CDC adds deadly COVID vaccine to children's immunization schedule! Sign to protect Medical Freedom!

The COVID Vaccine is NOT safe. We must not allow children to fall victim!


CDC adds deadly COVID vaccine to children's immunization schedule! Sign to protect Medical Freedom!

CDC adds deadly COVID vaccine to children's immunization schedule! Sign to protect Medical Freedom!

10,776 have signed. Let's get to 20,000!

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced that they voted 15-0 in favor of adding the Covid-19 vaccine to the standard immunization schedule for children attending grade school through high school. 

This would require all children to get the experimental vaccine or be banished from their public schools, as is the case with the other vaccines on the immunization schedule in some states.

This forces families to make the hard choice of either vaccinating their children or taking their children out of school. Yet, many families may not have the resources required to educate their children at home. 

This is an attack on families and their ability to make their own health choices.

This is an attack on medical freedom.

No longer do we have a choice over what we put in our bodies. The government is forcing a needle into the arms of our children and holding their education hostage. 

Sign this petition to demand that our state Governors protect medical freedom! 

This Covid vaccine has not undergone extensive testing, and the long-term effects it has on the human body are not known. Traditionally, vaccine development takes years before one is ready to be released to the public, and those years are dedicated to ensuring the vaccine's efficacy and safety.

The CDC is now going to recommend that this vaccine be given to children across America. The risk from the vaccine is higher than the risk they ever faced from Covid-19. 

Covid-19 is an extremely low threat to children. They are at extremely low risk. Why then should we offer our children up as an offering to the vaccination cult? 

We need our Governors to protect medical freedom so that children can go to school without sacrificing their medical freedom. Sign to send this message to all U.S. governors. 

Our children are at risk. The long-term effects of the vaccine are unknown. 

No one, child or adult, should be forced to put an unknown substance into their bodies and have their education threatened if they do not comply.

We need our Governors to sign legislation that protects the right to remain unvaccinated!

Sign this petition to demand that Governors follow the example set by Ron Desantis and others! Sign to safeguard children from forced vaccination! 

10,776 have signed. Let's get to 20,000!

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Safeguard our Children's Medical Freedom!

Dear Governor, the CDC has recommended the Covid Vaccine be added to the immunization schedule for children. 

This vaccine has not been tested for long-term effects, nor have the proper tests been done to ensure its safety. 

There have already been numerous reported issues related to this vaccine, and it has led to deaths across the nation. 

Additionally, this vaccine would provide nothing to children as they are not at risk of death or any real health consequence as a result of Covid-19. 

Since the risks of this vaccine clearly outweigh the benefit, we must have legislation that allows children and families to make the choice, of whether or not they want to receive this vaccine. 

All we ask is for a choice. We ask that you safeguard your citizen's medical freedom, and protect the children of your state.

We ask you to make laws that guarantee the rights of children to go to school without this vaccine requirement, and the right to remain unvaccinated. 

This is not about politics or conspiracies, this is about medical freedom. 

Sincerely, We the People

[Your Name]

Safeguard our Children's Medical Freedom!

Dear Governor, the CDC has recommended the Covid Vaccine be added to the immunization schedule for children. 

This vaccine has not been tested for long-term effects, nor have the proper tests been done to ensure its safety. 

There have already been numerous reported issues related to this vaccine, and it has led to deaths across the nation. 

Additionally, this vaccine would provide nothing to children as they are not at risk of death or any real health consequence as a result of Covid-19. 

Since the risks of this vaccine clearly outweigh the benefit, we must have legislation that allows children and families to make the choice, of whether or not they want to receive this vaccine. 

All we ask is for a choice. We ask that you safeguard your citizen's medical freedom, and protect the children of your state.

We ask you to make laws that guarantee the rights of children to go to school without this vaccine requirement, and the right to remain unvaccinated. 

This is not about politics or conspiracies, this is about medical freedom. 

Sincerely, We the People

[Your Name]