Jailed Pro-Lifer, Mary Wagner, asks for help. Write to the Judge!

Reply to Mary Wagner's Appeal for Help


Jailed Pro-Lifer, Mary Wagner, asks for help. Write to the Judge!


Jailed Pro-Lifer, Mary Wagner, asks for help. Write to the Judge!

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Mary Wagner, the Canadian pro-lifer who was jailed for entering a Toronto abortion facility, seeking to change the hearts of abortion-minded women - with roses and information - has issued a request for support before her sentencing hearing begins on 12 September.

The Crown has given her leave to seek character witnesses. And, in this instance, as Wagner told LifeSiteNews: "I intend to seek some reference letters, not just for my own character but in support of the unborn. Open it up to the larger community, to the greater community, to speak to the fact that it’s not just one person in court, one person, so to speak, breaking the law, but many people who support justice for the unborn."

Therefore, this petition is really a letter-of-support for Mary, and for the unborn. These "character witnesses" will be forwarded to Justice Libman - the presiding judge - before her sentencing hearing on 12th September.

Perhaps our contribution may lead to a lesser sentence for Mary...she is facing up to 18 months in prison.

Jane Wagner, Mary's mother, has also reached out to the pro-life community, asking for people to help Mary. Mrs Wagner [Jane] wrote: "At a preliminary hearing on 15 August, the judge asked Mary to submit letters from her friends expressing opinions about her [Mary] and the belief in the injustice to the unborn which inspires her to action."

She [Mary's mother, Jane] continues her plea for help by saying: "This is an exceptional circumstance to present to the Court the reality of the crime of abortion. Anyone who knows and loves Mary, please write a short letter to the judge, as soon as possible, so that it arrives before 12 September. I would also like you to share this news with anyone you think could influence the judge with their thoughts."

On 15th August, just passed, a Toronto court found Mary guilty. She had dared to try to save unborn babies from the hands of the abortion industry in Canada. At the same time, the judge announced that Wagner would be sentenced on 12 September. But, he also stated that he wanted to read letters from her friends, and their opinions.

Thus, right now, we all have a great opportunity to support Mary, to ask for her freedom, and to be a witness for the unborn.

Some of us have met Mary personally, creating an indelible memory of an extraordinary woman who wants to save every child conceived. So, let's not let her down!

This initiative has already been taken up by many people around the world, by many pro-life organisations, many other media groups and NGOs. More help and commitment is now needed!

Please sign this petition/letter-of-support, and, if possible, add an additional message for Mary. These letters will be forwarded to the judge, on the day of the hearing, by Mary Wagner. Please sign the petition until 11th September, 12.00 midday. Thank you!



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We oppose the detention and harassment of Pro-Lifer, Mary Wagner

For the Attention of:

  • Justice Libman
  • (and cc'ed to) Crown Counsel, Mr Craig Power

Your Honor,

I appeal to the Court for the acquittal of Miss Mary Wagner on the allegation of obstruction of abortion facilities in which children are being killed. The right to life is the most fundamental of all rights. And, as such, Mary Wagner is firmly on the side of the lives of children and their families.

Therefore, I strongly protest against the harassment and detention suffered by Wagner at the hands of the Canadian judicial system. I kindly ask that Mary be exonerated.

[Your Name]

We oppose the detention and harassment of Pro-Lifer, Mary Wagner

For the Attention of:

  • Justice Libman
  • (and cc'ed to) Crown Counsel, Mr Craig Power

Your Honor,

I appeal to the Court for the acquittal of Miss Mary Wagner on the allegation of obstruction of abortion facilities in which children are being killed. The right to life is the most fundamental of all rights. And, as such, Mary Wagner is firmly on the side of the lives of children and their families.

Therefore, I strongly protest against the harassment and detention suffered by Wagner at the hands of the Canadian judicial system. I kindly ask that Mary be exonerated.

[Your Name]