Boycott Target for Christmas!

Petition to: Brian Cornell -


Boycott Target for Christmas!


Boycott Target for Christmas!

12,298 have signed. Let's get to 20,000!


Target, the retail giant, has decided to go all in on a contentious issue: promoting LGBT ideologies during a season treasured by many for its traditional values.

Despite the clear message sent by falling revenue - a staggering $15 billion drop in market capitalization and two consecutive quarters of sales decline - Target is doubling down.

They're persisting in sexualizing Santa and The Nutcracker, muddying the waters of childhood innocence with these and other Pride Christmas decorations.

Despite a clear message sent by the significant loss of revenue this past summer, with their transgender swimsuits and LGBT merchandise sparking outrage, Target presses forward. 

Their recent Pride Christmas decorations, including a gay Santa and Nutcrackers, are a blatant attempt to sexualize Christmas and target our children with radical ideologies. It's a corporate strategy that's not just morally bankrupt—it's a slap in the face to families nationwide who cherish the sacred innocence of the holiday.

Why must we act now? Christmas is a few days away. We're racing against the clock to redirect Target's marketing strategy before they profit from the conservative Christmas consumer.

They've turned Christian symbols into vehicles for pushing perversion, and this cannot stand unchallenged. It's time to amplify our voices and ensure our message is heard loud and clear at Target's headquarters.

This must be met with immediate action. We cannot allow this to continue, not when the conservative Christmas consumer's voice and wallet hold the power. So we are asking for you to Boycott Target for Christmas!

PLUS, you can stand with us and sign the petition demanding Brian Cornell STOP Target's promotion of LGBT merchandise to children and young people.

Target's error in judgment is clear. The summer outcry from families who value tradition resulted in a swift, albeit short-lived, reversal of their merchandising choices.

We, the majority, have expressed our opposition to the LGBT ideology infiltrating our culture.

The very nerve of Target to sexualize Christmas icons for a woke agenda is where we draw the line. Target must learn that these holidays are not their platform for social experiments.

Commit to change by signing our petition urging Brian Cornell to reevaluate Target's push of LGBT merchandise and BOYCOTT TARGET for Christmas.

But why could our petition turn the tide?

With Christmas around the corner, the American consumer's voice is loud! 

Retailers, like Target, rely on this season to turn a profit. Given their recent financial woes, Target is more likely than ever to listen. They heeded our call in the summer; they'll surely heed it now when their year's profit hangs in the balance.

If we fail, Target's financial success will drown out our protests, emboldening them to continue their current course.

But if we succeed, Target will be forced to remove their Pride Christmas merchandise in-store and online. They will cease to push these ideologies upon our families. This is our chance to safeguard our traditions and protect our children.

Urgency is key. We need a significant number of signatures to make an impression. If we hesitate, it will be too late.

Please take a moment to sign the petition and BOYCOTT Target for Christmas. Tell Brian Cornell that we demand Target stop targeting our children with LGBT ideologies in their merchandise.



Once you've signed, share this petition far and wide. Every voice counts in this crucial hour.


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12,298 have signed. Let's get to 20,000!

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Petition to: Brian Cornell -

Dear Mr. Brian Cornell,

It's time for Target to listen to the voice of reason and family values. Your company's decision to push LGBT-themed Christmas merchandise and Pride decorations has led to a significant backlash. Despite suffering over $15 billion in market losses and witnessing sales declines, Target continues promoting an agenda that many customers find deeply troubling.

Our children's innocence is not for sale. We urge you to stop using Christmas, a season of joy and purity, to advance a divisive sexual ideology. The incorporation of a gay Santa and Pride Nutcrackers and other Pride decorations into your holiday collection is an insult to families seeking to preserve the wholesomeness of the season.

We demand that you immediately cease the promotion of LGBT ideologies to children through your merchandise. Should Target continue down this path, we pledge to take our business elsewhere this Christmas. It's time for Target to prioritize children's well-being over political agendas.

We are resolute in our call for a boycott. We will not stand by as the true spirit of Christmas is compromised. Let this be a message to all corporations: our children's innocence is paramount, and we will defend it.

Kind regards,

[Your Name]

Petition to: Brian Cornell -

Dear Mr. Brian Cornell,

It's time for Target to listen to the voice of reason and family values. Your company's decision to push LGBT-themed Christmas merchandise and Pride decorations has led to a significant backlash. Despite suffering over $15 billion in market losses and witnessing sales declines, Target continues promoting an agenda that many customers find deeply troubling.

Our children's innocence is not for sale. We urge you to stop using Christmas, a season of joy and purity, to advance a divisive sexual ideology. The incorporation of a gay Santa and Pride Nutcrackers and other Pride decorations into your holiday collection is an insult to families seeking to preserve the wholesomeness of the season.

We demand that you immediately cease the promotion of LGBT ideologies to children through your merchandise. Should Target continue down this path, we pledge to take our business elsewhere this Christmas. It's time for Target to prioritize children's well-being over political agendas.

We are resolute in our call for a boycott. We will not stand by as the true spirit of Christmas is compromised. Let this be a message to all corporations: our children's innocence is paramount, and we will defend it.

Kind regards,

[Your Name]