Sign the Book of Condolences for King Michael of Romania +RIP



Sign the Book of Condolences for King Michael of Romania +RIP

Sign the Book of Condolences for King Michael of Romania +RIP

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King Michael of Romania - the country's last monarch - has passed away. (+RIP)

Aged 96, King Michael died of a cancer-related illness at his residence in Switzerland, on Tuesday.

This "book of prayers and condolences" will be sent to the Romanian Royal Family - including Princess Margareta, who will now receive the title of Queen.

Although the late-King, Michael, and his wife, Queen Anne (who pre-deceased him by a little more than a year), had lived in exile for decades, they had also continued to perform official royal and state functions in order to bring dignity and honour to Romania.

Of course, King Michael had brought dignity and honour to Romania as a young man, as well, when, in 1944, he courageously summoned to the palace Hitler's puppet-governor, General Antonescu, and had him arrested and deposed.

However, King Michael was forced to abdicate on 30 December 1948, when the Communists swept to power. But, he remained respected as head of state, even though the monarchy has not been restored in Romania.

After the fall of Communism, King Michael returned to Romania in 1990 and, again, in 1992. On both occasions, he was met by rapturous crowds. As a result, the authorities, at the time, barred him from returning permanently to Romania. And, it was only during a later visit in 2011 when King Michael was given the same rights as former heads of state.

Now, it is time to pay our respects.

King Michael, Romania’s last monarch, will be buried at Curtea de Arges on December 16, next to his wife, Queen Anne. The Royal House announced in a press release that King Michael’s remains will be transferred to the Peles Castle in Sinaia, then to the Royal Palace in Bucharest, and, finally to Curtea de Arges.

Unfortunately, not everyone who wishes to visit in person will be able to do so.

Therefore, this online Book of Condolences and Prayers will be sent to the Royal Household.

And, anyone can sign this Book of Condolences and Prayers.

Thank you for signing!


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Sincere Condolences and Prayers on Passing of King Michael +RIP

To the Royal Family of Romania:

Along with many other people, including Romanian politicians and members of foreign governments, I would like to express prayerful condolences to you on the passing of King Michael.

Although exiled for decades, I am glad to see that the King, Romania’s last monarch, will be buried at Curtea de Arges on December 16.

King Michael is well loved and remembered for his courage in having Hitler's puppet-governor of Romania, General Antonescu, arrested and deposed.

With this prayerful message of condolences, I also wish to express thanks to the King's surviving family - including his daughter, Princess Margareta, who will now receive the title of Queen - for representing Romania when called upon to do so for official functions.

May he rest in peace.

From Psalm 137:7-8, we offer a prayer for an end to every kind of exile, and for the peaceful repose of King Michael:

7 If I shall walk in the midst of tribulation, thou wilt quicken me:and thou hast stretched forth thy hand against the wrath of my enemies: and thy right hand hath saved me. 8 The Lord will repay for me: thy mercy, O Lord, endureth for ever: O despise not the work of thy hands.

[Your Name]

Sincere Condolences and Prayers on Passing of King Michael +RIP

To the Royal Family of Romania:

Along with many other people, including Romanian politicians and members of foreign governments, I would like to express prayerful condolences to you on the passing of King Michael.

Although exiled for decades, I am glad to see that the King, Romania’s last monarch, will be buried at Curtea de Arges on December 16.

King Michael is well loved and remembered for his courage in having Hitler's puppet-governor of Romania, General Antonescu, arrested and deposed.

With this prayerful message of condolences, I also wish to express thanks to the King's surviving family - including his daughter, Princess Margareta, who will now receive the title of Queen - for representing Romania when called upon to do so for official functions.

May he rest in peace.

From Psalm 137:7-8, we offer a prayer for an end to every kind of exile, and for the peaceful repose of King Michael:

7 If I shall walk in the midst of tribulation, thou wilt quicken me:and thou hast stretched forth thy hand against the wrath of my enemies: and thy right hand hath saved me. 8 The Lord will repay for me: thy mercy, O Lord, endureth for ever: O despise not the work of thy hands.

[Your Name]