Support the bill to restrict dismemberment abortions in Florida



Support the bill to restrict dismemberment abortions in Florida


Support the bill to restrict dismemberment abortions in Florida

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This bill has now passed the Florida House!


Each year in Florida, 2,800 babies are barbarically ripped apart within their mothers’ wombs through the practice of dismemberment abortion. The fact that this practice is legal in modern America should make our blood boil. A mother’s womb should be the safest place for her baby, but thousands of babies each year are killed through this barbarous practice.

Fortunately, there is now an effort in Florida through House Bill 1429 to restrict dismemberment abortion in the state. Please sign this petition now to the Florida legislature and urge them to pass House Bill 1429 into law in order to protect the 2,800 babies lost through dismemberment abortion each year in Florida.

Planned Parenthood defenders of dismemberment abortion describe it as using “surgical instruments…to remove material from the women.” But what is that “material” the doctor is removing? It is a living human baby that the doctor has just killed by tearing her limbs from her body, ripping her torso in half, and crushing her skull. That baby has the same human rights to not have her limbs, organs, skull, and brains torn apart as any other human person does!

Pro-abortion advocates—usually people who claim to support science—do everything they can to hide the scientific facts of dismemberment abortions from the mothers who fall victim to their plot. Even Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy—the favorite of many liberals for his gay marriage decisions—has recognized the undeniable fact of what happens during “D&E” procedures. “The fetus, in many cases, dies just as a human adult or child would: It bleeds to death as it is torn limb from limb.Stenberg v. Carhart, 530 U.S. 914, 958–59 (2000) (Kennedy, J., dissenting) (emphasis added).

Abortion is a violent, evil practice that murders a baby and destroys a mother.

Preterm, a notorious abortion center, has a website where women can share their abortion stories. Preterm says these stories are supposed to demonstrate that abortion is a normal and commonplace procedure that women experience.

However, after reading through these stories for just a few minutes it is clear that the women who have received abortions aren’t happy about it, in fact many are completely traumatized and devastated.

Listen to one woman’s story, posted just a couple of weeks ago.

“I got an abortion and ever since, I've just felt empty. It's only been 5 days... and I want to die. I regret it so much. But there's no going back. I put the pill in my mouth and held it there I thought for a second. Was I doing the right thing? And my brain, My stupid, stupid brain, Said yes.

“I should have listened to my heart. My heart was screaming at me ‘Don't swallow it.’ But my brain made me do it. I instantly regretted what I had just done. The drive home was agonizing. My boyfriend wanted me to do it. He convinced me that it was what we needed. I have so much anger towards him.”

These stories are a sobering reminder that, oftentimes, women who get abortions are the victims too. We need to be praying for these women and coming alongside them in their grief and loneliness.

That’s why it is so important that we continue to stand up and fight against abortion! Although our ultimate goal is to outlaw abortion in our lifetime, each restriction we can pass will save lives and ultimately chip away at this barbaric practice and save future pregnant mothers from a culture where this terrible decision is “a choice” they are told they can and should make.

Ask the Florida to pass House Bill 1429 now.

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Please support House Bill 1429

Florida Legislature,

Each year in Florida 2,800 babies are barbarically ripped apart within their mothers’ wombs through the practice of dismemberment abortion. The fact that this practice is legal at all in Florida makes my blood boil. 

A mother’s womb should be the safest place for her baby, but thousands of babies each year are killed through this barbarous practice.

However, House Bill 1429 would restrict dismemberment abortion in the Florida. This is humane and much needed legislation. Please protect the dignity of the unborn by passing this legislation into law.

[Your Name]

Please support House Bill 1429

Florida Legislature,

Each year in Florida 2,800 babies are barbarically ripped apart within their mothers’ wombs through the practice of dismemberment abortion. The fact that this practice is legal at all in Florida makes my blood boil. 

A mother’s womb should be the safest place for her baby, but thousands of babies each year are killed through this barbarous practice.

However, House Bill 1429 would restrict dismemberment abortion in the Florida. This is humane and much needed legislation. Please protect the dignity of the unborn by passing this legislation into law.

[Your Name]