Send Hillary Clinton an Ultrasound

Planned Parenthood has invested $30 million


Send Hillary Clinton an Ultrasound

Send Hillary Clinton an Ultrasound

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Hillary Clinton’s entire campaign is funded by Planned Parenthood, other abortion industry providers, and extreme abortion advocates. The wealth that pushes Planned Parenthood and its desire to kill unborn babies is fully backing Hillary and funding her campaign.

During the final debate, Clinton reaffirmed her position she took during a Meet the Press interview when she told Chuck Todd:“the unborn person doesn’t have constitutional rights.”

It's appalling. However, if she could only see and feel the love an unborn child gives to his or her parents -- could that just perhaps maybe that soften her heart?

Please sign our unique action alert. Each signature to this petition will send a special ultrasound video to the email of Hillary Clinton and her campaign staff.

This all comes back to her continued commitment to Planned Parenthood. We need to break that falsehood bond with the power of love.  

As Hillary Clinton continues her ‘well-funded by the abortion industry’ campaign. Daily, her campaign receives new funds solely from the profits of aborted unborn babies. It breaks my heart.

This comes as her campaign platform features a partnership with Planned Parenthood to promote abortion! 

Just this summer, while speaking to Planned Parenthood supporters, Hillary affirmed her four-year commitment to Planned Parenthood as our President by saying:

“I have been proud to stand with Planned Parenthood for a long time and, as president, I will always have your back… We need to protect Planned Parenthood from partisan attacks… I will be your partner in the election and for the long haul.”

Help us do something different. By signing this petition, CitizenGO will send Hillary Clinton an ultrasound of an unborn baby! Demand rights for an unborn baby today!

For more information on Hillary’s hatred for the unborn check out these articles:

Esta petición ha sido creada por un ciudadano o una organización independiente de CitizenGO. CitizenGO no se hace responsable de su contenido.
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Try to see and feel the real love

With great concern, I read your position on unlimited access to abortion and the “constitutional rights of an unborn child.”

Please watch this ultrasound of a baby (20 weeks) and tell me if you still hold the same views:

[Tu nombre]

Try to see and feel the real love

With great concern, I read your position on unlimited access to abortion and the “constitutional rights of an unborn child.”

Please watch this ultrasound of a baby (20 weeks) and tell me if you still hold the same views:

[Tu nombre]