Resume church registration in Kenya



Resume church registration in Kenya


Resume church registration in Kenya

7,336 have signed.

Since 2014, there has not been church registration in Kenya.

The Attorney General of Kenya suspended the registration of any church in 2014 quoting "qualification requirements for pastors" among the justifications.

In 2017, the incumbent president of Kenya, Uhuru Kenyatta promised to prioritise the lifting of the ban but his term is coming to an end in August 2022 without fulfilling his promise.

Religious freedom in Kenya is at stake, it is paramount that President Uhuru Kenyatta orders the lifting of the ban as soon as possible.

Sign this petition demanding that President Uhuru Kenyatta orders with immediate effect the resumption of registration of churches in Kenya.

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Resume registration of churches in Kenya

Dear President Uhuru Kenyatta,

This is the eighth year since churches were banned from registration in Kenya.

When you were vying to be re-elected in 2017, you promised to lift the ban but this seems to be seen yet your reign ends in a few months.

Please stop using your government to stifle religious freedom in Kenya, order with immediate effect the resumption of registration of churches in Kenya.

[Your Name]

Resume registration of churches in Kenya

Dear President Uhuru Kenyatta,

This is the eighth year since churches were banned from registration in Kenya.

When you were vying to be re-elected in 2017, you promised to lift the ban but this seems to be seen yet your reign ends in a few months.

Please stop using your government to stifle religious freedom in Kenya, order with immediate effect the resumption of registration of churches in Kenya.

[Your Name]