President Higgins: Prevent the Abortion Bill from going into law!
President Higgins: Don't Sign Horrible Abortion Bill
President Higgins: Don't Sign Horrible Abortion Bill
The Abortion Bill passed through the Seanad on Thursday night, with only a few of the proposed 350 amendments included. Indeed, the Bill remains essentially unchanged and, therefore, if signed into law, will give Ireland a radically liberal abortion regime.
Free *Tax-payer funded* abortion will be made available until 12 weeks, for any, or no, reason at all...Unborn children with severe disabilities can be aborted up till birth...The bodies of aborted unborn children will be incinerated, rather than buried...Meaningful conscientious objection for doctors and nurses - not to perform OR refer - has been dismissed, as currently framed.
These are significant issues which were NOT largely known by the Irish public at the time of the abortion referendum in May. So, for the Government or the media to insinuate a "mandate" to enact this radical legislation on the back of the referendum is deceptive in the extreme.
Thus, this horrible Bill now goes to the President to be signed into law.
But, President Higgins should not sign this Bill!
He should not go down in history as facilitating the killing of thousand of innocent human beings. For the country's sake and for the sake of his own immortal soul and conscience, President Higgins should be encouraged to do everything he possibly can to prevent the introduction of this Bill into law, even at this late hour.
And, that is exactly what this petition asks of the President.
Thank you for SIGNING and SHARING!