Keep trans propaganda group Educate & Celebrate out of schools

Petition to: The Secretary of State for Education - Gillian Keegan MP


Keep trans propaganda group Educate & Celebrate out of schools

Keep trans propaganda group Educate & Celebrate out of schools

20.036 assinado. Vamos conseguir 50.000!

Educate & Celebrate is a controversial LGBT campaign group, which promotes the use of LGBT materials in schools across the country.  

The group is responsible for promoting materials such as the ‘Gender Unicorn’ to teach a completely unscientific view of sex and gender.  

It also recommends age-inappropriate and ideological books to children, including ‘Can I tell you about gender diversity?’ - aimed at 7-year-olds, which gives medically incorrect information about puberty blockers – and ABC Pride, which is aimed at children as young as three-years-old and is authored by Educate & Celebrate's director Dr Elly Barnes, promotes the use of pronouns such as Xe / Xem. 

According to its website, it aims to "embed gender, gender identity and sexual orientation into the fabric of your school.”  

Elly Barnes has openly declared that the ethos of Educate & Celebrate is to “completely smash heteronormativity”.  


Smashing heteronormativity' really means smashing the traditional view of sex and gender. In other words, they want to get rid of the belief that there are men and women, and that men and women belong together. 

This is the Christian and biological understanding of sex, which people have held to for millennia. This is the view most people hold today, not just Christians. 

In fact, it is a school’s duty to foster good relations between people with differing beliefs. An organisation that wants to ‘smash’ them has no place in schools. 

If that wasn't enough, Jordan Gray, a former patron of the charity who has visited primary schools to 'talk about gender' on the group’s behalf and has boasted that "toddlers kind of get it straight away”, was removed from his role after exposing his genitals live on Channel 4’s Friday Night Live last year. 

Despite evidence to the contrary, Educate & Celebrate has denied that Jordan ever visited schools. Rather than recognise the danger he posed to young children, Educate & Celebrate has quietly removed evidence that it worked with Jordan from its website and elsewhere.

This radical organisation is clearly ideologically driven, with no real concern for the safeguarding or protection of young children. 

It is time that Educate & Celebrate was removed from schools across the country, and that the government stopped publicly funding them. 

Sign the petition to keep Educate & Celebrate out of schools. 

20.036 assinado. Vamos conseguir 50.000!

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Petition to: The Secretary of State for Education - Gillian Keegan MP

The government states clearly in its RSE and PSHE guidance to schools that they should“exercise extreme caution when working with external agencies” and “assess all resources carefully to ensure they are age appropriate… and are in line with your school’s legal duties in relation to impartiality…". 

The same guidance also says: When deciding if a resource is suitable, you should consider if it… is evidence-based and contains robust facts and statistics.” 

We, the undersigned, are concerned that hundreds of schools across the country have breached this guidance by inviting the charity Educate & Celebrate to lead teacher training and provide teaching and workshops for children. 

Educate & Celebrate promote LGBT+ concepts and ideologies that are not just age-inappropriate but are unscientific, not evidence-based, and are not even recognised in law. 

The group's CEO, Dr Elly Barnes, has openly spoken about her desire to "completely smash heteronormativity"and encourages staff to chant "smash heteronormativity" when leading training sessions for teachers.  

As part of their quest to "smash heteronormativity", Educate & Celebrate promote the idea to children they can self-select their 'gender identity' and it may be different to their ‘sex-assigned at birth'.

Educate & Celebrate openly advocate for the removal of gendered terms such as "boys" and "girls" and "Mr" and "Mrs". 

Educate & Celebrate also promote books that are both age-inappropriate and push LGBT+ ideology and concepts onto children, which are not recognised in law. For example, ABC Pride, which is aimed at children as young as three-years-old and is authored by Educate & Celebrate's CEO Dr Elly Barnes, promotes the use of pronouns such as Xe / Xem.  

In addition to concerns about the content of what Educate & Celebrate promote and teach, we believe the group pose a significant safeguarding risk to children.  

Jordan Gray, a former patron of the charity who has visited primary schools to 'talk about gender' on behalf of Educate & Celebrate and has boasted that "toddlers kind of get it straight away", was only removed from his role after exposing his genitals live on Channel 4’s Friday Night Live last year. Despite evidence to the contrary, Educate & Celebrate have denied Jordan ever visited schools. Rather than put safeguards and policies in place to prevent placing further children at risk, Educate & Celebrate have quietly removed evidence they worked with Jordan from their website and elsewhere.  

Many parents are disturbed by the completely age-inappropriate, ideologically driven teaching delivered by Educate & Celebrate to both teachers and pupils. 

We call upon you to publicly recommend that this radical group is not invited to train staff, or guide policy in primary schools. Further, to order an urgent review into their activities in schools. 

We believe Educate & Celebrate should receive no further public funding until a full review has been concluded. 

[Seu nome]

Petition to: The Secretary of State for Education - Gillian Keegan MP

The government states clearly in its RSE and PSHE guidance to schools that they should“exercise extreme caution when working with external agencies” and “assess all resources carefully to ensure they are age appropriate… and are in line with your school’s legal duties in relation to impartiality…". 

The same guidance also says: When deciding if a resource is suitable, you should consider if it… is evidence-based and contains robust facts and statistics.” 

We, the undersigned, are concerned that hundreds of schools across the country have breached this guidance by inviting the charity Educate & Celebrate to lead teacher training and provide teaching and workshops for children. 

Educate & Celebrate promote LGBT+ concepts and ideologies that are not just age-inappropriate but are unscientific, not evidence-based, and are not even recognised in law. 

The group's CEO, Dr Elly Barnes, has openly spoken about her desire to "completely smash heteronormativity"and encourages staff to chant "smash heteronormativity" when leading training sessions for teachers.  

As part of their quest to "smash heteronormativity", Educate & Celebrate promote the idea to children they can self-select their 'gender identity' and it may be different to their ‘sex-assigned at birth'.

Educate & Celebrate openly advocate for the removal of gendered terms such as "boys" and "girls" and "Mr" and "Mrs". 

Educate & Celebrate also promote books that are both age-inappropriate and push LGBT+ ideology and concepts onto children, which are not recognised in law. For example, ABC Pride, which is aimed at children as young as three-years-old and is authored by Educate & Celebrate's CEO Dr Elly Barnes, promotes the use of pronouns such as Xe / Xem.  

In addition to concerns about the content of what Educate & Celebrate promote and teach, we believe the group pose a significant safeguarding risk to children.  

Jordan Gray, a former patron of the charity who has visited primary schools to 'talk about gender' on behalf of Educate & Celebrate and has boasted that "toddlers kind of get it straight away", was only removed from his role after exposing his genitals live on Channel 4’s Friday Night Live last year. Despite evidence to the contrary, Educate & Celebrate have denied Jordan ever visited schools. Rather than put safeguards and policies in place to prevent placing further children at risk, Educate & Celebrate have quietly removed evidence they worked with Jordan from their website and elsewhere.  

Many parents are disturbed by the completely age-inappropriate, ideologically driven teaching delivered by Educate & Celebrate to both teachers and pupils. 

We call upon you to publicly recommend that this radical group is not invited to train staff, or guide policy in primary schools. Further, to order an urgent review into their activities in schools. 

We believe Educate & Celebrate should receive no further public funding until a full review has been concluded. 

[Seu nome]