Ban one2one Programme for Unlawful Sexual Content Education
Ban one2one Programme for Unlawful Sexual Content Education
Our kids are in trouble. Big trouble. Let me explain.
There's a so-called "helpful" organization, one2one, running rampant with a dangerous agenda. They're not guiding our youth towards responsible sexuality Instead, they're teaching them how to engage in illicit activities, how to procure abortions, and how to live a homosexual lifestyle. This is blatant indoctrination, and it's happening right under our noses.
And the worst part? They're using technology, taking advantage of our vulnerable youth to push for abortion, contraception, and homosexuality. It's a flagrant misuse of digital platforms, and it's putting the future of our children in grave danger. We need to stop this. Now.
Now, let's dive into why this petition is so crucial.
Our kids are being thrown into the deep end without a lifejacket. The one2one programme is serving up explicit and inappropriate content, bypassing legal restrictions, and undermining the fundamental rights of parents to guide their children. It's a toxic cocktail of disrespect and misinformation that's seeping into the minds and hearts of our young ones.
This isn't just about stopping a rogue programme. It's about protecting our children's mental health, upholding parental rights, enforcing existing laws, providing accurate information, and preventing long-term consequences. It's about safeguarding our future.
Shining a light on the one2one programme is the first step towards ending this dangerous deception. It's about removing the wolf's clothing and revealing the predator beneath. It's about saying 'Enough is enough' to the manipulation of our youth.
The stakes couldn't be higher.
If we don't act now, we're allowing an unchecked programme to harm our children, undermine parental rights, break our laws, spread false information, and inflict potential long-term damage. But, if we succeed? We protect our children, uphold parental rights, enforce our laws, and give our youth access to accurate information.
The choice is clear.
Help us make the right choice. Sign our petition urging Minister of Health, Susan Nakhumicha, to ban the one2one programme's explicit and illegal teachings.
This isn't just urgent – it's a matter of preserving the innocence of our future generation. We must act now before it's too late.
More information:
- [One2One Programme](
- [Kenya's Constitution on Children's Rights](
- [Bishops in Kenya Against Comprehensive Sexuality Education](