Stop Silence on Illegal Abortions

Petition to: Stephen Parkinson, The Director of Public Prosecutions of England and Wales


Stop Silence on Illegal Abortions

Stop Silence on Illegal Abortions

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The Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG) has issued guidance to its members stating that they should not report illegal late-term abortions to the police, even when the baby’s safety is at risk.

“Do not call the police”, the RCOG guidance states, “if the woman divulges, or you are suspicious, that she may have sought to end her own pregnancy unless she has given explicit consent to do so…

“In considering whether there is a valid justification for breaching confidentiality to protect the safety of others, the ‘safety of the fetus’ is not a valid reason because in law the fetus does not have personhood status.”

Following the introduction of DIY at-home abortion in 2020 during lockdown, some women have been arrested for obtaining and using abortion pills illegally, including Carla Foster, who was jailed and then released following an appeal. Carla Foster used abortion drugs past the legal limit to abort her daughter Lily between 32-34 weeks (that is, 8 months) pregnant.

With this new guidance, the RCOG has exposed itself as an organisation that has contempt for life and the law, as well as women’s health. In wedding itself to abortion ideology, the RCOG betrays the women it purports to serve.

As well as dismissing women potentially coerced into abortions at a late stage of pregnancy, the RCOG has also utterly disregarded unborn children, explicitly stating that the safety of a child in the womb ‘is not a valid reason’ to contact the police – and according to the RCOG, an unborn baby at nine months is not a person at all.

Reporting illegal activities is not about judgment but rather about upholding the standards and regulations that govern medical practice. By discouraging healthcare workers from reporting violations, the RCOG risks compromising the integrity of the medical profession and weakening the mechanisms in place to ensure the highest standards of patient care.


More information:
- Do NOT report illegal late-term abortions, RCOG tells health workers, even when baby’s life is at risk [SPUC]:

- Infamous Marie Stopes director authored Royal College advice not to report illegal abortions [SPUC]:

- Royal College to threaten medics with sanctions for reporting illegal abortions [Christian Institute]:

- Medics are told NOT to report women suspected of having had an illegal abortion to police [Mail]:

- RCOG issues guidance for healthcare professionals on involving the police following abortion and pregnancy loss [Royal College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists]:

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Petition to: Stephen Parkinson, The Director of Public Prosecutions of England and Wales

We, the undersigned, call on the Director of Public Prosecutions to hold the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists to account for encouraging its members and relevant health professionals to ignore suspected breaches in the law with regard to illegal, late-term abortion. It is shocking that an organisation representing doctors who help bring babies into the world are being told that they have no personhood and not to consider their safety. They also betray women by encouraging dangerous, unregulated abortion.

The RCOG is a public body, which should not advise individuals to be complicit in lawbreaking. Reporting illegal activities is not about judgment but rather about upholding the standards and regulations that govern medical practice. By discouraging healthcare workers from reporting violations, the RCOG risks compromising the integrity of the medical profession and weakening the mechanisms in place to ensure the highest standards of patient care.

[Your Name]

Petition to: Stephen Parkinson, The Director of Public Prosecutions of England and Wales

We, the undersigned, call on the Director of Public Prosecutions to hold the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists to account for encouraging its members and relevant health professionals to ignore suspected breaches in the law with regard to illegal, late-term abortion. It is shocking that an organisation representing doctors who help bring babies into the world are being told that they have no personhood and not to consider their safety. They also betray women by encouraging dangerous, unregulated abortion.

The RCOG is a public body, which should not advise individuals to be complicit in lawbreaking. Reporting illegal activities is not about judgment but rather about upholding the standards and regulations that govern medical practice. By discouraging healthcare workers from reporting violations, the RCOG risks compromising the integrity of the medical profession and weakening the mechanisms in place to ensure the highest standards of patient care.

[Your Name]