Tell Pakistan's President: Give freedom and safety to Pervaiz Masih and his family

Petition to: Pakistani President Mamnoon Hussain,


Tell Pakistan's President: Give freedom and safety to Pervaiz Masih and his family

Tell Pakistan's President: Give freedom and safety to Pervaiz Masih and his family

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Pakistani Christian Pervaiz Masih has been in custody since September 2nd. Masih was falsely accused of blasphemy after a community dispute. According to local police, he is charged with violating Section 295C of the Pakistan Penal Code. If convicted, he faces the death penalty.

Pervaiz Masih and his wife Zarina live with their four small children in a village in the countryside. They earn a living as brick workers, and they run a small trade with stones and sand on the side. 

This summer, the Masih’s got into a heated dispute with a competing contractor regarding payment for a supply of sand. Their competitors thought that accusing Masih of blasphemy would be an easy way to win the dispute; their allegations are completely without substance!

Again and again, Christians in Pakistan are accused of blasphemy for trivial reasons. They must then, together with their entire families and communities, fear for their lives. 

The best-known case of such accusations is the case against Asia Bibi. Over the last year, CitizenGO has launched multiple campaigns to ensure Asia Bibi’s release. We recently had a breakthrough - her death sentence was stayed for a review of the evidence against her. We must not allow Pervaiz Masih’s case to even get to this point! 

The allegations against Masih caused extremists to threaten him and his family, forcing him to hide in a neighboring village. 

Instead of coming to his aid, police harassed his relatives in their search for him. They brutally beat several members, including Mr. Masih's pregnant sister and another sister who had just given birth. 

The NGO "The Voice" was able to bring Masih’s relatives to a secure location. They cannot go back to their village at this time, because their lives are at risk there. 

Masih’s lawyer, Aneeqa Anthony, reported to the International Society for Human Rights (ISHR): "People from the village have threatened to burn the Christians on the street [...] the people have agreed that all those who have allegedly committed blasphemy, should burn in hell. And that's why they want to burn them and their families.” 

Can you imagine living in fear for your life, simply because you are a Christian?  

We must not turn our heads and ignore the suffering of our brothers and sisters in Christ. Please stand with Masih’s family by signing this petition to pressure the Pakistani President to act on his behalf.

By signing this petition, you will send an email directly to the President of Pakistan and the embassies of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan in Germany and the United States. 

Please share Masih’s story with your family and friends. International awareness and pressure are two of the keys to ensuring his prompt release and the safety of his family.

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Freedom for Pervaiz Masih and protection for his family

Your Excellency President Mamnoon Hussain,

Pervaiz Masih, a Christian family man from Gharry Wala, a town about fifty kilometers from the city of Kasur/Punjab, has been sitting in prison since September 2nd. 

Masih has been falsely accused of blasphemy. According to local police, he is charged with violating section 295C of the Pakistan Penal Code. 

Pervaiz and his wife Zarina are brick workers who struggle to make ends meet. This summer, they had a dispute with a contractor regarding payment for a supply of sand. The competitors thought that accusing Masih of blasphemy would be an easy way to win the heated dispute; their allegations are completely without substance! 

The blasphemy law has become a means of revenge in personal disputes. 

Before the legitimacy of the allegations against him was proven, Pervaiz Masih was threatened by vigilantes, forcing him into hiding. 

The local security forces did not come to his aid. Instead, while searching for Masih, they insulted and mistreated his family members. They briefly detained four of his relatives, and his pregnant sister described how the police beat them all mercilessly. Another sister, who had just given birth a week earlier by Caesarean section, was not spared, neither was her new baby. 

Masih’s family, and his Christian neighbors, are currently in great danger. Our information indicates that people from their village have threatened to burn these Christians on the open road. These vigilante extremists believe that Masih’s friends and neighbors are complicit in his “crime.” 

Masih’s community has long lived in peace with their Muslim neighbors, but now they are being ostracized and even threatened with death.

We urge you to immediately demand the release of Pervaiz Masih, and we ask that you please ensure his safety and the safety of his family members and neighbors.  

[Your Name]

Freedom for Pervaiz Masih and protection for his family

Your Excellency President Mamnoon Hussain,

Pervaiz Masih, a Christian family man from Gharry Wala, a town about fifty kilometers from the city of Kasur/Punjab, has been sitting in prison since September 2nd. 

Masih has been falsely accused of blasphemy. According to local police, he is charged with violating section 295C of the Pakistan Penal Code. 

Pervaiz and his wife Zarina are brick workers who struggle to make ends meet. This summer, they had a dispute with a contractor regarding payment for a supply of sand. The competitors thought that accusing Masih of blasphemy would be an easy way to win the heated dispute; their allegations are completely without substance! 

The blasphemy law has become a means of revenge in personal disputes. 

Before the legitimacy of the allegations against him was proven, Pervaiz Masih was threatened by vigilantes, forcing him into hiding. 

The local security forces did not come to his aid. Instead, while searching for Masih, they insulted and mistreated his family members. They briefly detained four of his relatives, and his pregnant sister described how the police beat them all mercilessly. Another sister, who had just given birth a week earlier by Caesarean section, was not spared, neither was her new baby. 

Masih’s family, and his Christian neighbors, are currently in great danger. Our information indicates that people from their village have threatened to burn these Christians on the open road. These vigilante extremists believe that Masih’s friends and neighbors are complicit in his “crime.” 

Masih’s community has long lived in peace with their Muslim neighbors, but now they are being ostracized and even threatened with death.

We urge you to immediately demand the release of Pervaiz Masih, and we ask that you please ensure his safety and the safety of his family members and neighbors.  

[Your Name]