End Radical Leftist Bias in CASLPO's Service Guide
End Forced Gender and DEI Ideology Upon Speech Therapists
End Forced Gender and DEI Ideology Upon Speech Therapists
Ontario’s speech pathologists and audiologists—the people helping our kids and loved ones overcome speech impediments—are being forced to toe the sexual and DEI political line.
On May 2nd, the College of Audiologists and Speech-Language Pathologists of Ontario (CASLPO) forced a new professional guideline on its members.
This new guideline is more about pushing LGBT and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) ideologies over helping the people they serve.
Instead of focusing on their patients, they're being asked to "affirm" the sexual and racist delusions of leftist radicals within the College’s administration.
The four new principles, (and their non-jargon meanings), are the following:
"recognize that every individual is unique", (or to simply affirm or endorse a patient’s gender dysphoria and confusion);
"practice with cultural competence and cultural humility", (or simply tow the progressive and leftist narrative imposed on every aspect of our daily lives by the radical left or else);
"address and recognize conscious and unconscious bias", (or simply must abandon all notions of 'common sense', logical thinking, and natural intuition to do what is actually morally right and ethical);
"engage in anti-racist and anti-discriminatory practice", (or simply if you are not part of an ethnic minority that radical leftist elites 'recognize' as an 'officially' oppressed group, then you must denounce your 'white privilege'. Unless you are white, then you are born into the worst skin color in all of history and must renounce your existence).
These "principles" were laid bare and interpreted as seen above in the College's "hypothetical scenarios", where they pushed the lie that gender exists on a spectrum and demonized those who dared to question it.
One scenario also said it was okay to stereotype and demonize a "heterosexual white Christian male professional”, who is will always have the wrong assumptions because who he is, while refusing to use a similarly demeaning description for a “hypothetical grade 9 black male student”, who uses made-up “they/them pronouns” and comes from a “troubled household”.
This isn't just about ideology. It's about silencing dissent.
If a professional refuses to use "preferred pronouns", they're labeled as "wildly disrespectful" and face disciplinary action, in the same manner as Jordan Peterson, who is facing disciplinary action from the College of Psychologists of Ontario.
Finally, this isn’t just an attack on our professionals. It’s an attack on our children, our families, and the very fabric of our society.
Our speech therapists are losing their right to freedom of speech because their college expects them to push a sexual and racist ideology over their top priority: helping their patients speak!
We need to help our speech therapists provide the care their patients need without fear of losing their licenses.
Please sign the petition today to CALPSO's Brian O’Riordan, Registrar and CEO, Tessa Currie, Complaints and Investigations Coordinator, Preeya Singh, Director of Professional Conduct, General Counsel & Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Officer, and demand that CALPSO walk back its decision to force its members to push political ideologies upon their patients.
LifeSite News: Ontario speech pathologists trained to push gender ideology on vulnerable patients
The webinar that was mentioned by the whistleblower.