Stop forcing employees to use trans pronouns

Petition to: Dominic Raab - Secretary of State for Justice


Stop forcing employees to use trans pronouns

Stop forcing employees to use trans pronouns

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Workers in England and Wales could be compelled to lie about a person's biological sex or face losing their job.

Many people don’t agree with the use of ‘transgender pronouns’; employees shouldn’t be compelled to say things they disagree with.

Nobody should be forced to lie.

Following two recent legal rulings, in the cases of Maya Forstater and Dr David Mackereth, it’s clear the freedom to believe that sex is biological is protected. In other words, you can disagree – at least in principle – with the use of transgender pronouns and not lose your job for it.

Yet in practice, this isn’t the case.

Dr David Mackereth, a former disabilities assessor for the Department of Work and Pensions, was dismissed from his role for refusing to lie about a person’s sex.

Dr Mackereth was recently told by a court that he had every right to hold his Christian views, including Biblical views on sex and gender - just as Ms Forstater’s case confirmed.

But he was not at liberty to manifest them in the workplace.

This means workers, including Christian workers, who don’t want to use ‘transgender pronouns’ in the workplace could be compelled to do so or face dismissal. This is an appalling attack on both freedom of religion and belief, and freedom of expression.

This essentially puts ‘transgender rights’ ahead of freedom of conscience, and as a consequence, means employers can compel workers to use the preferred pronouns of individuals who believe in gender-fluidity.

And if you don’t, you could lose your job.

The proposed new Bill of Rights presents a new opportunity to urge the government to protect workers’ freedoms to disagree with transgender ideology and not be compelled to say things they believe are false.

Please sign this petition, urging MP Dominic Raab, Secretary of State for Justice, to cement free speech for employees and ensure nobody is compelled to lie in the workplace.

Sign this petition now to make it clear to the UK Government that workers’ freedom not to use compelled speech should be protected.



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Petition to: Dominic Raab - Secretary of State for Justice

Stop forcing employees to use trans pronouns

To the Lord Chancellor and Secretary of State for Justice, the Rt Hon Dominic Raab MP.

We ask that the Government protects the rights of workers not to be compelled to use ‘transgender pronouns’ in the workplace or risk losing their job.

Many people, including Christians, believe that it is wrong to use pronouns that don’t match a person’s biological sex.

Regardless of what you believe about transgender ideology, we believe that nobody should be forced to lie in the workplace.

Please support workers’ freedom not to use compelled speech or risk losing their job.

[Your Name]

Petition to: Dominic Raab - Secretary of State for Justice

Stop forcing employees to use trans pronouns

To the Lord Chancellor and Secretary of State for Justice, the Rt Hon Dominic Raab MP.

We ask that the Government protects the rights of workers not to be compelled to use ‘transgender pronouns’ in the workplace or risk losing their job.

Many people, including Christians, believe that it is wrong to use pronouns that don’t match a person’s biological sex.

Regardless of what you believe about transgender ideology, we believe that nobody should be forced to lie in the workplace.

Please support workers’ freedom not to use compelled speech or risk losing their job.

[Your Name]