Stop the persecution of Christians in the world. The European Commission must do something!

Destinatario: A Josep Borrell , Alto Rappresentante per la politica estera e di sicurezza - Vice Presidente della Commissione EU


Stop the persecution of Christians in the world. The European Commission must do something!

Stop the persecution of Christians in the world. The European Commission must do something!

2.670 potpisa. Prikupimo 5.000!

European people have growing public concerns about persecutions against Christians in the world. Different world leaders, for example, US President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin, but also European governments (Hungary, Poland and other) and many international Ngo (OpenDoors and ACN International) with specific reports have denounced this unprecedented Christians persecution. They try to do something to support Christian communities, religious minorities and freedom of religion.
The European Commission must, as a matter of urgency, do something in order to defend persecuted Christian communities.

It is necessary that Europe:

-improves monitoring of Christian and other religious communities through a political and institutional dialog with Middle Eastern, African and Asian countries;

-develops UE neighborhood policies that include financial support related to the degree of religious freedom,  protection of religious minorities and Christian communities and the safeguarding of fundamental human rights.

Ovu peticiju kreirao je građanin ili organizacija koja nije povezana s organizacijom CitizenGO. CitizenGO ne odgovara za sadržaj peticije.
2.670 potpisa. Prikupimo 5.000!

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My SignIt

 We urge  Josep Borrel, High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, to push the UE and the new commission into ensuring monitoring the situation of Christian communities and other religions thanks to an institutional political dialogue with Middle Eastern, Asian and African countries. It urges also to develop neighborhood policies that include financial support related to the degree of religious freedom,  protection of religious minorities and Christian communities and the safeguarding of fundamental human rights.

[Ime i prezime]

My SignIt

 We urge  Josep Borrel, High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, to push the UE and the new commission into ensuring monitoring the situation of Christian communities and other religions thanks to an institutional political dialogue with Middle Eastern, Asian and African countries. It urges also to develop neighborhood policies that include financial support related to the degree of religious freedom,  protection of religious minorities and Christian communities and the safeguarding of fundamental human rights.

[Ime i prezime]