Save the Helms Ammendment
Dear USA, keep your dirty abortion money!
Dear USA, keep your dirty abortion money!
Imagine billions of Americans' hard-earned tax dollars being used to end innocent lives. Shocking, right?
The Helms Amendment, a 50-year-old law, prohibits the use of foreign assistance for abortion. It's been a lifesaver, literally, especially in developing countries. But now, there's a growing movement to repeal it. If that happens, Americans tax dollars will fund abortions overseas. It's cultural imperialism, plain and simple.
Now, more than ever, we need to stand up and be counted. If we don't act, we'll witness an unprecedented surge of tax-funded abortions in the developing world. The abortion lobby is chomping at the bit.
There's no denying - repealing or re-interpreting Helms would break decades of U.S. government actions. Since 1973, Republican and Democratic administrations alike have upheld the Helms Amendment. This law also protects U.S. taxpayers who morally object to abortion from being complicit in paying for abortions.
Repealing or re-interpreting Helms also threatens faith-based groups and others with moral objections to performing abortions. It's a slap to these groups who are often the first responders in humanitarian emergencies. Furthermore, if abortions become a default response to pregnancy in emergencies, donors and aid agencies will lose incentive to fund holistic women's health programs.
We're not alone in this fight. Many Democrat Members of Congress have shown their intention to fund abortions globally. But there's also a strong opposition. The Helms Amendment is popular. A recent poll showed that 77% of Americans oppose using tax dollars to support international abortion.
This is not just about the Helms Amendment. It's about preserving the culture of life. The developing world needs development funds, not abortion funding. This is our chance to make a difference.
Take action now! Sign our petition to ensure Secretary of Health Xavier Becerra and US Ambassador Meg Whitman hear our stand against the repeal of the Helms Amendment.
Together, we can stop this.
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