There is NO "right to abortion" - but there is a right to life for every human being

Petition to: Amnesty International


There is NO "right to abortion" - but there is a right to life for every human being

There is NO "right to abortion" - but there is a right to life for every human being

746 signé. Atteignons 1.000!

There are still some people left who naively believe that Amnesty International is an organization that protects human rights. But this is not true. In actual fact the once renowned NGO nowadays marches at the forefront of those who, by promoting an absurd "right to abortion" seek to cancel out the most fundamental of all human rights, namely the right to life, for the weakest and most vulnerable group in society, namely unborn children. Having launched a campaign to undermine Ireland's ban on abortion, Amnesty International has once and forever forfeited its claim to be a human rights NGO. It is the opposite: an organization that defends the strong against the weak, the violent against the helpless, injustice against justice.

We are therefore calling on all those who, misled by the organization's self-styling as a human rights advocacy, have until now in good faith made donations to Amnesty International, to stop funding the group. Donating to Amnesty means to support an organization that seeks to undermine human rights.

We call on all supporters of this petition to spread this petition among their friends and acquaintances, telling them that Amnesty International is not worthy of their support.

More information is available here

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746 signé. Atteignons 1.000!

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Petition to: Amnesty International

Dear Managers and Staff of Amnesty International,

There is NO "right to abortion" - but there is a right to life for every human being.

There was a time, not very long ago, when Amnesty International was reputed as one of the world’s leading human rights NGOs. Though it did not deal with all and every human rights issue, the organization undoubtedly did a lot to help and rescue political prisoners or prisoners of conscience in many countries of the world.

In order to be able to do this, Amnesty maintained a stance of strict neutrality with regard to abortion, hoping that through this neutrality on a politically “controversial” issue it could secure the greatest possible support for less “controversial” issues. This was certainly regrettable, given that the killing of millions of unborn children every year is undoubtedly the biggest single human rights issue of our time, dwarfing both by its sheer extent and by its glaring injustice and cruelty every human rights issue that Amnesty has ever dealt, or will ever deal, with.

Despite its deplorable silence on abortion, Amnesty for many years used to be an organization that those wishing to help defending human rights could in good conscience support.

This has changed when some years ago Amnesty, at first surreptitiously but then in an increasingly overt manner, joined the ranks of those who pretend that the slaughtering of unborn children is a “right” or, even more absurd, an “internationally protected human right”.

This absurd and shameful betrayal has reached a new peak with Amnesty’s campaign to legalize abortion in Ireland.

While until then Amnesty might have been criticised for remaining silent with regard to the most urgent of all human rights issues, it is now one of the loudest and most active supporters of an agenda that stands in radical and total contradiction to the very idea of inalienable human rights. By trying to subvert the protection that the legislation of many countries affords to the weakest and most vulnerable of all human beings, unborn children, Amnesty implies that not all human beings are worthy of protection, and that “human rights” can at will be granted to some and withheld from others. 

With its overt support for a “right” to slaughter unborn children, Amnesty International has forfeited the Right to call itself a “human rights advocacy”. On the contrary, it must be counted among the most dangerous enemies of human rights, on a par or worse than the governments whose human rights abuses it criticises.

Through this petition, therefore, we denounce your hypocrisy and ask you to stop campaigning against the right to life of unborn children. In order to become credible as a human rights advocacy you must, on the contrary, stand up to defend the right to life of all human beings - in particular the weak and vulnerable. You must therefore defend the right to life of unborn children against those who, for whatever reason, will not recognize it.

This petition is also addressed to all those who in good faith, and unaware of your stance on this very fundamental human rights issue, have supported you through their donations. Given its stance on abortion, Amnesty International today is an organization that no-one who wishes to defend human rights can in good conscience adhere, or provide financial support, to. 

We ask all those who have signed this petition to spread it also among their friends and acquaintances, in order to make them aware that Amnesty International is not worthy of their support.

[Votre Nom]

Petition to: Amnesty International

Dear Managers and Staff of Amnesty International,

There is NO "right to abortion" - but there is a right to life for every human being.

There was a time, not very long ago, when Amnesty International was reputed as one of the world’s leading human rights NGOs. Though it did not deal with all and every human rights issue, the organization undoubtedly did a lot to help and rescue political prisoners or prisoners of conscience in many countries of the world.

In order to be able to do this, Amnesty maintained a stance of strict neutrality with regard to abortion, hoping that through this neutrality on a politically “controversial” issue it could secure the greatest possible support for less “controversial” issues. This was certainly regrettable, given that the killing of millions of unborn children every year is undoubtedly the biggest single human rights issue of our time, dwarfing both by its sheer extent and by its glaring injustice and cruelty every human rights issue that Amnesty has ever dealt, or will ever deal, with.

Despite its deplorable silence on abortion, Amnesty for many years used to be an organization that those wishing to help defending human rights could in good conscience support.

This has changed when some years ago Amnesty, at first surreptitiously but then in an increasingly overt manner, joined the ranks of those who pretend that the slaughtering of unborn children is a “right” or, even more absurd, an “internationally protected human right”.

This absurd and shameful betrayal has reached a new peak with Amnesty’s campaign to legalize abortion in Ireland.

While until then Amnesty might have been criticised for remaining silent with regard to the most urgent of all human rights issues, it is now one of the loudest and most active supporters of an agenda that stands in radical and total contradiction to the very idea of inalienable human rights. By trying to subvert the protection that the legislation of many countries affords to the weakest and most vulnerable of all human beings, unborn children, Amnesty implies that not all human beings are worthy of protection, and that “human rights” can at will be granted to some and withheld from others. 

With its overt support for a “right” to slaughter unborn children, Amnesty International has forfeited the Right to call itself a “human rights advocacy”. On the contrary, it must be counted among the most dangerous enemies of human rights, on a par or worse than the governments whose human rights abuses it criticises.

Through this petition, therefore, we denounce your hypocrisy and ask you to stop campaigning against the right to life of unborn children. In order to become credible as a human rights advocacy you must, on the contrary, stand up to defend the right to life of all human beings - in particular the weak and vulnerable. You must therefore defend the right to life of unborn children against those who, for whatever reason, will not recognize it.

This petition is also addressed to all those who in good faith, and unaware of your stance on this very fundamental human rights issue, have supported you through their donations. Given its stance on abortion, Amnesty International today is an organization that no-one who wishes to defend human rights can in good conscience adhere, or provide financial support, to. 

We ask all those who have signed this petition to spread it also among their friends and acquaintances, in order to make them aware that Amnesty International is not worthy of their support.

[Votre Nom]