Council of Europe: Take care of the best interests of children

Petition to: Members of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe


Council of Europe: Take care of the best interests of children

Council of Europe: Take care of the best interests of children

13.574 podpisało. Osiągnijmy 20.000!

The Council of Europe want to give priority to the demands of adults, rather than to the best interests and rights of the child.

Contrary to the best interests of the child, a new resolution called the "Report on Private and Family Life: Achieving Equality Regardless of Sexual Orientation", could require the Council of Europe to:

- Automatically recognise that when a child is born to two lesbians, "parent 2" is the lesbian partner, not the child's biological father (under the same conditions as the paternity of the child as with heterosexual couples). (Article 4.5.3)
- Agree to the adoption of children by homosexual couples (Article 4.5.2)
- Agree to artificial insemination for homosexual couples
- Agree to the legal recognition of homosexual couples (4.3.1.)
- Reject national constitutional protection of marriage as between men and women (4.2.)

This resolution will be voted-on, on Wednesday, 10th October - only two days from now!

And, the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) and the Council of Europe have not adopted any opinion on the definition of marriage and the family. In fact, the European Court of Human Rights has never established an obligation to recognize homosexual "marriages" and has confirmed that recognition of marriage as a bond between men and women is not discriminatory.

Many studies unambiguously affirm that the most suitable, stable environment for the family is with a father, mother and child - and, the same is also the most suitable and harmonious for the development of the child.

Both national courts and the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) honor the principle that the interest of a minor is a primary consideration for decision-making in all matters that concern him/her. And, the ECHR states that national authorities are entitled to limit the right to adoption, corresponding to the best interests of those children (see Fretté v. France, 2002).

Encouraging the adoption of children contrary to the child's right to a father and a mother, and contrary to his/her best interests in all the member states of the Council of Europe would limit the ability of the national states to guarantee that the interests of the child will be the primary consideration for decision-making in all matters concerning him/her.

Marriage is a unique bond between one man and one woman which should be protected by law - and this fact is expressed in many national constitutions throughout Europe.

It cannot, therefore, be reduced to a legal concept that does not take into account gender differences, their complementary nature, and the natural reproductive role of men and women.

Based on the above information, including the case law of the European Court of Human Rights, we are asking Members of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe NOT to support the "Report on Private and Family Life: Achieving Equality Regardless of Sexual Orientation"and we are also asking for a wider discussion which takes into account the above information.

Thank you for SIGNING this urgent petition. 
PACE (Parliamentary Assembly of Council of Europe) Members


Research showing that the best interests of the child are served in the natural family, based on man-woman marriage:

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Rights and Interests of Children are Paramount

For the Kind Attention of:

  • Honorable Members of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe

We urge you to NOT ADOPT the "Report on Private and Family Life: Achieving Equality Regardless of Sexual Orientation".

As many studies clearly confirm, the most appropriate and stable environment for a child is with his or her father and mother.

However, contrary to the best interests of the child, the new resolution could require the Council of Europe to:
- Automatically recognise that when a child is born to two lesbians in a relationship, "parent 2" is the lesbian partner, not his/her biological father (under the same conditions as the paternity of the child as with heterosexual couples). (Article 4.5.3)
- Agree to the adoption of children by homosexual couples (Article 4.5.2)
- Agree to artificial insemination for homosexual couples
- Agree to the legal recognition of homosexual couples (4.3.1.)
- Reject constitutional protection of marriage as between men and women (4.2.)

In accordance with Art. 16 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, we clearly support the family as "the natural and fundamental group of society", so I must emphasize that:

The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) and the Council of Europe have not adopted any opinion on the definition of marriage and the family. The European Court of Human Rights has never established an obligation to recognize homosexual "marriages" and has confirmed that recognition of marriage as a bond between men and women is not discriminatory.

Furthermore, according to the European Court of Human Rights, national authorities are entitled to limit the right to adoption, to secure the best interests of these children (see Fretté v. France, 2002).

Therefore, encouraging adoption of children contrary to a child's right to a father and a mother and contrary to his/her best interests, in all the member states of the Council of Europe, would limit the ability of the national states to guarantee that the interests of the child will be the primary consideration for decision-making in all matters concerning him/her.

Dear Members of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, marriage is a unique bond between man and woman. It cannot be reduced to a legal concept that does not take into account gender differences, their complementary nature, and the natural reproductive role of men and women.

Based on the above, including the case law of the European Court of Human Rights, we ask you not to support the "Report on Private and Family Life: Achieving Equality Regardless of Sexual Orientation", and, at the same time, we ask for a wider discussion which takes into account the above information.

Thank you for your serious consideration.

[Imię i nazwisko]

Rights and Interests of Children are Paramount

For the Kind Attention of:

  • Honorable Members of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe

We urge you to NOT ADOPT the "Report on Private and Family Life: Achieving Equality Regardless of Sexual Orientation".

As many studies clearly confirm, the most appropriate and stable environment for a child is with his or her father and mother.

However, contrary to the best interests of the child, the new resolution could require the Council of Europe to:
- Automatically recognise that when a child is born to two lesbians in a relationship, "parent 2" is the lesbian partner, not his/her biological father (under the same conditions as the paternity of the child as with heterosexual couples). (Article 4.5.3)
- Agree to the adoption of children by homosexual couples (Article 4.5.2)
- Agree to artificial insemination for homosexual couples
- Agree to the legal recognition of homosexual couples (4.3.1.)
- Reject constitutional protection of marriage as between men and women (4.2.)

In accordance with Art. 16 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, we clearly support the family as "the natural and fundamental group of society", so I must emphasize that:

The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) and the Council of Europe have not adopted any opinion on the definition of marriage and the family. The European Court of Human Rights has never established an obligation to recognize homosexual "marriages" and has confirmed that recognition of marriage as a bond between men and women is not discriminatory.

Furthermore, according to the European Court of Human Rights, national authorities are entitled to limit the right to adoption, to secure the best interests of these children (see Fretté v. France, 2002).

Therefore, encouraging adoption of children contrary to a child's right to a father and a mother and contrary to his/her best interests, in all the member states of the Council of Europe, would limit the ability of the national states to guarantee that the interests of the child will be the primary consideration for decision-making in all matters concerning him/her.

Dear Members of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, marriage is a unique bond between man and woman. It cannot be reduced to a legal concept that does not take into account gender differences, their complementary nature, and the natural reproductive role of men and women.

Based on the above, including the case law of the European Court of Human Rights, we ask you not to support the "Report on Private and Family Life: Achieving Equality Regardless of Sexual Orientation", and, at the same time, we ask for a wider discussion which takes into account the above information.

Thank you for your serious consideration.

[Imię i nazwisko]