Golden Goddess Glorifying Abortion to Stand at University of Houston

Say No to Satanic Abortion Statue Display at the University of Houston


Golden Goddess Glorifying Abortion to Stand at University of Houston


Golden Goddess Glorifying Abortion to Stand at University of Houston

10,255 have signed. Let's get to 20,000!

An 18-foot-tall abortion statue called "Witness" will soon be displayed on campus to honor abortion and the late Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, champion of the death industry.

The golden goddess, filled with satanic imagery, glorifies abortion, disregarding the beliefs of millions of pro-life supporters, who, through taxes and tuition, fund the university. 

This is not just any statue. The artist, Shahzia Sikander, created an abomination with goat-horn braids and tentacle-like arms.

This statue, which celebrates the death of millions of infants, deserves the same treatment as the monuments that celebrate slavery. The celebration and glorification of bloodshed should have no place in our nation.

Pro-life groups are rightfully outraged and calling on the University of Houston to cancel its plans for the display of this satanic idol.

Ironically, the statue is scheduled to be displayed at the Cullen Family Plaza at the University of Houston starting February 28th.

The war on traditional values is raging, especially at American universities. It's completely biased for university administrations to fund, support, and display a golden goddess commemorating abortion with money from students, faculty, and boosters who support the right to life.

Sign our petition and demand that the golden goddess, "Witness," be kept out of publicly funded universities. Let's protect the lives of the unborn! 

If we lose this battle, the statue will stand as a witness to the crimes committed against the unborn while calling for more bloodshed.

But if we win this campaign, we can remove this golden goddess glorifying abortion from the public square and prevent the celebration of millions of deaths and the bloodthirst for millions more.

Time is running out. The statue will begin its descent upon Texas in a few days.

By signing our petition, you can help ensure that this statue doesn't see the light of day in Houston or on any public university campus.



More information:

Satanic Abortion Statue Coming to Houston February 28

Pro-life group urges Texas university to cancel 'satanic' statue display

Shahzia Sikander - Creator of the display

Move Over Moses and Zoroaster: Manhattan Has a New Female Lawgiver

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Stop the Display of the Golden Abortion Goddess at The University of Houston

Dear Chancellor Renu Khator,

Statues across the nation have been removed due to public outcry against the ideologies of slavery and death that were glorified in stone. This month, an 18-foot-tall statue called "Witness" celebrates the death of millions of infants and is slated for display on the University of Houston campus. This golden image deserves the same treatment as the images of those who promoted slavery. 

The celebration and glorification of bloodshed should have no place in our nation, especially at our institutions of higher learning. This disturbing exhibit, which promotes unrestricted abortion, is an affront to the majority of Americans who believe in abortion restriction.  

College campuses should foster intellectual diversity but not celebrate the degradation of humanity. Yet, this display celebrates a triumph on the graves of millions of aborted children, albeit appropriately in the image of a double-horned woman.

Our public institutions of higher learning vow to respect all faiths, and it is time to keep that vow by not promoting images that are offensive to many. These tactics harm and alienate your student body, administration, alumni, and supporters.

We urge you to refrain from giving a platform for this offensive display. Stand for balanced education, respect for all faiths, and the right to life. Let us uphold values that truly promote inclusivity and diversity.

Kind regards,


[Your Name]

Stop the Display of the Golden Abortion Goddess at The University of Houston

Dear Chancellor Renu Khator,

Statues across the nation have been removed due to public outcry against the ideologies of slavery and death that were glorified in stone. This month, an 18-foot-tall statue called "Witness" celebrates the death of millions of infants and is slated for display on the University of Houston campus. This golden image deserves the same treatment as the images of those who promoted slavery. 

The celebration and glorification of bloodshed should have no place in our nation, especially at our institutions of higher learning. This disturbing exhibit, which promotes unrestricted abortion, is an affront to the majority of Americans who believe in abortion restriction.  

College campuses should foster intellectual diversity but not celebrate the degradation of humanity. Yet, this display celebrates a triumph on the graves of millions of aborted children, albeit appropriately in the image of a double-horned woman.

Our public institutions of higher learning vow to respect all faiths, and it is time to keep that vow by not promoting images that are offensive to many. These tactics harm and alienate your student body, administration, alumni, and supporters.

We urge you to refrain from giving a platform for this offensive display. Stand for balanced education, respect for all faiths, and the right to life. Let us uphold values that truly promote inclusivity and diversity.

Kind regards,


[Your Name]