Keep trans lobby group Mermaids out of primary schools

Petition to: The Secretary of State for Education


Keep trans lobby group Mermaids out of primary schools

Keep trans lobby group Mermaids out of primary schools

52,568 have signed. Let's get to 100,000!

2022 update: 

Since we started this petition in 2019, Mermaids has continually been exposed for its harmful advice and advocacy. 

A shocking undercover investigation by The Telegraph found that Mermaids has been discreetly sending chest binders to children as young as 13 whose parents will not let them use one. The Metropolitan Police force describes the offence of “breast flattening”, most commonly via a chest binder, as “child abuse” and a form of female genital mutilation. 

Mermaids continues to tell young visitors to its website that controversial hormone-blocking drugs are “safe” and “fully reversible”. However, current NHS guidelines say 'little is known about the long-term side effects' and it has shut down the UK’s only dedicated ‘gender identity clinic’ after a Government report found it “not safe for children”. 

The activist group has also been fined £25,000 after confidential emails from hundreds of parents, whose children were struggling with their sex change, were shared online as the Mermaids site had insufficient security settings.

At long last the Charity Commission is investigating Mermaids for its failure to safeguard young people. It’s important as ever that we oppose Mermaids being let into any primary school.

Read on to see why we started this petition and sign. 


Mermaids, the controversial UK charity that promotes the cause of ‘transgender children’ has been the subject of a number of scandalous headlines which have revealed what many members of the UK public already suspect - namely that this 'charity' is not fit for purpose!  In recent years under the direction of former IT manager Susie Green who has no professional medical qualifications, Mermaids has evolved from being an amateur support group run by parents for other parents of children with gender dysphoria, to being seen as the UK's leading authority on transgender children.  Mermaids has managed to achieve institutional capture and is embedded in every single public body, delivering training sessions in schools, police forces and county councils across the country. 

Recently a secret recording was made of one of Mermaids’ training sessions in a UK primary school in which a member of Mermaids’ staff demonstrated a disturbing lack of knowledge, peddling fake facts, an incorrect understanding of the law and junk science to teachers and bullying one of the school governors when they  attempted to challenge the inaccuracies being presented as fact. The trainer displayed an alarming disregard for child safeguarding procedures, advising teachers to  withhold important information from parents.  This is not the first time concerns have been voiced about Mermaids. In April 2019,  five members of staff from the UK’s only specialist clinic for transgender children quit, citing how they had been put under huge amounts of pressure to fast-track children, including some as young as 3, onto treatment for gender identity disorder, or else face accusations of transphobia. Clinic staff reported that Mermaids were helping families write letters of complaint if their children were not immediately prescribed puberty blockers, with one letter even being signed by Susie Green, herself. Clinicians also cited concerns that Mermaids had been coaching young children and their families in what to say to speed up the assessment process. Now the news has broken that Mermaids has breached the confidentiality of vulnerable children by publishing emails from their parents directly onto the internet where anyone could read them. These emails contained intimate details about the children along with their identifying details. Mermaids also published letters from families accusing the organisation of behaving like a cult and complaining that underage children had being allowed to drink alcohol while attending  a Mermaids summer retreat away from their parents.

It is time for the plug to be pulled on this charity and for an urgent investigation and review into their activities. Mermaids is currently in receipt of  £500,000 National Lottery grant, a £128,000 grant from the BBC’s Children in Need and a £35,000 grant from the government. Public money is being lavished on an organisation which cannot even get its basic facts correct and which is deliberately misleading parents. 

Mermaids campaigns for the ban on children being given cross-sex hormones and surgery to be lifted and distorts the figures on suicides in order to emotionally manipulate people into affirming harmful life-changing treatment for children. The number of children being referred to the Gender Identity clinic has risen by 700% over the past five years - that's almost three times the rate of the adult referral rate, yet it is recognised that well over 80% of children who present with identity problems will come to accept and be happy with the body with which they were born. At the same time as this rise in children with reported gender dysphoria, there has been a corresponding explosion of gender ideology into public life and the public consciousness with Mermaids at the forefront, calling for existing sex-based protections for women and girls to be swept away in the name of inclusion.  We are calling for an urgent review into Mermaids, and in order to ensure that children's safety is not compromised, for the Education Secretary to prohibit them from being able to carry out any training or advisory work within primary schools.


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52,568 have signed. Let's get to 100,000!

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Petition to: The Secretary of State for Education

Evidence has shown that the transgender campaign group Mermaids is delivering training in our schools on the topic of young children transitioning gender with claims that are scientifically and legally unfounded.

Furthermore, they have been shown to use bullying tactics to silence intelligent, reasonable questioning of their ideological position by governors and others (including parents).

We call upon you to publicly recommend that this radical group is not invited to train staff, or guide policy in primary schools.  Further, to order an urgent review into their activities in schools.

We believe Mermaids should receive no further public funding until a full review has been concluded.

[Your Name]

Petition to: The Secretary of State for Education

Evidence has shown that the transgender campaign group Mermaids is delivering training in our schools on the topic of young children transitioning gender with claims that are scientifically and legally unfounded.

Furthermore, they have been shown to use bullying tactics to silence intelligent, reasonable questioning of their ideological position by governors and others (including parents).

We call upon you to publicly recommend that this radical group is not invited to train staff, or guide policy in primary schools.  Further, to order an urgent review into their activities in schools.

We believe Mermaids should receive no further public funding until a full review has been concluded.

[Your Name]