Google Undermine Pro-Life Campaign in Ireland

Google Undermine Pro-Life Campaign in Ireland


Google Undermine Pro-Life Campaign in Ireland

Google Undermine Pro-Life Campaign in Ireland

17,353 have signed. Let's get to 20,000!

The battle for the 8th Amendment in Ireland (which protects the right to life of mother and child in the Irish Constitution) has entered its final stages with the referendum taking place on the 25th May and now internet giants Google and Facebook are severely limiting the pro-life movement in Ireland.

Facebook has decided to ban all foreign based adverts in regard to the 8th Amendment, although it could be argued that this exists in accord with Irish regulation which severely limits foreign funding for political campaigns within Ireland.

However, Google have taken the radical step of stopping all advertising in regard to the 8th Amendment which severely restricts the public presence of the pro-life movement in Ireland. As veteran pro-lifer and Senator Ronan Mullen has said: “The pro-eighth amendment campaign saw social media as a corrective to what they see as a bias or an imbalance in the mainstream media against them.”

The evidence for this bias has been well documented and is demonstrated by the reaction of the pro-abortion movement in Ireland who are very pleased about this news.

This referendum will determine if Ireland will permit abortion or not – whether Ireland will permit the intentional destruction of human life at its most vulnerable point; whether Ireland will permit a procedure known to have severe long-lasting effects on those who undergo it.

Google’s decision to prevent political advertising is a gift to the pro-abortion side of this debate as they dominate traditional forms of media.

Please sign this petition to the managing director of Google UK and Ireland, Ronan Harris, urging Google to rescind this decision which unfairly impacts upon those promoting the pro-life agenda.

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Allow Advertising on the 8th Amendment

For the attention of the managing director of Google in the UK and Ireland,

Dear Mr Harris,

It has come to my attention in the build up to the referendum on the 8th Amendment in Ireland, that Google has decided to ban all advertisements in relation to this issue.

I wish to make known my displeasure in regard to this ban and ask that you rescind this position.

I want to suggest that Google follow the lead of Facebook in this respect, which, as I am sure you are aware, has taken action against foreign-based entities that have placed adverts in relation to the 8th Amendment.

This move is in keeping with Ireland’s strict regulations in regard to foreign funding for political causes. However, Google’s move to ban all adverts in regard to this referendum heavily benefits those who want to repeal the 8th Amendment and introduce abortion into Ireland.

The anti-8th Amendment bias of the Irish media is well known, and this move by Google severely limits the extent to which the pro-8th Amendment campaigners are able to correct the bias in the mainstream media against them.

The imbalance in this debate is evident among the reactions of each side to Google’s decision. That is, those who favour the 8th Amendment, people such as Senator Ronan Mullen, have spoken out against this decision. But anti-8th Amendment groups have welcomed the move recognising how this limits the voices of their opposition.

This decision could tip the balance in favour of the anti-8th Amendment campaign, and I ask that you rescind this decision and permit those groups within Ireland to advertise their own political positions through Google adverts.

[Your Name]

Allow Advertising on the 8th Amendment

For the attention of the managing director of Google in the UK and Ireland,

Dear Mr Harris,

It has come to my attention in the build up to the referendum on the 8th Amendment in Ireland, that Google has decided to ban all advertisements in relation to this issue.

I wish to make known my displeasure in regard to this ban and ask that you rescind this position.

I want to suggest that Google follow the lead of Facebook in this respect, which, as I am sure you are aware, has taken action against foreign-based entities that have placed adverts in relation to the 8th Amendment.

This move is in keeping with Ireland’s strict regulations in regard to foreign funding for political causes. However, Google’s move to ban all adverts in regard to this referendum heavily benefits those who want to repeal the 8th Amendment and introduce abortion into Ireland.

The anti-8th Amendment bias of the Irish media is well known, and this move by Google severely limits the extent to which the pro-8th Amendment campaigners are able to correct the bias in the mainstream media against them.

The imbalance in this debate is evident among the reactions of each side to Google’s decision. That is, those who favour the 8th Amendment, people such as Senator Ronan Mullen, have spoken out against this decision. But anti-8th Amendment groups have welcomed the move recognising how this limits the voices of their opposition.

This decision could tip the balance in favour of the anti-8th Amendment campaign, and I ask that you rescind this decision and permit those groups within Ireland to advertise their own political positions through Google adverts.

[Your Name]