#NoBigMouth - Vulgar Netflix show sexualizes adolescence

Petition to: Netflix CEO Reed Hastings


#NoBigMouth - Vulgar Netflix show sexualizes adolescence

#NoBigMouth - Vulgar Netflix show sexualizes adolescence

115,483 have signed. Let's get to 200,000!

On September 29th, Netflix plans to release “Big Mouth,” a cartoon series that sexualizes adolescence and uses vulgar and arguably pornographic images to depict the experiences of its teenage characters.

Will you help us stop the release of “Big Mouth” by signing this petition?

This series is a sad example of how far the entertainment industry has fallen from respecting basic decency.

The trailer for “Big Mouth” is vulgar and indecent. I do not recommend that you watch it. However, I have included a link below for those of you who may wish to watch it for before you pass judgement on the show.

Here is the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qjrklR3g6To.

The show, it seems from the trailer, will be a vulgar retelling of puberty. It will include everything from nocturnal ejaculation, crude depictions of menstruation, discussions about the normalcy of homosexual sexual acts, and a number of other horrors…

Please sign this petition to express your disgust that Netflix would host this vulgar show.

115,483 have signed. Let's get to 200,000!

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Stop the release of "Big Mouth"

Attn. Reed Hastings, Founder and CEO of Netflix,

CC. Spencer Wang, Vice President, Finance / IR & Corporate Development,

I just saw the trailer for Netflix's new show "Big Mouth," and I must tell you that I am very disappointed.

The show presents adolescence as a series of sexualized experiences, with foul language and vulgar imagery.

The show's sexual depictions of its underage characters are arguably examples of underage pornography, and they should not be shown anywhere, much less on a mainstream website like Netflix.

Please pull this show from your website. Adolescence should not be reduced to vulgar sexuality.

"Big Mouth" is in very poor taste, and as long as you continue to host it I will not subscribe to your service.

[Your Name]

Stop the release of "Big Mouth"

Attn. Reed Hastings, Founder and CEO of Netflix,

CC. Spencer Wang, Vice President, Finance / IR & Corporate Development,

I just saw the trailer for Netflix's new show "Big Mouth," and I must tell you that I am very disappointed.

The show presents adolescence as a series of sexualized experiences, with foul language and vulgar imagery.

The show's sexual depictions of its underage characters are arguably examples of underage pornography, and they should not be shown anywhere, much less on a mainstream website like Netflix.

Please pull this show from your website. Adolescence should not be reduced to vulgar sexuality.

"Big Mouth" is in very poor taste, and as long as you continue to host it I will not subscribe to your service.

[Your Name]