Uphold Life: Kick out Planned Parenthood from Nigeria Now



Uphold Life: Kick out Planned Parenthood from Nigeria Now

Uphold Life: Kick out Planned Parenthood from Nigeria Now

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The lives of countless unborn Nigerian children are at stake!

Nigeria, Africa's most populous nation, is under attack by a well-funded pro-abortion group from the United States – the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF). This abortion giant has infiltrated Nigeria, blatantly ignoring the country's strict abortion laws and going against its cultural and religious values. Nigerian Christian groups are fed up with this cultural imperialism and desperately need our support in stopping this injustice.

IPPF, notorious for killing and selling baby parts in the US, has disguised itself as a family planning service provider in Nigeria. They're pouring money into the country, promoting abortion and sexualization of young people, all while ignoring the real needs of Nigerians – clean water, good roads, hospitals, and education.

The time to act is now! IPPF's dangerous agenda is expanding, and it must be stopped before it harms more innocent lives. We must protect Nigeria's future and the sanctity of life.

The presence of IPPF in Nigeria raises significant concerns about the organisation's disregard for Nigerian laws and cultural values. By advocating for abortion and contraception for teenagers, IPPF is directly challenging Nigeria's sovereignty and undermining its legal system. This must not be allowed to continue.

Abortion is a heinous act that takes a child's life, harms women, and creates a culture that devalues human life. IPPF's continued presence in Nigeria threatens the welfare of its citizens and the sanctity of life from the moment of conception.

With enough signatures, we can send a powerful message to Nigeria's Minister of Health, urging him to protect the sanctity of life and uphold Nigeria's cultural and religious values. We must act now before it's too late and save countless unborn Nigerian lives from the hands of IPPF.

If Nigeria continues to allow IPPF's presence, we will see a rise in abortion activities and a generation of young people who are highly sexualised. This is not the future that Nigerians deserve.

Together, we can make a difference. Sign our petition now, urging Dr. Tunji Alausa to stand firm against abortion in Nigeria and expel the International Planned Parenthood Federation from the country.

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Protect Nigeria's Culture and Laws: Expel International Planned Parenthood Federation

Dear Dr. Tunji Alausa, Minister of Health in Nigeria,

As concerned citizens, we urge you to take a firm stance against abortion and abortion advocacy groups in Nigeria. Specifically, we call for the expulsion of the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF), an American NGO whose activities contravene Nigerian law and cultural values.

IPPF's relentless push for abortion legalisation undermines Nigeria's sovereignty and legal system. Their advocacy directly challenges our explicit legal framework prohibiting abortion and contraception for teenagers. This blatant disregard for Nigerian law and culture must be stopped.

Moreover, IPPF's actions harm Nigerian women by promoting short-term and long-term health risks associated with abortion. Instead of focusing on much-needed developmental projects, IPPF contributes to a culture that disregards human dignity and endangers women.

We implore you to implement policies and measures that uphold the sanctity of life and respect Nigeria's cultural values. It is time to expel the International Planned Parenthood Federation from Nigeria and put an end to their harmful practices.

Kind regards,

[Your Name]

Protect Nigeria's Culture and Laws: Expel International Planned Parenthood Federation

Dear Dr. Tunji Alausa, Minister of Health in Nigeria,

As concerned citizens, we urge you to take a firm stance against abortion and abortion advocacy groups in Nigeria. Specifically, we call for the expulsion of the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF), an American NGO whose activities contravene Nigerian law and cultural values.

IPPF's relentless push for abortion legalisation undermines Nigeria's sovereignty and legal system. Their advocacy directly challenges our explicit legal framework prohibiting abortion and contraception for teenagers. This blatant disregard for Nigerian law and culture must be stopped.

Moreover, IPPF's actions harm Nigerian women by promoting short-term and long-term health risks associated with abortion. Instead of focusing on much-needed developmental projects, IPPF contributes to a culture that disregards human dignity and endangers women.

We implore you to implement policies and measures that uphold the sanctity of life and respect Nigeria's cultural values. It is time to expel the International Planned Parenthood Federation from Nigeria and put an end to their harmful practices.

Kind regards,

[Your Name]