Protect Free Speech in Waterloo Region!

Waterloo Region Plans To BAN Free Speech


Protect Free Speech in Waterloo Region!

Protect Free Speech in Waterloo Region!

7,855 have signed. Let's get to 10,000!

The entire Waterloo Region—home to many vibrant cities and towns—is targeted by a proposed by-law that will have a chilling effect on our Charter Rights and Freedoms, especially our enjoyment of free speech and peaceful assembly!

Waterloo Regional Council is considering a bylaw that would effectively cancel ALL protests against the LGBT ideology.

If passed, any action deemed offensive or troubling by the LGBT woke mob could be punishable by law.

This means your right to voice your views within the public square will be curtailed.

Plus, if you are caught exercising your fundamental rights, you will be booted off public property and have to pay a $250 fine!

The bylaw's language is worryingly vague and subjective since anyone can be accused of harassment merely for causing someone to perceive that himself or herself feels 'badgered', ‘uncomfortable’, or 'plagued'.

We've got to act fast! The vote is set to happen THIS WEDNESDAY, September 27! Sign now and take a stand against this democratic intrusion.

This by-law is a direct attack on the majority's rights for the benefit of a minority group.

This is not about equality—it's about domination. It's a blatant attempt to silence any dissenting voices, and it's downright tyrannical.

This by-law infringes upon our Charter-guaranteed rights to freedom of conscience, religion, expression, peaceful assembly, and association.

No provision in the Charter allows a minority to wield such power over their fellow citizens.

The implications are staggering. You could be denied access to public property, paid for by your tax dollars, just for holding a different viewpoint!

Imagine your kids being unable to play in the park because someone took offense at your mere presence.

If this law passes, we risk Waterloo Region becoming a place where censorship is the norm and rainbow flags signal who holds the power.

We must stand together for our individual rights so that we can keep freedom of speech and Charter rights available to everyone in Waterloo Region while sending a message to others that temporary emotions of discomfort DO NOT OVERRIDE fundamental rights and freedoms.


Ontario city councilors could ban parental rights protests against LGBT indoctrination - LifeSite

Campaign Life Coalition's Original Blog Post on this issue

Official Waterloo Region Report on New Proposed By-Law

Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms

7,855 have signed. Let's get to 10,000!

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Vote "NO!" to By-Law 13-050 Amendment

Dear Regional Chair Karen Redman and Waterloo Region Councilors,

I am urging you to vote “NO” and reject the proposed “By-Law 13-050 Amendment” on the grounds that it infringes upon fundamental basic human rights that are guaranteed under the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

Imposing restrictions on speech and expression stifles one’s ability to contribute to public discussions. It also destroys the true diversity of thought needed for a democratic society to function, flourish, and develop properly.

If one can not freely express their differing viewpoints to another, despite accidentally making another person feel temporarily uncomfortable, then society will definitely fail to grow to understand and accept values and beliefs that differ from their own.

Furthermore, with free access to the freedoms of speech and expression, citizens will be unable to enjoy the freedoms of religion, peaceful assembly, and association within the public square.

This rings especially true for parents and citizens, who are increasingly concerned about the attempts to push sexualized content down their child’s throat within tax-funded public areas.

These publicly funded areas, including Waterloo Region’s numerous parks, community centers, schools, and libraries, will become inaccessible to the majority because a tiny minority mandates that everyone must obey their rules because they are incapable of handling their own social anxieties.

There is no justification to forcefully remove taxpaying citizens from public spaces on the grounds that those who have different lifestyles and opinions may feel brief emotions of discomfort.

The proposed by-law that always rules in favor of the LGBT ideological worldview clamps down everyone’s right to equally enjoy the same basic and fundamental human rights that are guaranteed within the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

Because of these reasons, I urge you to stand up for everyone’s enjoyment of our guaranteed Charter Rights and VOTE “NO!” to the “By-Law 13-050 Amendment”.


[Your Name]

Vote "NO!" to By-Law 13-050 Amendment

Dear Regional Chair Karen Redman and Waterloo Region Councilors,

I am urging you to vote “NO” and reject the proposed “By-Law 13-050 Amendment” on the grounds that it infringes upon fundamental basic human rights that are guaranteed under the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

Imposing restrictions on speech and expression stifles one’s ability to contribute to public discussions. It also destroys the true diversity of thought needed for a democratic society to function, flourish, and develop properly.

If one can not freely express their differing viewpoints to another, despite accidentally making another person feel temporarily uncomfortable, then society will definitely fail to grow to understand and accept values and beliefs that differ from their own.

Furthermore, with free access to the freedoms of speech and expression, citizens will be unable to enjoy the freedoms of religion, peaceful assembly, and association within the public square.

This rings especially true for parents and citizens, who are increasingly concerned about the attempts to push sexualized content down their child’s throat within tax-funded public areas.

These publicly funded areas, including Waterloo Region’s numerous parks, community centers, schools, and libraries, will become inaccessible to the majority because a tiny minority mandates that everyone must obey their rules because they are incapable of handling their own social anxieties.

There is no justification to forcefully remove taxpaying citizens from public spaces on the grounds that those who have different lifestyles and opinions may feel brief emotions of discomfort.

The proposed by-law that always rules in favor of the LGBT ideological worldview clamps down everyone’s right to equally enjoy the same basic and fundamental human rights that are guaranteed within the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

Because of these reasons, I urge you to stand up for everyone’s enjoyment of our guaranteed Charter Rights and VOTE “NO!” to the “By-Law 13-050 Amendment”.


[Your Name]