Save innocent babies globally by urging Secretary of State Antony Blinken to uphold the Helms amendment.
Don't Fund Abortion Abroad: Uphold the Helms Amendment
Don't Fund Abortion Abroad: Uphold the Helms Amendment
Pressure is increasing by pro-abortion groups to repeal the Helms Amendment!
Yes, the same amendment that has, for nearly 50 years, protected innocent lives from being aborted across the globe!
The Helms Amendment was signed into law as an amendment to the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961. It prohibits the use of foreign assistance to pay for the performance of abortion as a method of family planning or to motivate or coerce any person to practice abortion. In practice, it has also been used to prohibit the use of federal funding for all abortions globally.
If the amendment is repealed, untold millions (if not billions) of abortion dollars will be channeled to foreign countries seeking aid.
We need to act urgently. The abortion lobby is pushing hard for the end of this provision, as they'd benefit from the funds, doubling down on their unfathomable genocide of preborn babies globally.
SIGN our petition NOW and ask Secretary of State Antony Blinken to protect innocent lives by NOT repealing the Helms Amendment! Not Now. Not Ever!
Repealing or reinterpreting the Helms Amendment would be inconsistent with U.S. government actions over the last 50 years under both Republican and Democratic administrations. It has been understood to prohibit U.S. foreign assistance from being used to perform abortion under any circumstance.
If the Biden administration unilaterally reinterprets the Helms Amendment inconsistently with its application for 50 years, it would break the law. The U.S. has never understood abortion to be required under any circumstance by humanitarian law.
The Helms Amendment has been a shield to protect humanitarian operators and taxpayers who morally object to abortion on religious or conscientious grounds. Repealing or reinterpreting it would prevent people of faith and others with moral objections to performing abortions from partnering with the American people in delivering aid to the poor.
Sign the petition TODAY and ask Secretary of State Antony Blinken to keep the Helms Amendment in place to protect innocent lives globally!
By reinterpreting or repealing the Helms Amendment, we risk creating perverse incentives for humanitarian aid organizations to promote abortion as the default response to rape in emergencies. It would also lend legitimacy to global abortion groups like the International Planned Parenthood Federation, which have already moved into the humanitarian space to gain access to funding.
The Helms Amendment is a highly popular piece of federal law. According to a Marist Poll published on January 27, 2021, 77% of Americans either "oppose" or "strongly oppose" using tax dollars to support international abortion. Reinterpretation of the Helms Amendment, even for exceptional circumstances, will result in the export of abortion commodities and training overseas. This could lead to an increase in the use of abortion as a racist tool of oppression against ethnic and religious minorities.
The problem with repealing or reinterpreting the Helms Amendment is not about the rape and incest exceptions. The crux of the matter is whether abortion is a human right and whether the U.S. has an obligation to fund abortion internationally. We have the power to make a difference and help preserve the culture of life in many developing countries.
Act NOW! Sign our petition and ask Secretary of State Antony Blinken to ensure that the U.S. does NOT repeal the Helms Amendment, protecting innocent lives across the globe!
Together, we can make a difference. But we have to act now before it's too late.
More information:
Talking Points on The Helms Amendment
Pro-abortion groups push for US taxpayers to fund abortions in other nations
Abortion Funding: Save the Hyde Amendment