Stop Target's New Gay Pride Collection for Babies!

Target is selling transgender and LGBTQ clothes for babies


Stop Target's New Gay Pride Collection for Babies!

Stop Target's New Gay Pride Collection for Babies!

15,082 have signed. Let's get to 20,000!

It's hard to believe, but Target just released a new collection of transgender and LGBTQ accessories, books, and clothes for kids and even babies. 

This is an attack on parents and Christian values, intended to indoctrinate children and families in the transgender cult starting from the cradle. 

Their latest "Pride" collection includes a t-shirt with the words “Queer Queer Queer Queer” and a t-shirt that reads, “Homophobia. Transphobia. Can be cured with education.” Every item is designed to be cutesy, intended to make the message appealing to children, though nothing can make the cover of the book “The Hips on the Drag Queen Go Swish, Swish, Swish” cute or appropriate.  

Target is grooming children for the LGBTQ lobby. 

I know you don't want to see children ensnared in this harmful lifestyle, leading to puberty blockers, long-term health issues, and depression. 

Sign the petition: Join the thousands of people who have already signed the petition demanding Target remove their Pride collection and recall these items.

15,082 have signed. Let's get to 20,000!

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Recall Target Pride Collection

I am writing to express my concern about Target's recent release of an LGBTQ product line for kids, which includes transgender rhetoric. As a parent, I find it deeply troubling that Target is promoting this harmful lifestyle to children and families.

The items in Target's "Pride" collection, such as the t-shirt with the words "Queer Queer Queer Queer" and the book "The Hips on the Drag Queen go Swish, Swish, Swish," are not appropriate for children. Target's decision to peddle LGBTQ propaganda in books, clothing, and accessories attempts to manipulate and exploit children for the radical left's agenda, no matter the cost.

Rates of suicide are nearly twenty times greater among adults who use cross-sex hormones and undergo sex reassignment surgery, and the full effects on children have barely even been studied. Target's actions are grooming children for the LGBTQ lobby, and this is deeply concerning.

I urge you to cancel this LGBTQ product line for kids immediately. As a responsible corporate citizen, Target should not promote harmful lifestyles to children and families. I stand with the thousands of people who have already signed the petition demanding Target remove their Pride collection and recall these items.

Please take action now to protect our children from this harmful propaganda and grooming. Thank you for your attention to this matter.

(your name)

[Your Name]

Recall Target Pride Collection

I am writing to express my concern about Target's recent release of an LGBTQ product line for kids, which includes transgender rhetoric. As a parent, I find it deeply troubling that Target is promoting this harmful lifestyle to children and families.

The items in Target's "Pride" collection, such as the t-shirt with the words "Queer Queer Queer Queer" and the book "The Hips on the Drag Queen go Swish, Swish, Swish," are not appropriate for children. Target's decision to peddle LGBTQ propaganda in books, clothing, and accessories attempts to manipulate and exploit children for the radical left's agenda, no matter the cost.

Rates of suicide are nearly twenty times greater among adults who use cross-sex hormones and undergo sex reassignment surgery, and the full effects on children have barely even been studied. Target's actions are grooming children for the LGBTQ lobby, and this is deeply concerning.

I urge you to cancel this LGBTQ product line for kids immediately. As a responsible corporate citizen, Target should not promote harmful lifestyles to children and families. I stand with the thousands of people who have already signed the petition demanding Target remove their Pride collection and recall these items.

Please take action now to protect our children from this harmful propaganda and grooming. Thank you for your attention to this matter.

(your name)

[Your Name]