Petition to: All Federal Party Leaders
Revoke Trudeau's Emergency Powers
Revoke Trudeau's Emergency Powers
Justin Trudeau has invoked the Emergencies Act for the first time in Canadian history. When it was known as the War Measures Act, it was used in times of war and during terrorist attacks. Now, Trudeau is using it to snuff out a peaceful protest in our nation’s capital.
The Emergencies Act severely restricts civil liberties. It gives the government control over protests: you cannot participate or travel to public assemblies the government deems unlawful, nor can you host such a protest on your own private property.
It also orders banks, credit unions and other financial institutions to cease dealing with anyone involved in funding these protests.
The Emergencies Act is meant to be invoked to deal with events that “seriously threatens the ability of the Government of Canada to preserve the sovereignty, security and territorial integrity of Canada’ and when the situation ‘cannot be effectively dealt with under any other law of Canada’”. Justin Trudeau has not met this threshold. The protestors are peaceful, and more disruptive protests have been ended without invoking the Emergencies Act.
By invoking the Emergencies Act, Trudeau is not only using the Freedom Convoy (a peaceful protest which has been open to negotiating with police and with the government) to momentarily seize an unnecessary amount of emergency power, but he is also creating a terrifying precedent where it can be invoked again in the future to combat peaceful protests. People who even give small amounts of money to grassroots protests are now less safe because of Trudeau’s tyrannical decision.
The Premiers of Quebec, Alberta, and Saskatchewan have condemned Trudeau’s decision to invoke the Emergencies Act. Also, two civil rights groups, the Canadian Civil Liberties Association and the Canadian Constitutional Foundation, have spoken out against it and are bringing the Liberal government to court over it.
On Monday, the House of Commons will be voting on whether to take away Trudeau’s emergency powers. Already, a day of debating time has been lost because of Parliament being shut down on Friday.
Sign this petition to tell federal party leaders that you want all federal politicians to vote to revoke Trudeau’s emergency powers. Trudeau is abusing the Emergencies Act for his own benefit and if we don’t apply pressure now, the right to peaceful protest will be forever endangered in Canada.
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