'Barbie' belongs in a male jail

Barbie is a violent man


'Barbie' belongs in a male jail


'Barbie' belongs in a male jail

17,403 have signed.

21-year-old ‘Barbie Kardashian’ has been sentenced to five and a half years in prison after making threats to torture and rape his mother.

Barbie, who was born Alejandro Gentile, has 15 convictions for previous offences, including sexual assault, physical assault and threats to kill. He has been described by police officers as a serious danger to the public.

During his sentencing hearing, Ireland’s Gardia (police force) expressed concerns that the 21-year-old male, still has the ‘motivation to carry out the threats’ to his mother.

Despite all of these warnings, Kardashian has been sent to a women’s prison in Limerick to serve his sentence.

Kardashian presents a risk to both the female inmates he will be incarcerated with and the female members of the prison staff, with whom he will be in close physical contact.

While he was in care as a child, Kardashian displayed sexualised and violent behaviour towards staff, who stated that his attacks were premeditated and only directed towards women. In 2018 Kardashian attacked the female social who had been transporting him from the court, where he had appeared on a bench warrant for his arrest. He grabbed the woman from the backseat, ripping off her eyelids and tearing out clumps of her hair. Kardashian also expressed regret that he had not killed the woman, saying that it would have been ‘music to his ears to hear her scream and cry’.

An assessment at the Tavistock gender clinic in London in 2017 concluded that Kardashian’s account of suffering from gender dysphoria lacked authenticity. His answers appeared devoid of emotion and as though they were learned.

The majority of women in prisons are not there because of violent crime, and their safety should not be compromised on the altar of identity politics.

Barbie Kardashian is a man who poses a serious risk to women and should therefore be housed securely amongst other male prisoners. Sign to demand this dangerous man is immediately transferred to a man’s prison where he belongs.

More information:

Reduxx https://reduxx.info/ireland-extremely-violent-trans-identified-male-sentenced-to-womens-prison-after-threatening-to-rape-murder-mother/

The Post Millennial https://thepostmillennial.com/violent-trans-criminal-barbie-kardashian-sent-to-irish-womens-prison

Gript: https://archive.is/aRv2k

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Barbie Kardashian should be in a male prison

To Caron McCaffrey,

As you will no doubt be aware, the notoriously violent criminal ‘Barbie Kardashian’ is currently serving a five and half year sentence in the women’s section of  Limerick prison following his conviction for threats to rape, torture and kill his mother.

Kardashian has a long history of sexual and violent offences towards women and therefore poses a considerable risk to the female inmates and staff of the women’s section to whom you owe a duty of care.

His presence is likely to cause significant trauma to the vulnerable female prison population whose safety cannot be guaranteed.  Female prisoners are already disproportionately likely to have been victims of male sexual violence, and female staff are being subject to a form of sexual abuse if they are required to perform intimate searches on this man.

You must transfer Barbie Kardashian into the male wing or another men’s prison at the earliest opportunity before any woman is hurt or killed.

Yours sincerely,

[Your Name]

Barbie Kardashian should be in a male prison

To Caron McCaffrey,

As you will no doubt be aware, the notoriously violent criminal ‘Barbie Kardashian’ is currently serving a five and half year sentence in the women’s section of  Limerick prison following his conviction for threats to rape, torture and kill his mother.

Kardashian has a long history of sexual and violent offences towards women and therefore poses a considerable risk to the female inmates and staff of the women’s section to whom you owe a duty of care.

His presence is likely to cause significant trauma to the vulnerable female prison population whose safety cannot be guaranteed.  Female prisoners are already disproportionately likely to have been victims of male sexual violence, and female staff are being subject to a form of sexual abuse if they are required to perform intimate searches on this man.

You must transfer Barbie Kardashian into the male wing or another men’s prison at the earliest opportunity before any woman is hurt or killed.

Yours sincerely,

[Your Name]