SHUT DOWN TEENVOGUE.COM: “A Parent’s Worst Nightmare”

Petition to: Roger Lynch


SHUT DOWN TEENVOGUE.COM: “A Parent’s Worst Nightmare”

SHUT DOWN TEENVOGUE.COM: “A Parent’s Worst Nightmare”

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Please, sign the petition NOW which will be directed to Conde Nast CEO Roger Lynch, other Conde Nast senior executives, and editors.

Enough Is Enough (EIE), a US-based organisation fighting to make the internet safer for children and families since 1994, is calling on Conde Nast to shut down its rogue digital publication  altogether for its long-term, reckless negligence evidenced in its sexually-exploitative articles encouraging its teen and tween audiences to engage in risky and often illegal sexual activity, including producing child pornography by sexting.

As reported in the Daily Caller, Teen Vogue took full advantage of the COVID 19 pandemic when it recently publicized its “sexting” articles on Snapchat’s Discover Feature featuring photos including: “Sexting should make you feel good,” and “How to Sext: The Best Tips and Tricks.”  In its “Dating and the Coronavirus” article which accompanied the photos, author Nona Willis Aronowitz stated, “There are all kinds of creative, fun ways to sext, if you're at that level.”

“Sexting,” or sending explicit or nude pictures or videos to others via mobile phones, computers, social media or any digital device, is an offence under the Protection of Children Act, when the person depicted in the images is under the age of 18 years old, even if the image is self-generated and shared consenually. 

In January, the Internet Watch Foundation reported that self-generated imagery now accounts for almost a third of web pages featuring sexual images of children that they take down, and more than a third of those images feature 11 to 13-year-old children, of which the majority is girls.

By encouraging its underage teen audience to engage in the risky behavior of sexting by taking and sharing nude images of themselves,, which boasts of 11.6M digital users and 13.4M social media followers, places youth at the following risks:  

  • Being prosecuted and convicted for the production and/or distribution of child pornography which can result in criminal charges, including the youth having to register as a sex offender for life.
  • Vulnerability to sex predators and sex traffickers who often disguise themselves as a peer and “friend” in an attempt to gain a youth’s trust and groom him/her into sexual activity both online and offline.
  • The sexual images of youth can be used by both pedophiles and youth as tools of sextortion, revenge porn, and other forms of sexual exploitation and shaming, leading to life-long trauma and even suicide.
  • Unwelcome sexts may be experienced as sexual harassment and have negative psychological consequences.

Ironically, Teen Vogue’s sexting articles were posted at the same time as the government issued a warning to parents that the  COVID-19 lockdown  presents a potential for increased risk of child exploitation as students are spending more unsupervised time at home on computers.

Yet, the threat posed upon children worldwide didn’t prevent Teen Vogue editors from posting a sexually-charged article just days later on “thirst traps” – selfie photos often provocative in nature designed to draw attention. In his article, “Everybody's Horny and Thirst Trapping Like There's No Tomorrow Because of the Coronavirus Pandemic” (April 3), Gabe Bercado declared, “those hots are going beyond sexting and enjoying porn: People are getting horny on main. Titties have been snapped. Nips have been slipped. Bulges, divulged. Twitter and Instagram have become minefields of thirst traps.”

Teen Vogue made feeble attempts to mitigate avoidance of child pornography charges by reminding its young audience rules for sexting, telling its young readers to “protect yourself always by keeping your face — the most identifiable part of your body — out of the picture” and, “make sure the person you try it with is someone you trust”. Despite this work-around approach to sharing sexting tips and advice, the suggestion to share self-generated, sexually explicit images has no place in a teen publication.

The once trusted fashion and beauty teen publication of Conde Nast, Teen Vogue is now a parent’s worst nightmare. Conde Nast executives must not ignore Teen Vogue’s rogue “anything and everything goes” sexually radical agenda which exploits the innocence and safety of youth, circumvents parental concerns and harms the Conde Nast brand.

Editors of have repeatedly ignored public pleas to stop posting explicit, sexualized content to its presumed “teen” demographic consisting of 13 – 19 year olds. Therefore, Enough Is Enough is calling on the Board of Directors of Conde Nast, the reputable publisher of other popular publications including Architectural Digest and House and Gardens, to shut down the digital publication altogether. Enough Is Enough! 

History of #SayNoToTeenVogue Campaign is no stranger to publishing predatory, graphic and sexually explicit articles aimed at its young audience.  EIE launched the national call to “Say No To Teen Vogue” in 2017 after the jaw-dropping digital publication release:  “Anal Sex: What You Need to Know/How to Do it the Right Way.” The article, which told its young readers, “This is anal 101, for teens, beginners, and all inquisitive folk,” neglected any mention of the health risks associated with anal sex, which carries the highest risk of transmitting HIVaccording to the CDC.

Since the campaign’s first petition which collected over 49,000 petition signatories sent to Teen Vogue editors and Conde Nast Board members, Teen Vogue ceased its print magazine and editor-in-chief, Elaine Welteroth, and chief content editor, Philip Picardi is no longer on staff. Prior to his departure, Picardi responded to EIE’s campaign in a boastful tweet showcasing a photo of himself kissing another man while giving the finger. His tweet was captioned: “In conclusion, here’s my only reply I’ll be giving to any of the messages.” Further, the New York Times reported a $120 million-dollar financial loss for its publisher.

Teen Vogue Continues to Promote A Hyper-Sexualized Agenda to Its Young Audience

The controversial publication has not backed from the public outrage and continues to publish graphic and outrageous articles to normalize potentially harmful activities for its minor readers including:

  • 2020: "Dating and the Coronavirus: Can You Still Kiss, Have Sex, and Go on Dates During Social Distancing?" 
  • 2019: "How to Sext Safely: When is it Safe to Send a Partner Nude Photos?"; “How To Have Queer Sex”; “How To Use Sex Magic To Manifest Your Best Self”; “How To Get An Abortion If You’re A Teen”; “Oral Sex 101: Tips and Tricks for 'Going Down' and Staying Safe”; “Having Sex When You're Fat: Tips on Positions, Props, and Preparations”; and “Why Sex Work Is Real Work” 
  • 2018: “Everything You Need to Know About Period Sex – All Your Questions Answered,” What To Do When Your Partner Doesn’t Want to Go Down on You”
  • 2017: "How to Sext: The Best Tips and Tricks"; “How To Masturbate if you have a Penis – There’s no Wrong Way to Self Love”; “How To Masturbate if you have a Vagina –Step by Step.”
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Petition to: Roger Lynch must be held accountable for encouraging its teen and tween audiences to sext, which is considered a crime under the 1978 Protection of Children Act.

The digital publication's reckless content, evidenced by its countless sexually-exploitative articles encouraging its “teen” demographic consisting of 13 – 19-year-olds to participate in dangerous, risky, and often illegal sexual activities, must be stopped immediately.  Editors of have repeatedly ignored public pleas to stop posting and to remove explicit, sexualized content such as the outrageous Anal Sex 101 Guide, “Anal Sex: What You Need to Know/How to Do it the Right Way.” 

Therefore, Enough Is Enough is calling on the Board of Directors of Conde Nast to shut down its rogue and irresponsible digital publication altogether. Enough Is Enough!

[Your Name]

Petition to: Roger Lynch must be held accountable for encouraging its teen and tween audiences to sext, which is considered a crime under the 1978 Protection of Children Act.

The digital publication's reckless content, evidenced by its countless sexually-exploitative articles encouraging its “teen” demographic consisting of 13 – 19-year-olds to participate in dangerous, risky, and often illegal sexual activities, must be stopped immediately.  Editors of have repeatedly ignored public pleas to stop posting and to remove explicit, sexualized content such as the outrageous Anal Sex 101 Guide, “Anal Sex: What You Need to Know/How to Do it the Right Way.” 

Therefore, Enough Is Enough is calling on the Board of Directors of Conde Nast to shut down its rogue and irresponsible digital publication altogether. Enough Is Enough!

[Your Name]