Justin Welby, scrap the Church of England's trans affirming guidance

Petition to: The Archbishop of Canterbury - The Most Revd Justin Welby


Justin Welby, scrap the Church of England's trans affirming guidance

Justin Welby, scrap the Church of England's trans affirming guidance

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The Church of England’s Valuing All God’s Children guidance says that children as young as five should be affirmed if they want to identify as the opposite gender. 

This guidance covers over 4,800 CofE primary schools and tens of thousands of pupils. 

We believe this guidance is deeply damaging and wrong. 

It is why we stood with Christian parents Nigel and Sally Rowe and supported them as they took legal action against the Department for Education over trans affirming policies in primary schools.

Nigel and Sally decided to take legal action against the government after they and their six-year-old son were labelled “transphobic” by a CofE primary school for refusing to ‘believe’ in trans affirming policies. 

After five years of contending for truth and fighting the case, the Rowes won a huge legal victory, culminating in being awarded £22,000 in legal costs and a commitment from the government to reform their own transgender policies in primary schools.

They have now written to the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, urging the Church of England to withdraw guidance that is used in schools to promote damaging transgender ideologies. They cite evidence that policies can have ‘catastrophic outcomes’ for gender confused children as well as a recent speech by former Attorney General Suella Braverman KC demonstrating how schools may be breaking the law by failing to safeguard gender-confused children properly. Her speech clearly demonstrated that the approach of Church of England schools, and their trans affirming guidance in Valuing All God’s Children, is not supported by the law. 

Please sign this petition urging the Archbishop of Canterbury, The Most Revd Justin Welby to protect children by withdrawing Valuing All God’s Children as a matter of urgency.

Sign this petition now to make it clear to Justin Welby that trans affirming guidelines have no place in Church of England schools!



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Petition to: The Archbishop of Canterbury - The Most Revd Justin Welby

Dear Archbishop Justin,  

Since its publication, the Church of England's Valuing All God's Children guidance has been shown to be out of step with best practice, out of step with Christian doctrine and damaging to the children it is meant to protect.

We stand with Christian parents Nigel and Sally Rowe, whose legal case shows how dangerous it can be to encourage young children to explore trans identities. Valuing All God's Children encourages schools to adopt policies that do just this.

We are sure that you will agree that the safety and wellbeing of all children taught in Church of England schools is a matter of the highest importance. 

For the sake of protecting them, please withdraw the Valuing All God’s Children guidance as a matter of urgency. 

[Seu nome]

Petition to: The Archbishop of Canterbury - The Most Revd Justin Welby

Dear Archbishop Justin,  

Since its publication, the Church of England's Valuing All God's Children guidance has been shown to be out of step with best practice, out of step with Christian doctrine and damaging to the children it is meant to protect.

We stand with Christian parents Nigel and Sally Rowe, whose legal case shows how dangerous it can be to encourage young children to explore trans identities. Valuing All God's Children encourages schools to adopt policies that do just this.

We are sure that you will agree that the safety and wellbeing of all children taught in Church of England schools is a matter of the highest importance. 

For the sake of protecting them, please withdraw the Valuing All God’s Children guidance as a matter of urgency. 

[Seu nome]