Protect the Family at the UN!

Petition to: UN Representative


Protect the Family at the UN!

Protect the Family at the UN!

204 aláírás. A következő cél: 500!


Dear Friends of the Family,

Will you help us protect the institution of the family at the UN? 

Will you stand with the countries that just issued a bold statement to the UN calling for the protection of the natural family?

It was not easy for these countries to take this strong stand.  Any time a country courageously stands for the family at the UN, they come under immediate attack. 

This truly is a historic action on their part, and they need our support.

Please help by signing our thank you letter that encourages them to continue to stand strong in the face of great opposition.

We need to stand behind countries when they do the right thing!

The following is the list of the 25 brave governments that announced the launch of their new voting bloc, “Group of Friends of the Family,” formed to promote the protection of the family at the UN.

Bangladesh, Belarus, Comoros, Egypt, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Libya, Malaysia, Nicaragua, Nigeria, Oman, Pakistan, Qatar, the Russian Federation, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Yemen, Uganda and Zimbabwe.

Their statement to the UN explains that their group was formed to promote “the family as the natural and fundamental group unit of society, entitled to protection by society and the State” and to advance “family-oriented policies, prioritizing the needs and priorities of the family at the national and international levels.”

They also called upon the UN to respect “national laws, traditions and religious and cultural background of the States Members of the United Nations related to the family and its role in society” and declared that “the family has the primary responsibility for nurturing and protecting children.”

Let’s show these courageous countries that thousands of good people across the world have taken notice of their important family initiative at the UN and that we stand behind them 100 percent.

Please sign the thank you letter right now and then spread this good news to others.  Pass this on to everyone you know who also believes that the family must be protected.

This thank you letter will be sent to key officials in each of the countries in the Group of Friends of the Family coalition.  


Sharon Slater, President of Family Watch International and Chair of the UN Family Rights Caucus

Click here for additional background

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204 aláírás. A következő cél: 500!


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Petition to: UN Representative


Thank you for standing up for the family at the United Nations by joining the “Group of Friends of the Family.”

This is a critical initiative that is much needed at this time.

We are grateful for your government's leadership and the example you are setting for other UN Member States. 

We completely agree that “the family as the natural and fundamental group unit of society must be protected by society and the State” and that the United Nations must respect “the family and its role in society.”

We also strongly agree that “the family has the primary responsibility for nurturing and protecting children” and that this role of the family must also be protected by all governments.

Finally, we are grateful that the Group of Friends of the Family is working to ensure that the family is protected in the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals as the very key to development.

[az Ön neve]

Petition to: UN Representative


Thank you for standing up for the family at the United Nations by joining the “Group of Friends of the Family.”

This is a critical initiative that is much needed at this time.

We are grateful for your government's leadership and the example you are setting for other UN Member States. 

We completely agree that “the family as the natural and fundamental group unit of society must be protected by society and the State” and that the United Nations must respect “the family and its role in society.”

We also strongly agree that “the family has the primary responsibility for nurturing and protecting children” and that this role of the family must also be protected by all governments.

Finally, we are grateful that the Group of Friends of the Family is working to ensure that the family is protected in the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals as the very key to development.

[az Ön neve]