Support efforts in Utah to ban abortion based on Down syndrome!



Support efforts in Utah to ban abortion based on Down syndrome!


Support efforts in Utah to ban abortion based on Down syndrome!

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The Utah House has approved this measure!


Last year, CBS published a truly horrendous article about the abortion of children with Down syndrome. The headline read: “Iceland is on pace to virtually eliminate Down syndrome through abortion.” That’s right, CBS thought that by aborting virtually every baby who has Down syndrome, Iceland is “eliminate[ing] Down syndrome.”

But unfortunately, CBS isn’t alone in arguing all babies with Down syndrome should be aborted. Some social scientists are even arguing parents who choose not to abort their child with Down syndrome should pay a fine. Tragically, 85 percent of preborn children diagnosed with Down syndrome will be aborted. 

There is tremendous pressure on our government to disregard people with Down syndrome. Fortunately, there are now efforts in the Utah legislature to prohibit abortions based on down Syndrome.

As the Associated Pressed reported, House Bill 205 “would make it a misdemeanor for a doctor to perform an abortion knowing that the pregnant woman is seeking it because of a diagnosis or suspicion that the fetus has down Syndrome.” 

Please sign this petition to the Utah legislature urging them to pass this life saving legislation.

Recently, Frank Stephens, a man with Down syndrome, testified before House Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, arguing that his life, and the life of every person with Down syndrome, has value. 

“Sadly, across the world, a notion is being sold that maybe we don’t need research concerning Down syndrome. Some people say prenatal screens will identify Down syndrome in the womb, and those pregnancies will just be terminated,” said Stephens. “Seriously, I don’t feel I should have to justify my existence. Is there really no place for us in the world?” 

“Let’s be America, not Iceland or Denmark,” Stephens stated, referring to the above-mentioned recent reports chronicling the extremely high abortion rate of unborn children diagnosed with Down syndrome in those countries.

“Whatever you learn today, please remember this,” Mr. Stephens stated, “I am a man with Down syndrome and my life is worth living.”

Killing every unborn baby with a certain condition is not a cure for that condition—it’s straight up eugenics. It’s the same system that led to racism in this country and Nazism and the Holocaust abroad.

All people are made in the image of God and have inherent value and worth –including those born with an extra chromosome. 

Please ask the Utah legislature to pass House Bill 205 in order to protect unborn babies with Down syndrome.

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Protect people with Down syndrome

Dear Utah Legislature,

Recently, CBS published a truly horrendous article about the abortion of children with Down syndrome. The headline read: “Iceland is on pace to virtually eliminate Down syndrome through abortion.” That’s right, CBS thought that by aborting virtually every baby who has Down syndrome, Iceland is “eliminate[ing] Down syndrome.” 

But unfortunately, CBS isn’t alone in arguing all babies with Down syndrome should be aborted. Some social scientists are even arguing parents who choose not to abort their child with Down syndrome should pay a fine. Tragically, 85 percent of preborn children diagnosed with Down syndrome will be aborted.

Fortunately, there is now an effort in the legislature to protect people with Down syndrome. House Bill 205 “would make it a misdemeanor for a doctor to perform an abortion knowing that the pregnant woman is seeking it because of a diagnosis or suspicion that the fetus has Down syndrome.”  

As Frank Stephens, a man with Down syndrome who recently advocated before the United States Congress has said, “Please remember this. I am a man with Down syndrome and my life is worth living.”

Please pass this important legislation! 

[Your Name]

Protect people with Down syndrome

Dear Utah Legislature,

Recently, CBS published a truly horrendous article about the abortion of children with Down syndrome. The headline read: “Iceland is on pace to virtually eliminate Down syndrome through abortion.” That’s right, CBS thought that by aborting virtually every baby who has Down syndrome, Iceland is “eliminate[ing] Down syndrome.” 

But unfortunately, CBS isn’t alone in arguing all babies with Down syndrome should be aborted. Some social scientists are even arguing parents who choose not to abort their child with Down syndrome should pay a fine. Tragically, 85 percent of preborn children diagnosed with Down syndrome will be aborted.

Fortunately, there is now an effort in the legislature to protect people with Down syndrome. House Bill 205 “would make it a misdemeanor for a doctor to perform an abortion knowing that the pregnant woman is seeking it because of a diagnosis or suspicion that the fetus has Down syndrome.”  

As Frank Stephens, a man with Down syndrome who recently advocated before the United States Congress has said, “Please remember this. I am a man with Down syndrome and my life is worth living.”

Please pass this important legislation! 

[Your Name]