Defending life, family, and freedom across the world

CitizenGO consists of 18,546,286 active citizens stopping radical lobbies from imposing their agenda on society


Defending life, family, and freedom across the world

Urgent : Stop the legalization of abortion in Liberia now!

UPDATE: The voting did not happen but is scheduled to be soon. We need this bill to be withdrawn immediately!


Today, (Tuesday 22 August) Liberian senators will vote to legalize abortion through the Public Health Bill during a special session of the Senate of Liberia.
Under Liberia’s current law, abortion is allowed in exceptional circumstances - where the mother’s life is at risk, rape/incest/felonious intercourse, and disability of the fetus. These are rare situations.

The Public Health Bill will scrap Liberia’s current abortion law and replace it with an extreme law that allows abortion, for any reason, on demand, up to when the baby in the womb is at 14 weeks gestation.

It has been estimated that this change from allowing abortion in exceptional circumstances to allowing abortion on demand would lead to the lives of 40,000 babies being lost to abortion in Liberia every single year.

This data demonstrates that this bill would introduce a very big change to legislation in Liberia and would directly lead to the death of thousands of innocent babies through abortion in Liberia.

The Swedish government and other foreign NGOs have been creating and funding organizations in Liberia (particularly the Amplifying Rights Network) to lobby for the legalization of abortion.

There are credible allegations of bribery including large cash payments of $20,000 each being made to senators from the Government of Sweden for voting in support of the bill.

Foreign Government interference in the democratic process of Liberia is totally unacceptable and a form of neo-colonialism that you must reject.

This Bill can be stopped. Please visit now to use the free easy tool to send a message to senators asking them to vote against the bill.

It will only take 30 seconds of your time!

● Past coverage on the abortion bill
● 40,000 abortions estimate
○ One in four (25%) of pregnancies ends in abortion in Sweden where abortion
is available on demand
ive-births/visualizations/#id=19681&tab=table shows 316 abortions for every
1k live births).
○ There are at least 170,000 pregnancies in Liberia per year
○ If 25% of pregnancies in Liberia ended in abortion, there would be at least
42,500 abortions per a year.
● The Swedish government’s involvement:
● Allegations of bribery:

Senate: Shelve the Reproductive Healthcare Bill 2019

Abortion is about to be made legal in Kenya! You need to move fast and stop the back door legalization of abortion through the Reproductive HealthCare Bill that has already gone through the second reading in the Senate.

The bill which is sponsored by Hon. Susan Kihika advocates for “Legal and Accessible Safe Abortion”, adolescent-friendly “Family Planning” services, surrogacy, test-tube babies and even Comprehensive Sexuality Education for children.

It is also evident that pro-abortion organizations such as IPAS are sponsoring this bill as they have held numerous meetings with senators to monitor its progress in the floor of the house.

This bill opens a pandora’s box on a number of issues that are already defined in the constitution of Kenya 2010. It  seeks to interprete Article 26 of the Bill of Rights by trying to make Article 26 c and d  friendly to abortionists and those that seek abortion on demand.

If this bill is passed, any woman who walks into a clinic and gives consent for abortion will be allowed to procure it contrary to the current laws.

Any medical practitioner will also be expected to procure an abortion as long as the woman has demanded for it even when it is against their religious beliefs or values. If this medical practitioner fails to offer the abortion by either themselves or referral, they will be jailed for three years.

The bill also makes it possible for anyone in the medical field to procure an abortion.

For the longest time now, Kenyans have fought the destructive Comprehensive Sexuality Education which advocates for among others abortion as a right, homosexuality for children, masturbation and even sexualization of children.

The Reproductive Health Bill 2019 will make Comprehensive Sexuality Education legal through its article 27. It will also make available abortion services that cater for adolescents.

Besides, surrogacy and InVitro Fertilization will be legalized through this bill making Kenya the second African country to legalize these after South Africa.

This bill needs to be stopped immediately, you need to ask the Speaker of the Senate Honourable Kenneth Lusaka to shelve it as it does not reflect the spirit of the Kenyan law and the values held by the majority of Kenyans.

The Kenyan constitution in Article 26 makes it clear that life begins at conception and should be protected under the Bill of Rights. The penal code also forbids abortion .

Please sign this petition to help us stop the back door legalization of abortion in Kenya.

For more information:

The Reproductive Health Bill of Kenya 2019

Abortionists (IPAS) are behind the Reproductive HealthCare Bill 2019 in Kenya


Investigate Marie Stopes clinics for abortion activities and adverts

Marie Stopes an International Chain of Clinics in the world have been advertising abortion on demand in Kenya and other parts of Africa. It is evident that the chain of clinics offers abortions even when this is illegal in a record 52 African Countries out of 54.

In Kenya, they have put on very suggestive adverts asking youths to give them a call in case they get pregnant as they  “have a solution to the pregnancy”.

While driving to work or in public service vehicles in the morning, local radio stations majorly owned by Radio Africa Limited make sure you listen to Marie Stopes advertising the trade they know best. Though cunningly crafted, Marie Stopes are advertising abortions and  are known for their abortions and everytime a woman gets into their clinic pregnant and with some little cash, they leave the clinic without their pregnancy.

Kenyan women and youth are now becoming a victim of the blood thirsty clinics who are now even advertising abortions in the streets of Nairobi and other rural areas and are very angry that this is happening while it can be stopped.

We believe Marie Stopes have overstayed their leave  and demand for immediate investigation of their trade and for immediate deregistation.

Please sign this petition to the Ministry of Health in Kenya to ask the Minister to stop the abortion clinic from advertising abortion  and ban their activities as well in the country.


Proposed changes to Birth Certificate Legislation in Victoria

The Victorian State government, led by Labour MP the Hon. Daniel Andrews is hoping to sign off on the Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Amendment Bill 2016. The State government announced this legislation on August 18 in the Legislative Assembly. It is now set for debate in the Legislative Council in the next weeks. If it passes, the Bill will become new State legislation.

The Bill is a further example of the rainbow agenda that the State government in Victoria continues to push undermining objective realities about gender, the differences between the sexes and Marriage between a man and a woman.

This legislation was an election promise made by the Labour government in 2014.  It primarily seeks to allow adults to alter the sex recorded on their Victorian birth registration and birth certificate. It also will allow any adult who is living in a same-sex relationship and who was legally married prior to one of the couples changing their sex, to continue to remain in this state. The same-sex couples in this situation will remain legally married, despite now being recognised legally as a same-sex couple. Effectively, as such, the legislative changes legalise marriage for some same-sex couples in Victoria.

Despite this Victorian push, the federal Marriage Act still continues to stipulate that marriage is between a man and a woman. If something changes, such as the sex of one of the couple, then it would be reasonably assumed that the marriage no longer exists as originally contracted. Not so, say the former federal Attorneys-General from both parties who have taken the view that the Marriage Act is concerned with the gender of the couple only at the time of the marriage ceremony. 

The Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Amendment Bill 2016 will also remove the need for applicants to have undergone sex affirmation surgery before being able to apply to change their gender on their birth certificate. The applicant will not be required to provide a diagnosis or medical certificate to make this change. Under the changes, an applicant will be able to nominate what sex descriptor they would like on their birth registration be it, male, female or alternatively, to specify a gender diverse or non-binary descriptor. It will be entirely what the applicant self-reports.

Parents will also be able to apply to have the sex of their children changed on their child's birth certificate, with the child's consent. 

Whilst, South Australia is also discussing similar legislative changes, the Australian Capital Territory is the only other State or Territory in Australia that has introduced similar legislation. Victoria continues to appear to be pushing changes rapidly in the area of marriage and gender and defying the Federal Governments lead to slow down, such as on the related Safe Schools Coalition Program.

Please join us in signing this petition to members of the Legislative Council asking them not to support these changes which undermine marriage in the coming weeks when they will vote on the legislation.  We will also send a copy of the signatures to Premier Daniel Andrews.

Related articles:

Religious Exemptions Bill presents a new attack on religious freedom


The Equal Opportunity (Religious Exceptions) Bill has now passed in the Legislative Assembly and will be discussed in the Legislative Council from this week (11th October). This petition will now be sent to members of the Legislative Assembly asking them not to support the proposed amendments which undermine the principles key to a pluralistic society. 


The Equal Opportunity (Religious Exceptions) Bill was tabled in Victorian State Parliament on the 31st August. The aim of the bill is to amend the Equal Opportunity Act 2010 to remove religious exceptions in relation to the employment of a person by religious bodies and organisations. If passed, the outcome will restrict many religious organisations and schools from promoting a Christian worldview through their staff and perhaps more critically, challenge their very reason for existence.

The amendments to the proposed bill will remove religious grounds as an exception for employers to discriminate against hiring an individual. The bill also proposes to reinstate an "inherent requirements test" for any religious organisation or school which will force the institution to validate why, in any given circumstance, they choose to take a particular action. Such as, why they might choose not employ a teacher who would not agree to support the Christian ethos of the school in their teaching of religion.

It is reasonable to predict that the consequences of the changes to this legislation could result in the scenario where a Christian school would be forced to hire a person that is opposed to the ethos and values of the school. These proposed changes, therefore, represent a gross attack on parental choice and religious freedom.

Catholic Education executive director in Melbourne, Stephen Elder, told The Age newspaper it was important that Catholic schools had the freedom to employ staff who supported the Catholic faith and did not undermine a school's ethos. “Parents choose to have their children educated in Catholic schools because our traditions are not only passed on through what is taught but what is practised and what is witnessed in our learning communities,” he said. This highlights that a person employed in a religious organisation such as a school is done so not only on the basis of what they teach but also on their witness and example in all aspects of their conduct.

Christian Schools Australia chief executive Stephen O'Doherty has said that the proposed laws were a "draconian attack on religious freedom principles".

If the legislation passes, an individual who feels that they have been discriminated against on the basis of religion could take their complaint to the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal's human rights division. It is then proposed that the religious organisation would have to justify its reason for discriminating, on a case by case basis. This process could prove to be burdensome and costly.

Further, the rationale behind the introduction of this bill is highly questionable. It appears to be discriminatory by its very nature. The proposed bill singles out religious organisations, it does not apply to other organisations who might exclude members on the basis of their beliefs. A sustainable living group, for example, is free to discriminate among its members and forbid a person to join who is advocating for increased fossil fuel burning.

It is arguable that the real intent of the bill proposed by the Victorian State government is simply an attack on the freedom of religious institutions and schools. It seriously undermines the principles of a pluralist society in which one view will not fit all members of our community, despite which we can productively co-exist.

Please sign this petition now calling on all State Members to withdraw this bill. We will deliver your names to Members of the Legislative Council where it is now to be discussed.  

Sign here: Oppose the establishment of an “International Safe Abortion Day” at the UN

The international abortion lobby at the United Nations wants to establish an “International Safe Abortion Day” on September 28th. Please join us in expressing outrage at this idea.

A few weeks ago, a coalition of 430 pro-abortion groups sent a letter to UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, as well as to the heads of UN Women, the UN Development Programme, the World Health Organization, the UN Population Fund, the UN Children’s Fund, UNAIDS, and UNESCO, requesting the establishment of the would-be infamous date.

According to the letter, September 28th was declared an international day of action for the decriminalization of abortion in 1990 by the so-called women's health movement, and it has been “celebrated” annually ever since.

Once more, the abortion lobby is using euphemistic expressions to push their agenda. But we know that no abortion is safe, because there is always someone who gets killed. In 100% of abortions, an innocent baby dies, and in a number of cases, the mother also loses her life.

The letter from the abortion lobby argues, “We are not criminals. None of us should be prosecuted for something that is a central fact of being a woman (…) Safe abortion is an essential health service for women.”

Their goal is clear: to push for the legalization of abortion in countries where it’s still illegal, and to establish a “day” that will be used to lobby for public funds to make pro-abortion propaganda.

The abortion lobby has united, and now we must unite as an even louder voice for LIFE.

We must send a clear message to the UN: there is no safe abortion, and to celebrate the killing of innocent human beings goes against the most fundamental human right: the right to life.

When you sign this petition, your message will be sent directly to Secretary Ban Ki-moon. Please join us and thousands of others in asking him to decline this terrible proposal.


Further Resources:


Stop Teen Contraceptive Rollout: Uphold Ugandan Health

Something troubling is brewing in Uganda. Can you believe this?

The Ministry of Health in Uganda has made a shocking proposal. They're suggesting that girls as young as 15 should be given contraceptives. Their reasoning? They believe it will curb the issue of teenage pregnancies. But let's call it what it is. It's an apparent move to sexualize our young girls and expose them to the dangers that come with using contraceptives.

And guess what? They're nearly ready to roll out this programme. It's like a car hurtling towards a cliff edge, with no one at the wheel. We must put the brakes on this before it's too late.

Let's dig a little deeper into why this proposal is so dangerous. The fact is contraceptives can be harmful, especially to young, developing bodies. Numerous studies demonstrate that encouraging young people to use contraceptives encourages them to engage in risky behaviour as they believe that they are protected. It's a risky gamble with the health and futures of our girls. And what's more? The Ministry of Health should be promoting abstinence as a safer option, not pushing contraceptives onto those barely out of childhood.

Please help us make a stand. Sign our petition calling the Minister of Health in Uganda, Dr Ruth Aceng, to withdraw this harmful proposal immediately.**

Now, you might be wondering, can we make a difference? The answer is a resounding YES! The future of countless young girls hangs in the balance. We're not just talking about numbers on a page, we're talking about real lives, real futures.

Imagine two possible outcomes. On one hand, this contraceptive programme gets rolled out, exposing our young girls to countless risks. On the other hand, our petition is successful, the proposal is withdrawn, and we've protected our girls from harm. The future can be bright, but only if we act now.

We need to act urgently. Sign our petition and ask the Minister of Health in Uganda, Dr Ruth Aceng, to immediately withdraw this harmful proposal.

**More information:**



Urgent : Stop the legalization of abortion in Liberia now!

UPDATE: The voting did not happen but is scheduled to be soon. We need this bill to be withdrawn immediately!


Today, (Tuesday 22 August) Liberian senators will vote to legalize abortion through the Public Health Bill during a special session of the Senate of Liberia.
Under Liberia’s current law, abortion is allowed in exceptional circumstances - where the mother’s life is at risk, rape/incest/felonious intercourse, and disability of the fetus. These are rare situations.

The Public Health Bill will scrap Liberia’s current abortion law and replace it with an extreme law that allows abortion, for any reason, on demand, up to when the baby in the womb is at 14 weeks gestation.

It has been estimated that this change from allowing abortion in exceptional circumstances to allowing abortion on demand would lead to the lives of 40,000 babies being lost to abortion in Liberia every single year.

This data demonstrates that this bill would introduce a very big change to legislation in Liberia and would directly lead to the death of thousands of innocent babies through abortion in Liberia.

The Swedish government and other foreign NGOs have been creating and funding organizations in Liberia (particularly the Amplifying Rights Network) to lobby for the legalization of abortion.

There are credible allegations of bribery including large cash payments of $20,000 each being made to senators from the Government of Sweden for voting in support of the bill.

Foreign Government interference in the democratic process of Liberia is totally unacceptable and a form of neo-colonialism that you must reject.

This Bill can be stopped. Please visit now to use the free easy tool to send a message to senators asking them to vote against the bill.

It will only take 30 seconds of your time!

● Past coverage on the abortion bill
● 40,000 abortions estimate
○ One in four (25%) of pregnancies ends in abortion in Sweden where abortion
is available on demand
ive-births/visualizations/#id=19681&tab=table shows 316 abortions for every
1k live births).
○ There are at least 170,000 pregnancies in Liberia per year
○ If 25% of pregnancies in Liberia ended in abortion, there would be at least
42,500 abortions per a year.
● The Swedish government’s involvement:
● Allegations of bribery:

Join the petition, ban Tiktok in Kenya for sexually provocative content

The rapid growth of social media platforms has brought both opportunities and challenges. One platform that has gained significant attention, especially among the youth, is TikTok.

While TikTok provides a space for creativity and self-expression, it has also become a source of concern due to its sexually provocative content.

This issue demands our attention and action, urging us to sign a petition urging the Kenyan Parliament to ban TikTok's sexually provocative content.

The influence of social media on young minds is undeniable. TikTok's easily accessible content raises concerns about the exposure of minors to explicit and sexually suggestive material.

Such content not only contradicts our family values but also poses a threat to the mental and emotional well-being of our youth.

By signing this petition, we send a clear message to our policymakers that we value the protection of our young generation from harmful content.

Additionally, the petition highlights our commitment to upholding moral standards and preserving the fabric of our society.

We have a responsibility to ensure that the content our youth consume reflects our family values and promotes healthy behaviors.

A ban on TikTok's sexually provocative content will create a safer digital environment for our children to thrive in.

In conclusion, the call to sign this petition is a call to safeguard our youth from the negative impacts of sexually explicit content on TikTok.

By signing, we express our dedication to creating a digital space that aligns with our cultural values and nurtures the mental well-being of our younger generation. Let us unite in urging the Kenyan Parliament to take action and ban TikTok's sexually provocative content for the betterment of our society.

Let us stand for freedom of speech in Europe

Freedom of speech in Europe is in great danger!

On 9 December 2021, the European Commission proposed to extend the list of EU crimes to hate speech and hate crimes.

If this proposal is accepted, your pro-life and pro-family voice will be shut down in all the EU and the Republic of Ireland. Sorry, but I must warn you about the upcoming danger: your right to free speech will be violated by public and private entities.

It's a tactic by the radical left to censor any dissent to their agenda worldwide. By changing the definition of what free speech means, they’ll strike a blow on our freedom to defend our opinions and beliefs… We are on the brink of being unplugged!

The debates are still going on, but the vote is inexorably coming. The next meeting of the Justice and Home Affairs Council will be in Luxembourg on 9 - 10 June 2022. We plan to persuade some delegates of the EU Member States to vote against the new hate speech laws and make them derail… But I need your help NOW!

If freedom of expression is suppressed, the system of government turns into totalitarian tyranny.

We are increasingly seeing how hate speech laws can be misused for persecuting people of different opinions. Biden administration in the US has announced its intent to establish a Disinformation Governance Board (DGB) to label information it does not like as disinformation. The Finnish pro-gender prosecutor persecuted the Christian politician Päivi Räsänen for her biblical views on marriage, family, and sexuality.

We have numerous examples of this in the UK, not least with our Campaign Director, Caroline Farrow who has been contacted by the police twice now in relation to misgendering. Several Christian pastors have found themselves under arrest for preaching the Gospel on the streets because the content is deemed 'hate speech and one woman was arrested in front of her children, put in jail and later convicted of hate speech for causing offence by misgendering a transgender activist before her conviction was overturned. 

We must stop it before it is too late!

The new hate speech laws proposed by the Commission to be added to Article 83(1) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU) are very loosely worded and might be arbitrarily misused by some powerful groups e.g. pro-abortion and pro-gender politicians, judges, and activists.

Another problem is that we have no clear definition of what hate speech and hate crimes are. 

The radical left wants to have free hands to shut you down and censor the pro-life and pro-family voices! If they get away with this in the EU, they’ll feel entitled to impose the same censorship in the rest of the western countries, including the Republic of Ireland and the United Kingdom.

We are mobilizing thousands of citizens around the world to prevent the radical left in the EU from converting you into a criminal… But we have to move fast to convince the delegates since the vote session is expected on 9-10 June.

The situation is difficult, but we have hope.

For the introduction of the new hate speech laws, the delegates of the Justice and Home Affairs Council in Luxembourg must unanimously vote.

It means that if we manage to persuade some delegates of the EU Member States to vote against the new hate speech laws, we can win and defend our freedom of speech.

However, if we fail, it might very easily and quickly happen that we will face judicial trials for our pro-life, pro-family, and pro-Christian opinions presented in public. Then, free Europe will be over.

I hope that this is not what you and I want. Let’s act NOW to avoid it.

Therefore, we need to speak up and defend freedom of speech before it is too late!

Please, sign our petition and stand for freedom of expression in Europe!

More information: 

Ireland to opt into EU wide hate speech ban

Komisia navrhuje rozšíriť zoznam trestných činov EÚ tak, aby zahŕňal nenávistné prejavy a trestné činy z nenávisti

Rada pre spravodlivosť a vnútorné veci, 9. – 10. júna 2022

Rada pre spravodlivosť a vnútorné veci, 3. – 4. marca 2022

Extending EU crimes to hate speech and hate crime

We must protect free speech—Enough is enough!


Resume church registration in Kenya

Since 2014, there has not been church registration in Kenya.

The Attorney General of Kenya suspended the registration of any church in 2014 quoting "qualification requirements for pastors" among the justifications.

In 2017, the incumbent president of Kenya, Uhuru Kenyatta promised to prioritise the lifting of the ban but his term is coming to an end in August 2022 without fulfilling his promise.

Religious freedom in Kenya is at stake, it is paramount that President Uhuru Kenyatta orders the lifting of the ban as soon as possible.

Sign this petition demanding that President Uhuru Kenyatta orders with immediate effect the resumption of registration of churches in Kenya.

More information:_

Do not scrap religious studies in Kenyan schools

A handful of non-believers are pushing the Kenyan Institute of Curriculum Development to scrap religious education in schools.

The sensational group which is not even registered in Kenya has been pushing for all things immoral to the throats of Kenyans who believe otherwise.

Irreligious people in Kenya constitute only 0.4 % of the Kenyan population which now stands at over 53 Million.

85 per cent of Kenyans are Christians, 11 per cent are Muslims and the rest belong to other religions. 

The Kenyan Constitution's preamble begins with acknowledging God which means Kenya is basically a religious country.

The said group of irreligious people have also been pushing for all things immoral including abortion, homosexuality, sexualization of children and even contraception for teenagers.

They thus have no authority to dictate what should or should not be in the Kenyan curriculum as they don't speak for Kenyan parents.

With this petition, we demand that KICD shreds the petition by the irreligious and ignore their ridiculous demands.

More information

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