Preaching the Bible is not a crime!

Petition to: Protect street preachers: Preaching the Bible is not a crime


Preaching the Bible is not a crime!

Preaching the Bible is not a crime!

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Update | 14 Dec 2022:

In a win for Christian freedoms, the government has said that it was "inappropriate" for the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) to argue that parts of the Bible are ‘no longer appropriate in modern society’ while trying to convict a Christian preacher of an alleged ‘hate crime.’

Referencing the case of Christian Legal Centre client John Dunn, Baroness Hoey asked the Government “what assessment they have made of the written statement by the Crown Prosecution that the Bible contains references 'which are simply no longer appropriate in modern society and which would be deemed offensive if stated in public’.”

In response to Baroness Hoey’s question, Lord Stewart of Dirleton (Con), who specialises in criminal law and is the Advocate General for Scotland, replied stating that: “The Wessex Area of the CPS has undertaken a post-case review and acknowledges that the statement was inappropriate.

Lord Stewart stated that “[t]he statement was not intended to and does not represent a change to published CPS Policy. It is not indicative of a general approach by the CPS to cases involving the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion, and the right to freedom of expression”. He also stated that “in future…in cases where there is scope for argument to arise as to rights such as that of freedom of expression, such arguments will be submitted to the Senior District Crown Prosecutor for signing off, prior to service.”

This recognition from the government that what happened was inappropriate represents good news for UK Christians, and such arguments must never be made by the CPS again.

Thank you for signing this petition. Your action helped achieve this victory.



The Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) has declared parts of the Bible are “offensive” and “no longer appropriate in modern society” in the case of street preacher John Dunn.  

The special forces veteran was sharing the good news of Jesus Christ in Swindon when two women walked past holding hands.  

After learning they were in a same-sex marriage, in line with biblical beliefs on human sexuality and out of genuine concern for the women, Mr Dunn said: “It says in the Bible that homosexuals will not inherit the kingdom of God”, which is a verse from 1 Corinthians 6. 

Mr Dunn insists his intention and motivation was to declare God’s truth out of love and compassion for the people passing by and listening. 

However, the CPS alleged Mr Dunn was guilty of 'hate speech' because he had “offended” and “upset” a member of the public. 

Contradicting claims the CPS made to the media about being impartial, where they said “it is not the function of the CPS to decide whether a person is guilty of a criminal offence", lawyers representing the CPS argued that prosecuting Mr Dunn was “necessary” and “proportionate”. 

Despite their best efforts, the case against Mr Dunn was thrown out after the two women “refused to engage with the case”.  

Mr Dunn was supported through his ordeal by the Christian Legal Centre. 

As the CPS is responsible for prosecuting criminal cases investigated by the police and other investigative authorities, in England and Wales, their comments in this case are deeply concerning

It is extraordinary that the prosecution, speaking on behalf of the state, could say that the Bible contains abusive words which, when spoken in public, constitute a criminal offence

‘Offence’ is an entirely subjective concept and is easily manipulated to shut down viewpoints that people simply don’t like.  

Any suggestion that there is a right not to be offended must be strongly resisted. In today’s democracy, we need the freedom to debate, challenge and disagree. 

Please sign this petition, urging, the Director of Public Prosecutions, Max Hill KC, and Justice Secretary Dominic Raab to issue guidance to police and prosecutors that upholds free speech and affirms the rights of Christians to preach from the Bible. 

Sign this petition now to help ensure street preachers don’t have to go through a similar ordeal to Mr Dunn.


This petition is written by Christian Concern (CGPE221130).

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Petition to: Protect street preachers: Preaching the Bible is not a crime

Dear Max Hill KC and The Rt Hon Dominic Raab MP,  


We’re alarmed that lawyers acting on behalf of the Crown Prosecution Service have, in the case of John Dunn, stated that the Bible contains “abusive” words which, when spoken in public, constitute a criminal offence.


The Bible and its teachings are the foundation of our society and has provided many of the freedoms and protections that we still enjoy today.


Yet numerous street preachers have found themselves prosecuted for speaking from the Bible in public, only to eventually be found not guilty or for charges to be dropped at the last moment.


Please issue guidance to police and prosecutors that upholds free speech and affirms the rights of Christians to preach from the Bible. 

[Your Name]

Petition to: Protect street preachers: Preaching the Bible is not a crime

Dear Max Hill KC and The Rt Hon Dominic Raab MP,  


We’re alarmed that lawyers acting on behalf of the Crown Prosecution Service have, in the case of John Dunn, stated that the Bible contains “abusive” words which, when spoken in public, constitute a criminal offence.


The Bible and its teachings are the foundation of our society and has provided many of the freedoms and protections that we still enjoy today.


Yet numerous street preachers have found themselves prosecuted for speaking from the Bible in public, only to eventually be found not guilty or for charges to be dropped at the last moment.


Please issue guidance to police and prosecutors that upholds free speech and affirms the rights of Christians to preach from the Bible. 

[Your Name]