Missouri school district chooses to allow boy in the girls' locker room

Petition to: Hillsboro School District


Missouri school district chooses to allow boy in the girls' locker room

Missouri school district chooses to allow boy in the girls' locker room

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Hillsboro High School compromised the privacy of its female students when it chose to allow a man to use the girls’ locker room.  

Over 150 students in Missouri staged a walk-out last Monday to make it clear that they are not comfortable with this decision. We must applaud the bravery of these students and stand with them in demanding that the school reconsider its decision.  

A 17 year old boy, who has chosen to go by the name “Lila Perry,” is wreaking havoc in his Missouri school district by refusing to use the “gender neutral” locker room that the school district allotted for his use. Instead, he insists that since he “is a girl,” he should be given full rights to use the girls’ locker room. 

The school’s leadership, undoubtably afraid that they would be deemed “politically incorrect” by the radical left if they denied his demands, allowed the boy to use the girls’ locker room. Three board members have resigned in the wake of this decision. 

One of these prior Board members, Bo Harrison, told the Saint Louis Post-Dispatch, “Would I stand by and let somebody hurt him? No. But I won't stand by and let him make a donkey out of that school and be in there with a bunch of young girls. That's as asinine as it could get." He went on to explain, "Some said we could lose tax money if they didn't give this kid a bathroom and all of that.” 

By allowing a boy to access to the girls’ restroom and locker room, the Hillsboro School District has bowed to the rhetoric of the left that we become whatever we say we are. In the process, they have utterly compromised the right to privacy of the girls at the high school.  

Girls as young as thirteen or fourteen could now be exposed to a boy changing his clothes in their safe space. This is absolutely unacceptable, and parents in the school district are understandably upset.

Stand with this brave group of protestors and tell school administrators that the girls at Hillsboro High School have a right to privacy, and that right should not be infringed because of one student's ridiculous demands. 


Further resources: 

St. Louis Post-Dispatch Article on Board Resignations

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Don't compromise girls' right to privacy!

Dear Hillsboro High School Board and Administration, 

I urge you to reconsider your decision to allow members of the opposite gender to access to the girls’ locker room and restrooms. By allowing a male to access these spaces, you have compromised the privacy of the girls at your school. The supposed “right” of one student cannot overrule rights of the rest of your student body. Please release a statement apologizing for your decision and confirming your commitment to protecting the privacy of the girls at your school. 

[Your Name]

Don't compromise girls' right to privacy!

Dear Hillsboro High School Board and Administration, 

I urge you to reconsider your decision to allow members of the opposite gender to access to the girls’ locker room and restrooms. By allowing a male to access these spaces, you have compromised the privacy of the girls at your school. The supposed “right” of one student cannot overrule rights of the rest of your student body. Please release a statement apologizing for your decision and confirming your commitment to protecting the privacy of the girls at your school. 

[Your Name]