Pledge: Give 5 Friends 10 Reasons To Oppose The Anti-Family, Anti-Mother Referendums



Pledge: Give 5 Friends 10 Reasons To Oppose The Anti-Family, Anti-Mother Referendums

Pledge: Give 5 Friends 10 Reasons To Oppose The Anti-Family, Anti-Mother Referendums

1,391 have signed. Let's get to 2,000!

The Irish Government have planned two referendums for 8th March, aiming to amend our Constitution in ways that will directly affect mothers and families. One of these amendments seeks to erase the acknowledgment of women’s role in the home from Article 41.2. This could weaken the right of mothers who choose to stay at home to receive economic support from the State.

The second amendment would throw chaos into the definition of “the Family” in Article 41.3.1 by removing the phrase “on which the Family is founded” and including “other durable relationships” as the basis of a family unit. This could diminish the status of marriage in the formation of a family, introducing the ambiguous term "durable relationship" into law without a clear definition.

This isn’t a casual change, it's a radical change!

It’s happening right now. On 8th March.

So, with only two weeks to go, we need to act swiftly to retain protection for Mothers, Marriage and the Family.

Please take a minute to sign and share this Pledge to protect Mothers and Families in our Constitution against the proposed Anti-Family and Anti-Mother amendments on 8th March.

After signing, we ask you to forward it to 5 of your like-minded family and friends.

And, please note that in the Pledge we give 10 reasons to keep the status quo.

Our arguments against these amendments are strong, and are drawn from the insights of former Attorney General and current Senator, Michael McDowell and Independent Senators Rónán Mullen and Sharon Keoghan.

Please look at the right-hand column of this page to read through the list of 10 reasons to oppose these anti-mother and anti-family referendums.

Here are the highlights:

  • The Constitution and existing legislation already address the issues the Government claims to resolve.
  • These referendums aim to erase the role of mother. The role of the mother in the home - who is now free to choose to stay in the home - will be diminished, and the state will no longer be bound to support the choice of a mother to raise her kids at home.
  • The introduction of "durable relationship" as a basis for a family unit without clear definition will diminish the status of marriage and the family, and will create confusion in Irish judicial system around the delicate area of family law.
On these delicate issues, essential for the common good, many people are looking for justifiable reasons to check the government.

With this Pledge, let's provide clarity on this issue, allowing people to see they have just cause to oppose these amendments.

Please sign and share this Pledge to protect Mothers and Families, today, and send 5 like-minded family and friends 10 reasons to oppose these anti-Mother and anti-Family referendums. Thank you!

From Former Attorney General and current Senator Michael McDowell's website: 'Voting No is wisest option in upcoming blindman’s buff referendums' -

From Senator Rónán Mullen's website: ‘Gender’ referendums – will the Government bow to its destructive ideological wing? -

Senator Sharon Keoghan on the NWCI's stand on the forthcoming referendums -
1,391 have signed. Let's get to 2,000!

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Families, Mothers, and the Constitution: Let's Stand Together

Dear People of Ireland,

We urgently call on you to sign this Pledge to protect Mothers and Families in our Constitution against the proposed Anti-Family and Anti-Mother amendments on 8th March.

We ask you to please sign this pledge and forward it to 5 of your like-minded family and friends.

Stand with us in safeguarding the essential roles of mothers and the importance of the family - based on marriage - in our society.

Here are 10 reasons to oppose the proposal:

1. The Irish Constitution and existing legislation already address the issues the Government claims to be at issue.

2. The "durable relationship" concept is undefined and will almost inevitably lead to unforeseen negative consequences for families, children and society, in general.

3. Marriage's status as a fundamental part of forming a family will be diminished, along with the rights and special status rightfully associated with marriage.

4. This may lead to polygamy and polygyny gaining constitutional rights (although this has been denied, there is nothing to say that this will not be challenged in the future if such a change to the Constitution is made).

5. The importance of the role of mothers in the home will be diminished in the eyes of the state, and almost certainly in society, more generally.

6. Mothers' entitlement to freely choose to remain in the home and receive state support will be weakened, to the detriment of families and society.

7. The current Constitution does not compel women to stay at home but supports their choice.

8. The amendments could open Pandora's Box, affecting various delicate aspects of family law.

9. The rights and welfare of children and vulnerable people may be undermined.

10. We should not create new societal problems when there are no actual issues which are not already sufficiently dealt with by the Consitution in its current form along with existing legislation.

Yours for Mothers and Families,

[Your Name]

Families, Mothers, and the Constitution: Let's Stand Together

Dear People of Ireland,

We urgently call on you to sign this Pledge to protect Mothers and Families in our Constitution against the proposed Anti-Family and Anti-Mother amendments on 8th March.

We ask you to please sign this pledge and forward it to 5 of your like-minded family and friends.

Stand with us in safeguarding the essential roles of mothers and the importance of the family - based on marriage - in our society.

Here are 10 reasons to oppose the proposal:

1. The Irish Constitution and existing legislation already address the issues the Government claims to be at issue.

2. The "durable relationship" concept is undefined and will almost inevitably lead to unforeseen negative consequences for families, children and society, in general.

3. Marriage's status as a fundamental part of forming a family will be diminished, along with the rights and special status rightfully associated with marriage.

4. This may lead to polygamy and polygyny gaining constitutional rights (although this has been denied, there is nothing to say that this will not be challenged in the future if such a change to the Constitution is made).

5. The importance of the role of mothers in the home will be diminished in the eyes of the state, and almost certainly in society, more generally.

6. Mothers' entitlement to freely choose to remain in the home and receive state support will be weakened, to the detriment of families and society.

7. The current Constitution does not compel women to stay at home but supports their choice.

8. The amendments could open Pandora's Box, affecting various delicate aspects of family law.

9. The rights and welfare of children and vulnerable people may be undermined.

10. We should not create new societal problems when there are no actual issues which are not already sufficiently dealt with by the Consitution in its current form along with existing legislation.

Yours for Mothers and Families,

[Your Name]