Zaustavite LGBTQ događanja u Disneylandu

Stop Disney's LGBTQ Indoctrination!


Zaustavite LGBTQ događanja u Disneylandu

Zaustavite LGBTQ događanja u Disneylandu

2.963 potpisa. Prikupimo 10.000!

Disney je nedavno otkrio planove za prvu službenu “Noć Ponosa” tj. povorku koja slavi LGBTQ životne stilovea koja će se održati u Disneylandima širom svijeta, uključujući Kaliforniju i Pariz. To je još jedan korak dalje od Disneya kakvog smo poznavali i u kojem su obitelji provodili zajedničko slobodno vrijeme.

Vjerujemo da bi tematski parkovi, posebno oni namijenjeni djeci i obiteljima, trebali biti usmjereni na stvaranje čaroblno iskustava koja nadmašuju kulturne i političke granice.

Nažalost, Disney je krenuo u drugom smjeru.

U CitizenGO-u pokrećemo kampanju kako bi pozvali Disney da se vrati svojim vrijednostima. Želimo da Disney ostane tvornica snova za djecu, a ne platforma za političke ili društvene programe.

Naša briga su djeca - naša djeca, nećaci, nećakinje i unuci.

Tražimo odgovornost Disneyjevih oglašivača! Želimo iih podsjetiti da uspjeh tvrtke nije samo u profitu, već i u poštivanju vrijednosti njihovih potrošača.

Treba napomenuti kako Disneyjevi sve veći koraci u promociji LGBTQ sadržaja počinju utjecati na njihovu zaradu. Prihod i vrijednost dionica im padaju dok obitelji širom svijeta izražavaju svoje nezadovoljstvo.

Tvrtka neprestano gubi novac. Samo je Disney+ pretrpio ogromni gubitak od 1,5 milijardi dolara u četvrtom kvartalu 2022. Osim toga, stalno smanjuju broj radnih mjesta, 7,000 osoba su već otpustili a ove godine planiraju još otpuštanja.

Pridružite se našoj peticiji i tražite da se Disney vrati svojim korijenima. Pričama slobodnima od seksualnih ili političkih tema koje podjednako očaravaju djecu i odrasle.

Unatoč otporu s kojim se susrećemo u ovoj kampanji vidimo neke promjene! Na početku, kad smo izražavali svoju zabrinutost na sastancima dioničara bili smo omalovažavani, ali naša upornost je učinila da smo sad već primjećeni. 

Disneyjeve nedavne financijske poteškoće su pravi alarm! S padom posjećenosti parka, kritikama filmova i najnižoj vrijednosti dionica u proteklih nekoliko godina, Disney bi se mogao naći na važnoj prekretnici.

Vaši potpisi su nam neprocjenjiva podrška. S vašom pomoći možemo od Disneyevih oglašivača poput Mattela, Airbnb-a ili UPS-a tražiti da potaknuti ih da preispitaju svoju povezanost s Disneyem.

Uvijek smo bili protiv ideološke indoktrinacije djece, a ni ovoga puta nije drugačije. Okupimo se kako bismo zaštitili ono što Disney doista predstavlja.

Sada je vrijeme za djelovanje. Potpišite našu peticiju i pokažite Disneyju da su obiteljske vrijednosti važne.

Više informacija:

Disneyland will host its first-ever Pride Nite this coming Pride Month. Here's what to know. (Usa Today)

How Disney is indoctrinating your kids in the ways of woke while they watch Saturday morning cartoons (Daily Mail)

Disney begins largest wave of layoffs, targeting thousands at ESPN, Parks, and other divisions (CNN)

Disney publicizes first official LGBTQ event at Disneyland right after DeSantis threatens the company (Insider)

Disney+ streaming service launches with major advertisers

Disney+ Launches Ad Option With More Than 100 Advertisers

2.963 potpisa. Prikupimo 10.000!

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Your support for Disney is Risking Childhood Innocence!

Dear CEOs of Mattel Inc, Marriott Hotels & Resorts, Walmart, Airbnb, and UPS (and CC to the CEO of Disney),

I'm reaching out with a concern that's been weighing on my mind - and likely, on the minds of many others. Disney's recently announced plan to host an LGBT Pride Nite at its parks feels like a bold step in a direction that doesn't align with the values of countless families worldwide.

As companies that advertise with Disney, you know the importance of resonating with your customers' beliefs and principles. But this upcoming event seems to push an LGBT agenda that doesn't speak to many families.

Please take a moment to consider the implications. Sponsoring Disney's LGBT Pride Nite, an event organized for kids 3 years older that openly endorses an LGBT ideology, doesn't seem to uphold that essential principle of valuing customer perspectives.

I urge you to reevaluate your support for Disney in light of these concerns. Understand that my family and I and others who share our viewpoint may rethink our patronage if we feel our values aren't respected. We'll also feel compelled to share our concerns more broadly, highlighting how this situation could impact the innocence of our children.

Our children's innocence is a precious thing. Let's work together to protect it, to foster an environment where they can grow, learn, and understand the world at their own pace.

Your wise action today can make a difference.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

[Ime i prezime]

Your support for Disney is Risking Childhood Innocence!

Dear CEOs of Mattel Inc, Marriott Hotels & Resorts, Walmart, Airbnb, and UPS (and CC to the CEO of Disney),

I'm reaching out with a concern that's been weighing on my mind - and likely, on the minds of many others. Disney's recently announced plan to host an LGBT Pride Nite at its parks feels like a bold step in a direction that doesn't align with the values of countless families worldwide.

As companies that advertise with Disney, you know the importance of resonating with your customers' beliefs and principles. But this upcoming event seems to push an LGBT agenda that doesn't speak to many families.

Please take a moment to consider the implications. Sponsoring Disney's LGBT Pride Nite, an event organized for kids 3 years older that openly endorses an LGBT ideology, doesn't seem to uphold that essential principle of valuing customer perspectives.

I urge you to reevaluate your support for Disney in light of these concerns. Understand that my family and I and others who share our viewpoint may rethink our patronage if we feel our values aren't respected. We'll also feel compelled to share our concerns more broadly, highlighting how this situation could impact the innocence of our children.

Our children's innocence is a precious thing. Let's work together to protect it, to foster an environment where they can grow, learn, and understand the world at their own pace.

Your wise action today can make a difference.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

[Ime i prezime]