Sign the petition to Commissioner Urpilainen
Cut EU International Development Aid
Cut EU International Development Aid
European Christians are tragically being forced to fund the surveillance, discrimination and persecution of Christians around the world.
In 2022, the EU gave the governments of the twelve countries where Christians are most persecuted €1.063 billion of EU taxpayer money. In addition, Turkey alone received almost €1 billion, despite the EU promising international partnerships “that uphold and promote European values and interests”.
The EU’s international aid programme has generously funded notoriously corrupt governments for over 15 years. Yet assaults, wrongful accusations and executions are increasingly directed towards Christians in a number of the EU's international aid target countries, according to recent reports such as Open Doors' World Watch List 2023 and Aid to the Church in Need's Persecuted and Forgotten? A Report on Christians oppressed for their Faith 2020-22.
Far from alleviating the crisis, more money arguably worsens the situation, by making undeserving and wasteful foreign governments complacent in expecting annual handouts from the EU.
Communist China has received €13.3 billion in EU ‘aid’ since 2007, including €14.1 million in 2022, despite actively persecuting Christians and implementing a total surveillance system to monitor and control its citizens permanently.
European citizens should not be funding these regimes.
EU aid should be made conditional on how recipient governments treat their Christian citizens, not irrespective of it. EU international development aid goes almost exclusively to governments rather than NGOs, despite such governments not only permitting but actively participating in the persecution of Christians.
Sign our petition asking Jutta Urpilainen, the European Commissioner for International Partnerships, to cut international development aid and make it conditional on how well recipient governments treat their Christian citizens.
According to the severity of the persecution of Christians in each country, and how much EU money corresponding governments received in 2022, the ranking is as follows:
Somalia (number 2, Open Doors' World Watch List 2023): €97.4 million.
Yemen (3): €106 million.
Eritrea (4): €1.08 million.
Libya (5): €39.3 million.
Nigeria (6): €83.5 million.
Pakistan (7): €85.1 million.
Iran (8): €16.4 million.
Afghanistan (9): €223 million.
Sudan (10): €131 million.
India (11): €14.8 million.
Syria (12): €266 million.
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