Stop Amnesty Int'l and George Soros' alliance from pushing Abortion on Christian countries
Defund Amnesty Int'l for pushing Abortion on small countries
Defund Amnesty Int'l for pushing Abortion on small countries
This is the continuation of the Defund Amnesty International petition, which has more than 150,000 signatures, to-date.
With this continuation, we aim to grow the numbers of this petition, as a reaction against Amnesty's ongoing anti-life campaigns, attacking small and developing countries for their pro-life laws.
Specifically, Amnesty International is now back in the news for their brazen promotion of abortion in Ireland, Algeria, Burkina Faso, El Salvador, Nepal, Morocco-Western Sahara and Tunisia, and for their disgraceful lobbying of government officials in Ireland.
Leaked documents have shown that Amnesty received huge amounts of funding from George Soros' Open Society Foundation (OSF), for the express purpose of overturning laws in Christian countries on the issue of abortion.
Soros is a Hungarian-American businessman and one of the richest people on the planet.
His New York City-based OSF document focuses on repealing pro-life laws in different countries. And, in Ireland, for example, the OSF has allocated heavy funding promoting the legalization of abortion for several NGOs, including Amnesty International Ireland, "to work collectively on a campaign to repeal Ireland's (Eighth) constitutional amendment" - the pro-life Amendment, which legally protects both mothers and their unborn children.
One of the leaked documents reveals the OSF's 2016-2019 strategy for "women's rights."
“With one of the most restrictive abortion laws in the world, a win there [in Ireland] could impact other strongly Catholic countries in Europe, such as Poland, and provide much needed proof that change is possible, even in highly conservative places,” the document reads.
This is clearly an instance of a foreign organisation seeking to influence the very identity of a small country by changing the Constitution. Ireland has one of the best maternal health services in the world and is a persistent problem for the pro-abortion myth that abortion is needed for women’s healthcare.
In one concrete case of this egregious interference, Amnesty Ireland brought the results of one of their global petitions on abortion to the Irish Health Minister, Simon Harris, who shamefully accepted the signatures, for a photo op.
In the photo op, Amnesty claimed to have collected a little over 271,000 signatures, insisting that Ireland repeal the 8th (Pro-Life) Amendment.
Surely, we can do better than Amnesty! Surely, we can find another 120,000 people - to SIGN this petition - who want to defend the pro-life 8th Amendment in Ireland, and similar pro-life measures in Algeria, Burkina Faso, El Salvador, Nepal, Morocco-Western Sahara and Tunisia!
Let's make it clear that we reject big-money corporate attacks on the sovereignty of small and developing nations and their absolute right and duty to protect the unborn! Our global effort would make it clear that we embrace life and reject their culture of death.
Our effort would also remind the people of Ireland, Algeria, Burkina Faso, El Salvador, Nepal, Morocco-Western Sahara and Tunisia that we support their current stand on life, and encourage them to withstand any efforts to impose abortion on them - especially those efforts backed by foreign money.
Please sign this petition today, and help us gather as many signatures as humanly possible!
This petition, aimed at Amnesty's Secretary General and their International Board, as well as Irish Health Minister, Simon Harris, calls on the organization to stop their campaign to legalize abortion in Ireland, Algeria, Burkina Faso, El Salvador, Nepal, Morocco-Western Sahara and Tunisia, AND it calls on the Irish Health Minister not to be influenced or biased by the presentation of campaign signatures bought with foreign money.
Until such time as Amnesty stops this campaign against the unborn, we also call on the supporters of Amnesty to stop contributing financially to the organization.
Thank you for signing!