Say 'YES' to Man-Woman Marriage and protect the natural family!
Message to Romania: Say 'YES' to Marriage Between One Man and One Woman
Message to Romania: Say 'YES' to Marriage Between One Man and One Woman
It's now official: Romania will vote on a referendum to constitutionally define marriage as between one man and one woman.
The vote will take place on 7 October of this year (2018), and is a result of a Citizens' Initiative, which saw 3M+ Romanian citizens demand the right to vote to alter Article 48.1 of the Romanian Constitution, which deals with foundation of a family and family life.
Currently, the Article says: "The family is founded on the freely consented marriage of the spouses, their full equality, as well as the right and duty of the parents to ensure the upbringing, education and instruction of their children."
The proposal will simply replace the word "spouses", with a specific reference to a man and a woman.
And, according to the latest (and, FINAL) ruling by Romania's Constitutional Court on Monday, 17th September, there are no legal barriers to prevent the referendum from going ahead - since the Romanian Senate approved the referendum last week.
In short, this means that the referendum is really going to take place!
Romanian people want to protect the natural family, and now have the opportunity to do so in this referendum.
The objective of this petition is to encourage the people of Romania - with a show of support from countries all over the world - to consider voting to protect man-woman marriage, the natural family, children and the common good of society.
We also want the people of Romania and their politicians to understand that many people, in Europe and around the world, consider the issues of marriage, the natural family, and the protection of children to be the MOST IMPORTANT issues society faces today.
As this petition is meant to encourage, anyone can sign this petition no matter where they live.
If you have friends, family or colleagues in Romania, can you please copy the right side of this petition (i.e., the other side, beginning with "Dear Citizens of Romania!") and forward it to them, with a cover note, so that they can see our support and be encouraged to protect marriage between a man and a woman?
Perhaps, if Romania can succeed in protecting marriage and the natural family, other countries in Europe and around the world will follow their lead - culturally and in their laws, too.
Thank you for signing this urgent petition, today!