"Trans" Identifying Man Breaks Women's Lifting World Record

"Trans" Identifying Man Breaks Women's Lifting World Record


"Trans" Identifying Man Breaks Women's Lifting World Record

"Trans" Identifying Man Breaks Women's Lifting World Record

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A situation that threatens the very essence of women's sports has arisen in Canada's powerlifting realm.

On August 13, "Anne" Andres, a biological male, broke the national powerlifting women's classic record with a combined score of 597.5 kilograms across bench press, deadlift, and squat performances.

Many female competitors withdrew from the event because of the physical advantage Andres possesses as a biological male.

These women complained about his participation, but the Canadian Powerlifting Union (CPU) ignored them.

Andres' presence in women's powerlifting is not only setting unattainable records for biological women but also mocking their efforts, questioning "why women's bench is so bad." 

Riley Gaines, a former competitive swimmer, provides the answer to Andres' sexist question succinctly: 

"Being a woman or a female athlete doesn't mean we're inferior... but we're different to men. That's exactly why the women's sporting category was ever even created."

We have a choice: support women's sports and maintain a fair playing field, or allow biological males like Andres to destroy the accomplishments of female athletes.

Demand Shane Martin, CPU's President, and Gabe Festing, CPU's Vice-President, ban biological males, including Andres, from competing unfairly against women. 

They need to know that we are serious about preserving the integrity of women's sports and recognizing the physical and athletic feats that women achieve. 

Sign today demanding the level playing field female athletes deserve.


LifeSiteNews: Female powerlifters push back after gender-confused man sets Canadian women’s record

LifeSiteNews: Riley Gaines calls out Trudeau’s ‘radical disdain for women’ after trans powerlifter sets record

True North News: Canadian trans powerlifter breaks unofficial women’s world record

ABC 3340: Trans powerlifter faces backlash for setting Canadian women's record: 'Bodies play sports, not identities'

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Ban Biological Males From Women's Competitions

Dear Shane Martin and Gabe Festing,

I urgently demand that the Canadian Powerlifting Union (CPU) removes "Anne" Andres, and all biological males, from competing in women-only competitions.

Stop disrespecting the hard-work female athletes have put into accomplishing the previous records by allowing biological males to compete directly against them.

This has resulted in female competitors dropping out of competitions, especially when they know biological males, like Andres, will compete against them.

Furthermore, Andres is actively mocking women's physical strength on social media. This attitude is sexist and disrespects the efforts of female athletes.

I am calling on you to remove "Anne" Andres and all biological males from competing in women-only competitions. Preserve women's sports for actual, biological women. Only then will female athletes have the equal playing field they deserve.


[Your Name]

Ban Biological Males From Women's Competitions

Dear Shane Martin and Gabe Festing,

I urgently demand that the Canadian Powerlifting Union (CPU) removes "Anne" Andres, and all biological males, from competing in women-only competitions.

Stop disrespecting the hard-work female athletes have put into accomplishing the previous records by allowing biological males to compete directly against them.

This has resulted in female competitors dropping out of competitions, especially when they know biological males, like Andres, will compete against them.

Furthermore, Andres is actively mocking women's physical strength on social media. This attitude is sexist and disrespects the efforts of female athletes.

I am calling on you to remove "Anne" Andres and all biological males from competing in women-only competitions. Preserve women's sports for actual, biological women. Only then will female athletes have the equal playing field they deserve.


[Your Name]