government has gone even further by telling religious communities in Quebec that they need to undergo a medical procedure if they wish to have access to sacraments or to their faith communities.

This decision was not made with a sufficient amount of consultation with religious leaders in Quebec. The Bishop of the Diocese of Pembroke stated in a letter that Catholic bishops in Quebec weren’t consulted. The fact that the Archdiocese in Quebec has chosen to suspend all masses in Quebec City until January 10th instead of complying with the vaccine mandate implies that this was the case.

By demanding places of worship to require vaccine passports, the government of Quebec is controlling access to these places of worship and inappropriately dictating the conditions under which Quebec citizens can participate in their faith communities. With this policy, the Quebec government is trying to demonstrate that they have power over religious leaders in deciding who should participate in their faith. As well, they are trying to demonstrate that religion is so non-essential that there is no problem in the government controlling who can be allowed access or denied access to their places of worship.

Telling citizens of any faith that they must take a vaccine, which they may have sincere ethical objections to, in order to participate in their faith is essentially forcing them to get the vaccine against their will. Regardless of what one thinks of COVID-19 vaccines currently offered in Canada, we must all respect the autonomy of the individual enough to believe that no one should be forced against their will to get it.

Premier François Legault is trampling on the religious freedoms and the freedom of conscience of Quebec citizens, and we shouldn’t stand for it. Please sign today to tell Premier François Legault that he must drop the vaccine passport requirement on places of worship immediately!

More information:

Quebec's current restrictions on places of worship:

Letter by Bishop of the Diocese of Pembroke:

Archdiocese of Quebec's response:


Stop Euthanasia For Young Adults Who Are NOT DYING

Hello Everyone!!

My son has had Type 1 Diabetes since he was 4yrs old….he is now 23. He recently lost eyesight in his left eye, and has partial eyesight in the right eye.

From having diabetes at a young age to losing his eyesight, he decided to apply for MAID (medically assisted in dying) and to our surprise, he got approved for it. Can you believe it!!! The doctor literally has given him the gun to kill himself.

The doctors name who is behind this is JOSHUA TEPPER (@drjoshuatepper) who is from Toronto and works out of St Mikes Hospital, a Catholic hospital, that has policies against MAiD and Euthanasia!!!

Joshua Tepper did the assessment and helped him throughout the whole process in fact he will be the doctor to administer the procedure.

MAiD HOUSE (c/o Tekla Hendrickson) is the place where he will go to get the procedure done. They are also advocates for MAiD regardless of the age (over 18) or circumstances.

Now just think of it…. A young boy who has lived with diabetes, a teenager who has been influenced with Constant marijuana smoking (which has obviously altered his young brain) and now just lost his eye sight has been given the go ahead to give up just like that!!! This doctor and small team of opinions are basing it on Diabetes and blindness and that he is suffering from pain.

However, his pain is managed through injections in his 1 left eye, and his diabetes is managed through insulin. There are plenty of treatments out there for all of this but my son is giving up on life not because of pain and suffering but because it affected him mentally and emotionally.

Giving up is in the now, but killing yourself is for eternal, and not a good reason for MAiD.

One would think that a smart doctor, especially one with young kids, may want to ask his patient these questions:

  • Why would you want to die when you still have your whole life ahead of you,
  • Can I help you with the right medication for depression,
  • Let’s try to find the right therapist for you,
  • You have taken drugs for a long time and you are not capable to make this decision right now,
  • You only lived with this eye sight issue for a few months you haven’t received proper assistance for this not to mention your right eye is ok,
  • Your A1C has been good for 1yr now, which tells me you can manage your diabetes,
  • Let’s reach your family so they can understand what’s going on and do what it takes to get proper help, ETC.

None of this happened! Just and application that lasted for 90 days and then his approval from JOSHUA TEPPER AND MAiD HOUSE! There was no attempt to connect with family members, no assistance to get proper help or medication for this young man, just an approval of to grant him with the “gun” to kill himself on SEPTEMBER 28th!

It has not been approved for the right reasons or with the appropriate safeguards followed. In fact, no proper help or intervention has been part of this. This should be a big worry for parents who have children that are suffering from mental illness or any diseases that are managed.

This action has long reaching consequences for all young adults and teens. It will affect them and their parents going through the journey of diabetes, knowing that when the going gets tough, that they can make a decision to have help in dying. This system that allows troubled young adults to make a life altering decision is wrong. That is why I am now making all parents aware of this problem, and the doctor who is making it possible, DOCTOR (JOSHUA TEPPER) AND HIS ASSOCIATION MAID HOUSE, run by TEKLA HENDRICKSON. THIS IS REAL AND I NEED TO TRY TO STOP THIS FROM BECOMING REALITY AND NOT ALLOWING IT BECOME A PRECEDENT CASE FOR FUTURE KIDS LIVING WITH A DIABETES OR ANY OTHER MANAGED DISEASE, OR MENTAL ILLNESS (which was recently approved and made available to individuals suffering with mental illness as of March 2023).

I need your help to make our voices heard. Please sign the attached Petition to stop these awful doctors from giving our children the ammunition they need to kill themselves.

TO ALL PARENTS - understand that as of next year, this will also affect any young adults (18+ yo) with a mental illness to go ahead and proceed with an application to end their life (MAID) even though no parent may think that they would be approved, but it's REAL and TRUE. I never believed (given his age and controlled medical condition) that he would have been approved for such a thing. This needs to be stopped before this situation becomes a reality.

- Margaret Marsilla

Let us stand for freedom of speech in Europe

Freedom of speech is in great danger!

On 9 December 2021, the European Commission proposed to extend the list of EU crimes to hate speech and hate crimes.

If this proposal is accepted, pro-life and pro-family voices will be shut down, triggering a domino effect in the western countries, including Canada. Sorry, but I must warn you about the upcoming danger: your right to free speech will be violated by public and private entities.

It's a tactic by the radical left to censor any dissent to their agenda worldwide. By changing the definition of what free speech means, they’ll strike a blow on our freedom to defend our opinions and beliefs… We are on the brink of being unplugged!

The debates are still going on, but the vote is inexorably coming. The next meeting of the Justice and Home Affairs Council will be in Luxembourg on 9 - 10 June 2022. We plan to persuade some delegates of the EU Member States to vote against the new hate speech laws and make them derail… But I need your help NOW!

If the freedom of expression is suppressed, the system of government turns into totalitarian tyranny.

We are increasingly seeing how hate speech laws can be misused for persecuting people of different opinions. Biden administration in the US has announced its intent to establish a Disinformation Governance Board (DGB) to label information it does not like as disinformation. The Finnish pro-gender prosecutor persecuted the Christian politician Päivi Räsänen for her biblical views on marriage, family, and sexuality.

We must stop it until it is too late!

The new hate speech laws proposed by the Commission to be added to Article 83(1) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU) are very loosely worded and might be arbitrarily misused by some powerful groups e.g. pro-abortion and pro-gender politicians, judges, and activists.

Another problem is that we have no clear definition of what hate speech and hate crimes are. 

The radical left wants to have free hands to shut you down and censor the pro-life and pro-family voices! If they get away with this in the EU, they’ll feel entitled to impose the same censorship in the rest of the western countries, including Canada.

We are mobilizing thousands of citizens around the world to prevent the radical left in the EU from converting you into a criminal… But we have to move fast to convince the delegates since the vote session is expected on 9-10 June.

The situation is difficult, but we have hope.

For the introduction of the new hate speech laws, the delegates of the Justice and Home Affairs Council in Luxembourg must unanimously vote.

It means that if we manage to persuade some delegates of the EU Member States to vote against the new hate speech laws, we can win and defend our freedom of speech.

However, if we fail, it might very easily and quickly happen that we will face judicial trials for our pro-life, pro-family, and pro-Christian opinions presented in public. Then, free Europe will be over.

I hope that this is not what you and I want. Let’s act NOW to avoid it.

Therefore, we need to speak up and defend freedom of speech until it is too late!

Please, sign our petition and stand for freedom of expression in Europe and around the world!


More information: 

Extending EU crimes to hate speech and hate crime

We must protect free speech—Enough is enough!



Roe vs. Wade is a 1973 lawsuit that famously led to the Supreme Court making a ruling on women's right to an abortion. They ruled that the constitution gives the right to women to kill their babies. This is one of the worst decisions in supreme court history.

The time is here. The moment has arrived. 

For the first time in history, we have a chance to override Roe vs. Wade and make abortion a state issue, which would save millions of children in the womb. 

The Supreme Court is currently deciding the verdict in a case called Dobbs vs. Jackson Women's Health Organization. This case calls into question whether or not states can restrict abortion after 15 weeks of pregnancy. 

We are lucky to have several conservative members of the Supreme Court, but it is not certain that they will strike down Roe vs. Wade. 

This is why it is absolutely critical that we act now to ensure that the court knows that we the people reject Roe V Wade and that it must be overturned. 

Now is your chance to sign this petition and make a historic mark on your nation by helping to strike down Roe Vs. Wade. 

And please, pray for the Supreme Court's judges to make the best decision.

We are on the cusp of witnessing one of the greatest victories for the pro-life movement. If there is no longer a national right to an abortion, then the number of unborn babies killed every year-a clear silenced genocide- will decline as more and more states adopt pro-life legislation.

Pro-Life support has never been higher, and it's time that we show the people responsible in our government that we reject the evil of abortion. 

But seriously. Didn't we learn ANYTHING in all these years?

Such an optimistic envision about the decision of the Supreme Court might jeopardize our historical opportunity. While we are demobilized, the pro-choice and leftist abortion advocates are in crisis mode taking steps to try and preserve abortion. Their media allies and tentacles from Open Democracy (George Soros) and the Planned Parenthood corporation are preparing a brutal reaction to save their killing babies billionaire business.

You can help stop them. I call upon you to do two things urgently:

Sign this petition which will be delivered directly to the justices of the Supreme Court, to convince them to end Roe V. Wade. 

Pray for the Supreme Court's judges to make the best decision.

Since Roe vs. Wade was decided in 1973, over 62 million innocent children have been slaughtered in the womb.

These are children that will never feel the warmth of the sun, the love of their family and friends, and a chance to live with liberty, and justice. 

The Declaration of Independence outlines our unalienable rights to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. 

Abortion strips the most innocent among us of the fundamental right to Life. Roe vs. Wade is opposed to the very nature and design of the U.S., and countries across the globe.

Abortion is the worst genocide in history, and it has been legalized for far too long. But it is time to end this once and for all. 

The justices of the supreme court need to know that the majority of the country is against Roe Vs. Wade. They need to know of your personal hatred of that law, and that you support Life. 

Here is the chance to let them know personally. 

The right to petition is one of the five rights outlined in our first amendment. It is so important that we take advantage of this right to give our voice to the people entrusted with our laws and nation. 

With your signature, you will be permanently placed on one of the most consequential and important petitions in the history of the United States. 

Sign here to save the innocent unborn, and end Roe vs. Wade forever. 

And pray for the Supreme Court's judges to make the best decision.



Revoke Trudeau's Emergency Powers

Justin Trudeau has invoked the Emergencies Act for the first time in Canadian history. When it was known as the War Measures Act, it was used in times of war and during terrorist attacks. Now, Trudeau is using it to snuff out a peaceful protest in our nation’s capital.

The Emergencies Act severely restricts civil liberties. It gives the government control over protests: you cannot participate or travel to public assemblies the government deems unlawful, nor can you host such a protest on your own private property.

It also orders banks, credit unions and other financial institutions to cease dealing with anyone involved in funding these protests.

The Emergencies Act is meant to be invoked to deal with events that “seriously threatens the ability of the Government of Canada to preserve the sovereignty, security and territorial integrity of Canada’ and when the situation ‘cannot be effectively dealt with under any other law of Canada’”. Justin Trudeau has not met this threshold. The protestors are peaceful, and more disruptive protests have been ended without invoking the Emergencies Act.

By invoking the Emergencies Act, Trudeau is not only using the Freedom Convoy (a peaceful protest which has been open to negotiating with police and with the government) to momentarily seize an unnecessary amount of emergency power, but he is also creating a terrifying precedent where it can be invoked again in the future to combat peaceful protests. People who even give small amounts of money to grassroots protests are now less safe because of Trudeau’s tyrannical decision.

The Premiers of Quebec, Alberta, and Saskatchewan have condemned Trudeau’s decision to invoke the Emergencies Act. Also, two civil rights groups, the Canadian Civil Liberties Association and the Canadian Constitutional Foundation, have spoken out against it and are bringing the Liberal government to court over it.

On Monday, the House of Commons will be voting on whether to take away Trudeau’s emergency powers. Already, a day of debating time has been lost because of Parliament being shut down on Friday.

Sign this petition to tell federal party leaders that you want all federal politicians to vote to revoke Trudeau’s emergency powers. Trudeau is abusing the Emergencies Act for his own benefit and if we don’t apply pressure now, the right to peaceful protest will be forever endangered in Canada.

More information:

Stop the Vaccine Mandates

Authoritarians across the globe think they can get away with crushing your individual liberty and forcing citizens (even young children) to stick a needle in their arm with the mandatory COVID-19 vaccine… again and again and again…. or face job loss and exile from society.

They threaten fines, refusal of services, restriction of travel, and loss of employment for anyone who refuses to comply.

These autocrats believe a pandemic gives them ultimate power to overrule individual liberty. And anyone who points out the dangers of mandatory vaccination policies is ridiculed, harassed, or shut down.

The threats coming from world leaders against their citizens who refuse to comply are astounding.

  • Austria threatens fines up to 3,600 euros for almost anyone over 18 who refuses to take the jab.

  • In France, the vaccination pass is compulsory (with 3 doses) to be able to carry out everyday actions, such as taking your child to the doctor. 

  • Germany bans unvaccinated people from public and private facilities the government deems “unnecessary.”

  • Quebec requires the COVID-19 vaccine to attend religious services.  

  • Ecuador even forces the vaccine on children as young as five!

And that is only the beginning.

Many countries are requiring health care workers to get vaccinated or lose their jobs at a time when we need MORE doctors and nurses – and then complain that the remaining health care staff are getting overrun.

That’s why it is so important to tell your leaders to stop the vaccine mandates now!


Stop Vaccine Passports for Churches in Quebec

Quebec Premier François Legault has mandated that anyone who wishes to go to church or any place of worship in Quebec must have two doses of the COVID-19 vaccine.

There is already a restriction in Quebec that churches must be below a 50% capacity, with a maximum of 250 people. But now Quebec’s government has gone even further by telling religious communities in Quebec that they need to undergo a medical procedure if they wish to have access to sacraments or to their faith communities.

This decision was not made with a sufficient amount of consultation with religious leaders in Quebec. The Bishop of the Diocese of Pembroke stated in a letter that Catholic bishops in Quebec weren’t consulted. The fact that the Archdiocese in Quebec has chosen to suspend all masses in Quebec City until January 10th instead of complying with the vaccine mandate implies that this was the case.

By demanding places of worship to require vaccine passports, the government of Quebec is controlling access to these places of worship and inappropriately dictating the conditions under which Quebec citizens can participate in their faith communities. With this policy, the Quebec government is trying to demonstrate that they have power over religious leaders in deciding who should participate in their faith. As well, they are trying to demonstrate that religion is so non-essential that there is no problem in the government controlling who can be allowed access or denied access to their places of worship.

Telling citizens of any faith that they must take a vaccine, which they may have sincere ethical objections to, in order to participate in their faith is essentially forcing them to get the vaccine against their will. Regardless of what one thinks of COVID-19 vaccines currently offered in Canada, we must all respect the autonomy of the individual enough to believe that no one should be forced against their will to get it.

Premier François Legault is trampling on the religious freedoms and the freedom of conscience of Quebec citizens, and we shouldn’t stand for it. Please sign today to tell Premier François Legault that he must drop the vaccine passport requirement on places of worship immediately!

More information:

Quebec's current restrictions on places of worship:

Letter by Bishop of the Diocese of Pembroke:

Archdiocese of Quebec's response:

What's happening on CitizenGO