Petition to: Dr. Margaret Chan
Support WHO in Keeping Abortion Out of the UN Agenda!
Support WHO in Keeping Abortion Out of the UN Agenda!
The UN World Health Organization (WHO) just released their input for the UN’s post-2015 agenda, and it does NOT include abortion as a goal!
This is an unexpected and providential development, since in the past, WHO has produced reports that are strongly pro-abortion. So we now have a rare opportunity to thank WHO for doing something right instead of opposing them for doing something wrong.
We also need to counteract the pro-abortion organizations and pro-abortion governments that are howling in protest. They are demanding that WHO promote “reproductive health” and “reproductive rights” instead of newborn and maternal health in the post-2015 agenda. This is because terms related to “reproductive health” are used deceptively by pro-abortion activists to promote abortion around the world.
You can join in this effort to support WHO and defend the life of the unborn by cosigning our letter to WHO director, Dr. Margaret Chan, thanking her for her leadership in ensuring that the proposed WHO health goal is focused on “newborn, child, and maternal health” and NOT on abortion.
Make no mistake, the pro-abortion organizations and politicians are really angry at the setback WHO has handed them, and they will use every argument and trick to counter it and slip pro-abortion language into the post-2015 development goals.
For example, here is a list of pro-abortion parliamentarians who have sent a letter chastising Dr. Chan for promoting “maternal health” instead of “reproductive health.” Then the editor of the abortion organization Reproductive Health Matters (which would be more accurately named “Pro-abortion Matters”) wrote this attack article to try to get WHO to reverse their position.
Please support the efforts of the UN Family Rights Caucus to protect life by signing the letter and then send this alert on to as many people as you can. Together we can and must protect the world’s children from abortion!
Sharon Slater
President of Family Watch International
Chair of the UN Family Rights Caucus
We invite you to join the UN Family Rights Caucus so we can be your voice for the family at the UN. To learn more, please visit our website at