Stop anti-Christian hatred and reinstate King Lawal

Petition to: The Rt Hon Mr. Greg Hands


Stop anti-Christian hatred and reinstate King Lawal


Stop anti-Christian hatred and reinstate King Lawal

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Update (27 Oct 2023):

King Lawal has been reinstated as a Conservative councillor!

The Christian councillor was suspended from the Conservative Party for expressing the Christian and biblical position on LGBT pride events and his concerns about illegal activity at such events. 

Supported by the Christian Legal Centre, Cllr Lawal instructed lawyers to prepare legal action alleging multiple violations of his rights to freedom of speech and freedom of religion.

However, at a full council meeting last night (26 October) in Corby, Northamptonshire, Cllr Lawal was reinstated by Leader of the Council, Jason Smithers, and then invited to make a statement. He said:

"On June 29th I posted a tweet which I understand some people were offended by. The tweet was an expression of my Christian faith by quoting passages from the Bible. This was an exercise in free speech. As a councillor, I act equally for the residents of the areas in which I am elected in all areas of debate and discussion. I represent all members of my constituency without fear or favour and undertake my role as a councillor with impartiality and without bias. My intention in posting the tweet was not to cause harassment, alarm or distress to any person or persons"

Thank you for your support.


Christians are being cancelled for holding Christian views! 

King Lawal is the latest to have his life torn apart. 

The Christian councillor was suspended from the Conservative Party and cancelled by six organisations for expressing the Christian and biblical position on LGBT pride events and his concerns about illegal activity at such events. 

A local authority demanded that he resign from his own business or risk losing a substantial council contract. 

Lawal, who is being supported by the Christian Legal Centre, joins the ranks of an increasing number of Christians who have faced severe repercussions for expressing their views:  

  • Felix Ngole achieved a significant legal victory against Sheffield University when he was unjustly expelled from his course for expressing his views on same-sex 'marriage.' However, despite this landmark win, Felix continued to face discrimination. His "dream job" offer was rescinded by potential employers upon learning about the successful outcome of his case. This shocking turn of events underscores the persistent challenges individuals like Felix endure in exercising their freedom of speech and the far-reaching consequences that unjust treatment can have on their career prospects.
  • Dr David Mackereth, a Christian doctor with 26 years of experience, was unjustly dismissed from his job for expressing the belief that gender is determined by biology, not self-identification and stating, as a result of this belief, he would not use transgender pronouns.
  • Maureen Martin, a Christian mayoral candidate, lost her job at a housing association for expressing her Christian beliefs on marriage on her election manifesto. Her employer, rather than argue in court for the right to discriminate against her, agreed to settle her case.
  • Rev. Dr Bernard Randall was sacked as school chaplain for preaching a Christian sermon in a Christian act of worship in a Christian chapel in a Christian school. Adding to the absurdity of his dismissal, Bernard was reported to the terrorist watchdog, Prevent, and blacklisted by the Church of England as a safeguarding risk to children. 

Tragically, there are many more cases like these

By signing our petition, you can stand with us to protect freedom of speech and Christian expression.  

Together, we can send a powerful message that Christian beliefs should be respected and upheld. 

Join us in our fight for justice and equality for all by signing and sharing the petition.



This petition is written by Christian Concern (CGPE230718).

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Petition to: The Rt Hon Mr. Greg Hands

We, the undersigned, are writing to express our deep concern over the treatment of Cllr King Lawal, a dedicated councillor, who has faced severe repercussions for expressing his legal and commonly held views on social media.  


We urge you, as the Chairman of the Conservative Party, to intervene and take decisive and definitive action to end viewpoint discrimination and restoreCllr Lawal to his rightful positions. 


King's ordeal began when he shared a tweet expressing the Christian and biblical position on LGBT pride events –beliefs which are legally protected and shared by millions of individuals, both Christians and non-Christians, across the UK. Regrettably, he was swiftly suspended by the Conservative Party pending an investigation, removed from multiple trustee positions, and even faced warnings of potential police investigation for alleged 'hate crimes.' To make matters worse, a local authority demanded that he resign from his own business or risk losing a substantial council contract. 


This case raises alarming questions about the preservation of freedom of speech and religious expression for public officials and wider society. In particular, it raises questions about whether Christians who believe traditional conservative teaching about marriage and sexual ethics are welcome in the Conservative Party.  


It is crucial that individuals can express their beliefs without fear of career ruin or unjust punishment, especially when they do so respectfully and without inciting hatred or violence. 


We implore you to take the following actions: 


1) Reinstate Cllr Lawal to his position within the Conservative Party, acknowledging that he should not face any penalties or disciplinary action for expressing his faith-based beliefs. 
2) Issue a formal apology to Cllr Lawal on behalf of the Conservative Party for any undue treatment, acknowledging that his expression his sincerely held and Christian beliefs should not have led to such severe repercussions. 
3) Initiate a thorough review of how Lawal was treated, ensuring that Christians will be protected from such bullying in the future. 


By taking a firm stance against viewpoint discrimination and supporting Cllr Lawal's rightful reinstatement, you will send a powerful message that the Conservative Party upholds the principles of freedom and equality for all its members.  


Moreover, your actions will demonstrate the party's dedication to fostering an environment where differing beliefs can coexist peacefully. 


We believe that a fair and inclusive society must safeguard the rights of all its citizens, and it is through the protection of these fundamental principles that we can truly progress and unite as a nation. 


We kindly request your urgent attention to this matter and eagerly await your response.

Together, let us stand for justice and equality. 

[Tu nombre]

Petition to: The Rt Hon Mr. Greg Hands

We, the undersigned, are writing to express our deep concern over the treatment of Cllr King Lawal, a dedicated councillor, who has faced severe repercussions for expressing his legal and commonly held views on social media.  


We urge you, as the Chairman of the Conservative Party, to intervene and take decisive and definitive action to end viewpoint discrimination and restoreCllr Lawal to his rightful positions. 


King's ordeal began when he shared a tweet expressing the Christian and biblical position on LGBT pride events –beliefs which are legally protected and shared by millions of individuals, both Christians and non-Christians, across the UK. Regrettably, he was swiftly suspended by the Conservative Party pending an investigation, removed from multiple trustee positions, and even faced warnings of potential police investigation for alleged 'hate crimes.' To make matters worse, a local authority demanded that he resign from his own business or risk losing a substantial council contract. 


This case raises alarming questions about the preservation of freedom of speech and religious expression for public officials and wider society. In particular, it raises questions about whether Christians who believe traditional conservative teaching about marriage and sexual ethics are welcome in the Conservative Party.  


It is crucial that individuals can express their beliefs without fear of career ruin or unjust punishment, especially when they do so respectfully and without inciting hatred or violence. 


We implore you to take the following actions: 


1) Reinstate Cllr Lawal to his position within the Conservative Party, acknowledging that he should not face any penalties or disciplinary action for expressing his faith-based beliefs. 
2) Issue a formal apology to Cllr Lawal on behalf of the Conservative Party for any undue treatment, acknowledging that his expression his sincerely held and Christian beliefs should not have led to such severe repercussions. 
3) Initiate a thorough review of how Lawal was treated, ensuring that Christians will be protected from such bullying in the future. 


By taking a firm stance against viewpoint discrimination and supporting Cllr Lawal's rightful reinstatement, you will send a powerful message that the Conservative Party upholds the principles of freedom and equality for all its members.  


Moreover, your actions will demonstrate the party's dedication to fostering an environment where differing beliefs can coexist peacefully. 


We believe that a fair and inclusive society must safeguard the rights of all its citizens, and it is through the protection of these fundamental principles that we can truly progress and unite as a nation. 


We kindly request your urgent attention to this matter and eagerly await your response.

Together, let us stand for justice and equality. 

[Tu nombre]