CPC Leadership Candidates: Let the People Know What You Stand For

Petition to: Leslyn Lewis - Peter MacKay - and Erin O'Toole


CPC Leadership Candidates: Let the People Know What You Stand For

CPC Leadership Candidates: Let the People Know What You Stand For

10,300 have signed. Let's get to 20,000!

Update: MP Derek Sloan has responded to our survey. We still need your help to ensure that Peter MacKay, Erin O'Toole, and Leslyn Lewis tell us where they stand on the issues that matter to social conservatives.

The Conservative Party of Canada will select a new Party Leader on August 21, 2020.  

This leadership election is absolutely critical not just to the direction of the party, but to the direction of the country. We have seen the devastation a radical liberal government can bring in only a few years. We can not afford a CPC party leader who complies with this agenda or who does nothing to stop it.

Here is just a sampling of what we have experienced under Prime Minister Justin Trudeau:

  • Legalized euthanasia and assisted suicide
  • Use of Summer Jobs Grant funding to discriminate against pro-lifers
  • Exorbitant funding for abortion overseas
  • Prosecution of ministers who preach the Gospel on public property.
  • Forcing medical professionals to participate in abortion and euthanasia to keep their licenses and jobs. 

When candidates are unclear where they stand on issues like these that are important to you and other faith-based conservatives it makes it difficult to make our important decision on who to vote for.

That's why, in the months leading up to the election, we want you to be informed. We’ve sent a survey to all four candidates in the CPC leadership race. The survey asks Peter MacKay, Erin O’Toole, Derek Sloan, and Leslyn Lewis where they stand on these six issues:

  • Conscience rights for medical professionals
  • Parental opt-ins for sex education
  • Voluntary sexual orientation conversion therapy
  • Our right to share our faith on public property
  • The protection of unborn children
  • Medically assisted euthanasia and suicide

This is where you come in: we need you to urge all the leaders to respond to the survey. The CPC leadership candidates need to know how important these issues are to us. They must know that many Canadians need to see where they stand on these issues and that this will affect the support they get in the leadership race, and eventually in the federal election. We do not want a CPC leader who merely complies with the radically pro-abortion and pro-death policies of the Liberals.

We will also send this petition to pro-life Conservative MP Arnold Viersen. We want to empower him and his fellow pro-life CPC MPs so they can show their party the strength and numbers of the voting pro-life public in Canada.

Will you help us by signing this petition?

This petition is not a pledge to vote for a particular political party. It is simply telling the Conservatives and all Canadians that you want to vote for pro-life candidates.

More information:

Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide legalized in Canada (Global News):


Discrimination in Summer Jobs Grant funding (Global News):


Funding of Abortion Overseas (The Globe and Mail):


Prosecution of Christian Preacher (Global News): https://globalnews.ca/news/5355366/church-wellesley-village-david-lynn-r...

Conscience Rights Not Respected in Canada (Huffington Post):


This petition has been created by a citizen or association not affiliated with CitizenGO. CitizenGO is not responsible for its contents.
10,300 have signed. Let's get to 20,000!

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Petition to: Leslyn Lewis - Peter MacKay - and Erin O'Toole

CitizenGO sent you an email with a survey. It’s important that voters know where you stand on the issues. Please respond.

[Your Name]

Petition to: Leslyn Lewis - Peter MacKay - and Erin O'Toole

CitizenGO sent you an email with a survey. It’s important that voters know where you stand on the issues. Please respond.

[Your Name]