Discourage intolerance and hatred on Amazon

Petition To: Amazon.com Management and Administrators


Discourage intolerance and hatred on Amazon

Discourage intolerance and hatred on Amazon

39,610 have signed. Let's get to 50,000!

Amazon.com is the largest online store in the world, today. And, from its massive selection of various devices and gadgets, one can purchase doormats with the national flag of the Czech Republic, Estonia, Greece, Croatia, Hungary, Poland, Romania, and Slovenia (to name a few) printed on them.

Amazon.com and its administrators should understand that, even if unintended, using a country's national flag or coat of arms as a doormat actually insults the country and people to whom the flag belongs. Wiping one's feet on the flag is like wiping one's feet on that country.

As an example, look at the picture which accompanies this petition, and see what your immediate reaction is. For most people, it is one of revulsion.

And so, advertising and selling such items, like Amazon.com does, can, even unwittingly, encourage intolerance and hatred.

It is possible that some people may derive satisfaction by trampling on the national flag of some country - perhaps, many times per day. And, such a display at one home may encourage intolerance and hatred at another.

The coat of arms, the flag and the national anthem of the Czech Republic, Estonia, Greece, Croatia, Hungary, Poland, Romania, and Slovenia represent these countries, and the expressed loyalty to them by their citizens. And, such national symbols are always supposed to be used in ways which emphasize the dignity and reputation of each nation.

A sense of national belonging and respect for one's national symbols comes from the knowledge that freedom and independence aren't "free", but come at a high cost, sometimes the cost of laying down one's life for one's country. Obviously, this sentiment should not be trivialised or mocked.

As such, it is easy to see how national flag doormats could invite intolerance and hatred. Therefore, this petition, to Amazon, seeks the suspension of the advertising and sale of such products.

We invite you to sign the petition, to stop the debasing of Czech, Estonian, Greek, Croatian, Hungarian, Polish, Romanian, and Slovenian national symbols.

By signing this petition, an email, in your name, will be sent to the Corporate Leaders of Amazon, using the words on the opposite side of this page.

Thank you for signing!


We would like to thank our Polish friends from Fundacjaže RedUTA Dobrego Imienia, who informed us about such products being sold on Amazon.

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Amazon is wiping its feet on our national flag

For the Kind Attention of:

  • Amazon Management and Administration

Amazon's webpages offer many different gadgets, posters, and other items, using the national flags of various countries. This is generally a positive thing.

But, unfortunately, some national flags, including those of the Czech Republic, Estonia, Greece, Croatia, Hungary, Poland, Romania, and Slovenia are sometimes used in an abusive manner. The use of national and historic symbols, such as the national flag and emblem, as a graphic printed on a doormat is extremely flagrant, even if done so unwittingly.

In countries around the world, national flags represent the authority of the state. Many people revere their national colors and fly the flag outside their homes. People hang flags during national anniversaries and holidays.

Also, in many countries, there is even a penalty of imprisonment for insulting the flag and emblem.

For Europeans, and people connected with European cultural norms, trampling upon (i.e., literally putting feet on) the flag of a nation is an expression of contempt for that nation.

Consequently, the sale of Czech, Estonian, Greek, Croatian, Hungarian, Polish, Romanian, and Slovenian flags, as doormats (as on Amazon.com), or of any other nation, shall be understood as spreading contempt and hate among the nations.

The freedom and independence of each nation - the Czech Republic, Estonia, Greece, Croatia, Hungary, Poland, Romania, and Slovenia - was won thanks to the sacrifice of men and women, many of whom were killed during various wars or disturbances. They fought and died under their flags, which Amazon now advertises and sells as doormats.

We request that Amazon cease to offer doormats with Czech, Estonian, Greek, Croatian, Hungarian, Polish, Romanian, and Slovenian flags and emblems on their webpages. We also request for a change of rules for the website, so that such products will be automatically blocked by administrators.

[Your Name]

Amazon is wiping its feet on our national flag

For the Kind Attention of:

  • Amazon Management and Administration

Amazon's webpages offer many different gadgets, posters, and other items, using the national flags of various countries. This is generally a positive thing.

But, unfortunately, some national flags, including those of the Czech Republic, Estonia, Greece, Croatia, Hungary, Poland, Romania, and Slovenia are sometimes used in an abusive manner. The use of national and historic symbols, such as the national flag and emblem, as a graphic printed on a doormat is extremely flagrant, even if done so unwittingly.

In countries around the world, national flags represent the authority of the state. Many people revere their national colors and fly the flag outside their homes. People hang flags during national anniversaries and holidays.

Also, in many countries, there is even a penalty of imprisonment for insulting the flag and emblem.

For Europeans, and people connected with European cultural norms, trampling upon (i.e., literally putting feet on) the flag of a nation is an expression of contempt for that nation.

Consequently, the sale of Czech, Estonian, Greek, Croatian, Hungarian, Polish, Romanian, and Slovenian flags, as doormats (as on Amazon.com), or of any other nation, shall be understood as spreading contempt and hate among the nations.

The freedom and independence of each nation - the Czech Republic, Estonia, Greece, Croatia, Hungary, Poland, Romania, and Slovenia - was won thanks to the sacrifice of men and women, many of whom were killed during various wars or disturbances. They fought and died under their flags, which Amazon now advertises and sells as doormats.

We request that Amazon cease to offer doormats with Czech, Estonian, Greek, Croatian, Hungarian, Polish, Romanian, and Slovenian flags and emblems on their webpages. We also request for a change of rules for the website, so that such products will be automatically blocked by administrators.

[Your Name]