Appeal to Canadian and EU Foreign Ministers to reject the Dutch plan for an international abortion fund

Appeal to Canadian and EU Ministers to reject a Dutch plan for an international abortion fund


Appeal to Canadian and EU Foreign Ministers to reject the Dutch plan for an international abortion fund

Appeal to Canadian and EU Foreign Ministers to reject the Dutch plan for an international abortion fund

125,265 have signed. Let's get to 200,000!

Update February 27: 40 countries participating in the so-called fund abortion conference on 2 March in Brussels, says minister Ploumen today.


Update February 21: In a recent interview, Dutch Minister Ploumen stated that there are now 23 countries who support the so-called abortion fund, of which 9 are doing so publicly. She also said that "basically everyone thought it was a good idea," but, of course, "people who think that women should have no 'right' to abortion". Also, in an interview with the New York Times, she said that 19 countries will attend the conference in Brussels on 2 March.


Update February 15: The European Parliament yesterday adopted a text with recommendations on the "61st Meeting of the Commission of the UN on the Status of Women".

In the same text, the European Parliament reacts to the reinstatement of the Mexico City Policy by President Trump, and states that "the EU and its Members seek to offset the impact of the gag-rule, by increasing their significantly funding for sexual and reproductive health and rights, and to establish an international fund, to finance access to birth control and safe and legal abortion."

Since such a fund already set up by Minister Ploumen, it seems to involve an implicit support of this fund by the European Parliament. Moreover, it is a case of an explicit call to both the EU and the Member States to support financially this fund.


Update 10 February: The Dutch news reported that 17 countries have now joined in support of the Dutch abortion fund.

Seven of those will organise, together with the Dutch ministry and at the initiative of Belgian Deputy Prime Minister De Croo, a conference in Brussels on 2 March.

These countries and organisations will combine their ideas, and women from developing countries will tell their personal stories.

The seven core countries involved are Sweden, Denmark, Canada, Belgium, Luxemburg, Finland and the Cape Verde Islands. But, the other ten countries, donating money to the fund, have kept quiet about it so far.

Concerning Belgium, yesterday it made known that it will, like the Netherlands, contribute 10 Million to the fund.

We must continue to make people aware that their taxes may be used to fund abortions abroad. This injustice must be nipped in the bud.


Just a few days ago on 23 January, the new president of the United States, Donald Trump, reinstated the so-called "Mexico City Policy" - a policy first introduced and sustained by Presidents Reagan, Bush Sr., and Bush Jr., but abolished by Presidents Clinton and Obama.

The Mexico City Policy states that no US taxpayer funding should go to international or foreign organizations which perform or promote abortion. Trump's reinstatement of this policy, thus, involves, among other things, stopping such funding for the International Planned Parenthood Federation, Marie Stopes International, and, probably, the United Nations Population Fund.

But, now, in response to this US decision, the Dutch Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation, Lilianne Ploumen, has launched an initiative to fund international abortion organisations (like those mentioned above) under the name "She Decides".

This proposed fund is meant to fill a gap of nearly $600 Million: the amount of funding the United States will no longer pay to the respective organisations.

An important note here is that, under law, US taxpayer funding could not be used to directly fund abortion since 1973. However, it is true that abortion-performing-organisations received other funding for other non-abortion-related activities, thus enabling them to spend the money they would have had to raise for non-abortion-related activities, on abortion.

Thanks to Trump's signature, reinstating the Mexico City Policy, that kind of shifting of funds has now come to an end. Organisations which perform or promote abortion cannot now receive any US funding, not even for other non-abortion activities.

But, the Dutch Government has already given €10 Million to the "She Decides" Ploumen fund. Dutch taxes, are now used to make abortion available worldwide and to promote the same. Especially in poor countries. Especially in Africa.

AND, other countries around the world, including Canada, Belgium, Denmark and other EU countries have also expressed interest in joining this terrible, life-destroying fund.

This is happening, all while recent, true horror stories from Africa have emerged about abuses perpetrated there by Marie Stopes International. In Uganda, for example, illegal abortion clinics, operated by Marie Stopes International, have been accused of flushing down the toilet babies killed by abortion, while raising the volume of the music in their centre to drown out the sound of women moaning in pain.

Such abuses also occur in other countries. We must, therefore, ask the question: do we want our tax money going to these organisations?

For all of these reasons, CitizenGO has started a petition against the Dutch "She Decides" Fund.

Residents of the Netherlands, Canada, Belgium, Denmark and all European countries must object to taxpayer funding of abortion, and reject the Dutch Ploumen plan.

This type of neo-colonialism must be rejected!

Is this the best we, as Western nations, can do in terms of development?

Please sign this important petition, which will be directed to the Foreign Minister of Canada, Ms Chrystia Freeland, to the EU High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Ms Federica Mogherini, and to the Foreign Ministers of EU Member States.

Additionally, this petition will also be Cc'ed to the Dutch Government, to show the revulsion of people around the world regarding such an arrogant and myopic policy.


125,265 have signed. Let's get to 200,000!

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International Abortion Fund? Not in my name!

For the Kind Attention of:

  • The Foreign Minister of Canada - Ms Chrystia Freeland
  • High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy - Ms Federica Mogherini

And, Cc'ed to Foreign Ministers of the Netherlands and other EU Member States

We, the undersigned, have taken note of the new initiative, pushed by the Dutch Government, to establish an international abortion fund, under the name "She Decides".

We have also taken note of the support which Canada and some other EU countries have expressed for this deeply-misguided project.

And, we also know that the Dutch Government have already provided 10 Million of taxpayer funding for this project, which aims to gather 600 Million, to support abortion in poor countries.

"She Decides" is a response to the funding gap created by the reinstatement of the Mexico City Policy by the Trump Administration, prohibiting taxpayer funding from going to international organisations which perform or promote abortion.

The objective of the new fund is to give money to organisations, like the International Planned Parenthood Federation and Marie Stopies International, which will lose funding due to the restored US policy.

Such organisations claim that illegal and "unsafe" abortions will occur as a result.

But, when it comes to preventing illegal and horrific abortion practices, it is no solution to support organisations such as Marie Stopes International. This organisation has recently been discredited by performing illegal abortions with painful methods, where the embryos and unborn babies (killed by abortion) were flushed down the toilet. This took place in Uganda.

We, the undersigned, believe that to support such activities is not a constructive form of development.

It's good to want to be a "model country", but forcing abortion on African countries is NOT setting good example. It is essentially a form of neo-colonialism!

In the same vein, we are also against the idea that a form of "population control" be applied to people in poor African countries, as if they were animals. Each unique human life is of infinite value.

Basic maternity care should be supported and funded, yes, but the killing of unborn children does not belong there!

Ms Ploumen and the Dutch Government, you say that you are looking for broad support for this fund. But, we say: Not in our name, and not with our tax monies!

Therefore, we ask you, Foreign Ministers, not to support this project, and, or, to desist if your Government have already taken steps to join.

Thank you for your serious consideration.

[Your Name]

International Abortion Fund? Not in my name!

For the Kind Attention of:

  • The Foreign Minister of Canada - Ms Chrystia Freeland
  • High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy - Ms Federica Mogherini

And, Cc'ed to Foreign Ministers of the Netherlands and other EU Member States

We, the undersigned, have taken note of the new initiative, pushed by the Dutch Government, to establish an international abortion fund, under the name "She Decides".

We have also taken note of the support which Canada and some other EU countries have expressed for this deeply-misguided project.

And, we also know that the Dutch Government have already provided 10 Million of taxpayer funding for this project, which aims to gather 600 Million, to support abortion in poor countries.

"She Decides" is a response to the funding gap created by the reinstatement of the Mexico City Policy by the Trump Administration, prohibiting taxpayer funding from going to international organisations which perform or promote abortion.

The objective of the new fund is to give money to organisations, like the International Planned Parenthood Federation and Marie Stopies International, which will lose funding due to the restored US policy.

Such organisations claim that illegal and "unsafe" abortions will occur as a result.

But, when it comes to preventing illegal and horrific abortion practices, it is no solution to support organisations such as Marie Stopes International. This organisation has recently been discredited by performing illegal abortions with painful methods, where the embryos and unborn babies (killed by abortion) were flushed down the toilet. This took place in Uganda.

We, the undersigned, believe that to support such activities is not a constructive form of development.

It's good to want to be a "model country", but forcing abortion on African countries is NOT setting good example. It is essentially a form of neo-colonialism!

In the same vein, we are also against the idea that a form of "population control" be applied to people in poor African countries, as if they were animals. Each unique human life is of infinite value.

Basic maternity care should be supported and funded, yes, but the killing of unborn children does not belong there!

Ms Ploumen and the Dutch Government, you say that you are looking for broad support for this fund. But, we say: Not in our name, and not with our tax monies!

Therefore, we ask you, Foreign Ministers, not to support this project, and, or, to desist if your Government have already taken steps to join.

Thank you for your serious consideration.

[Your Name]