Enough Is Enough
Los planes de Facebook de crear un Instagram para niños menores de 13 años, para que puedan compartir fotos y contenidos, son peligrosos y temerarios. Enough Is Enough apoya a los 44 fiscales generales de Estados Unidos que pidieron al director ejecutivo de Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, que abandone estos planes.
Facebook’s plans for an Instagram app allowing kids under 13 to share photos and content is a dangerous and reckless idea. Enough Is Enough® (EIE) stands with the 44 US Attorneys General in asking Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg to abandon these plans.
Obscenity has NO LEGAL PROTECTION under the 1st Amendment. Pornographers are KNOWINGLY and BLATANTLY breaking U.S. laws EVERY MINUTE and GETTING AWAY WITH IT!
Parents Beware: "Cuties" is a Toxic Brew of Sexual Exploitation and Child Objectification that warrants an urgent call for the Department of Justice (DOJ) to investigate for child pornography violations and for Netflix to remove the film immediately. Sign now!
Please, sign the petition NOW which will be directed to Conde Nast CEO Roger Lynch, other Conde Nast senior executives, and TeenVogue.com editors.
Please, sign the petition NOW which will be directed to Conde Nast CEO Roger Lynch, other Conde Nast senior executives, and TeenVogue.com editors.
UPDATE: August 29, 2019 - Today's TeenVogue.com headline story reads: "Having Sex When You Fat: Tips on Positions, Props and Preparations." This article is an irresponsible and incomprehensible attempt to sexualize and
April 2, 2019, petition update
UPDATE Nov. 28, 2018:
Public Wi-Fi hotspots are attracting pedophiles and sex offenders to Starbucks - a comfortable place where we bring our children and teens and where illegal p*rnography is easily accessed, anonymously!
Potpišite peticiju i zaštite Disneyeve princeze i našu djecu. Prema istraživanju američke dječje bolnice Mott's o najvećim prijetnjama djeci danas:manjak sigurnosti na internetu pokazao se kao četvrta najveća prijetnja djeci. Pornografska industrija ne preže ni pred čim kako bi osigurala nove korisnike. Disneyevim brendom i crtanim likovima služe se kao marketinškim mamcem za internetske korisnike. Zašto? Jer im Disney to dopušta.
Internet registra más de 11 millones de páginas con contenido pornográfico utilizando los populares caracteres de Disney. Escribe a la compañía y pídeles que pongan freno a esta práctica.
Sign our petition to protect your Disney princesses and our children now. Internet safety is the 4th top ranked issue on the list of health concerns for U.S. children according to Mott's Children's Hospital.
This is a serious issue. Online pornographers will stop at nothing, and they are after our kids. Pornographers understand that the sexually exploitative pornography they produce and distribute is highly addictive. They are exploiting and capitalizing the Disney brand and characters.
Join me in asking Secretary Clinton to sign a Presidential Pledge that her commitment to protecting children from internet-enabled sexual exploitation.